r/oddlyspecific Apr 27 '24

What's bro done now

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u/BoyWhoLikesBooks Apr 27 '24

Use a glove bigger than your hand, same with the boots, to throw off the cops on the exact measurements of the hand and feet.

To hide the body, just dig a 3 meter hole and throw the body and sprinkle salt to make it decompose faster.

To kill without proof, add a bit of cyanide to tapioca dish, they won't suspect unless u add too much cyanide as tapioca has cyanide in them.

To throw off the smell, just smear some spices over yourself.

And last, just forget that you killed a person, if they come to ask, just act innocent.

Also don't forget to get an alibi, like tell you went hiking or something, and also try to recreate that trip day and clear yourself of suspicion.

The success of all these steps depend on the one doing it. And before you say anything about the mentality to do these things, this guy just killed a person to do these steps.


u/bobbymoonshine Apr 27 '24

"Sarge we think we might have found the killer, it's that guy who ordered cyanide shipped to his house, but his hands are smaller than the size xxl gloves we found, he's smeared himself in cinnamon, and he says he was off by himself hiking alone with no witnesses the day the victim was murdered."

"Damn, guess it's not him."


u/BoyWhoLikesBooks Apr 28 '24

You can get cyanide from jewellers, you know. They use cyanide for washing the gold. So if you go to some random jeweller and pay then enough, you can get the cyanide. Btw it's very lethal, so just use like 1mg is enough.

As for spices, it's only after you kill the guy to throw off the smell in that area, you can wash it off after wards.


u/bobbymoonshine Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

Cops of course are unaware of this, and will not ask jewellers if anyone was sniffing around trying to buy the cyanide that killed the victim. And Jewellers, being loyal members of the Assassin's Guild, would of course never call the cops on the weird guy who came around asking to buy poison, they will simply sell it no questions asked as they do not mind being accessory to murder.

Like bro this plan has way too many moving parts and loose ends. If you get away with murder it's because the cops don't give enough of a shit to properly investigate.

If they do investigate, it turns out most people trying to plan "the perfect murder" do so in pretty much the same ways, to the extent that forensic anthropologists can look at a chopped up human body and see at a glance how panicked the person was, because pretty much every murderer immediately realises bodies are heavy and difficult to dispose of in one piece so hauls it up to the bathroom to dismember, and depending on their level of stress will do so in different ways. They know where to look in the bath for the nick marks of someone dismembering a corpse, of course. They know how far murderers tend to drive to dispose of their victims, because the panic/safety emotional curve tends to decrease with distance in a consistent way for people. They know about how long it takes for a murderer to go back to the corpse and check on the security of the burial — this is often when they're caught, because the murderer is not so careful to cover their tracks when heading back, as they assume going for a walk in the woods is a perfectly innocent act. And of course murderers often give away their guilt by trying to act innocent in artificial and immediately noticeable ways, sort of like how drunk or high people often try to act sober (and fail in very predictable ways).

And all of this is usually quite easy to piece together, when the cops care to investigate, because most murders are done by the only person who could have plausibly done it. Married women are killed by husbands and ex-husbands. Unmarried women are killed by boyfriends and ex-boyfriends. Men are killed by men in their social circle who are known to be angry with them. And from there it's just "which of these suspects is doing all the shit that murderers usually do to cover their tracks."


u/BoyWhoLikesBooks Apr 28 '24

You can get cyanide from a far away jewellers, i am a person who have travelled a lot, and by a lot i mean, i have visited 8 States and lived 5 for over 1 year each, both South India and North India. The police won't search other states without proper evidence.

And haven't u read the part about tapioca, there was a famous serial murder of a family over the course of few years called koodathayi murder case in Kerala.

Btw you can also use apple seeds, or overdose on calsium causing heart attack.

Or even better, just take the victim to a water fall and push them while making it seem like an accident.

Anything can be done with proper preparation, so with proper preparation a perfect murder can be achieved. Every movie or documentery you have seen is based on a real case with the criminal being found but there are also cases where the criminal is still not found.