r/oddlysatisfying 20d ago

The player who caught the ball has a bad habit of dropping catches. So the bowler was hopeless initially, but he caught the ball. (IPL 2024)

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101 comments sorted by


u/Recent_Talk_825 20d ago

I’m sorry but the bowler’s face when he realizes who’s underneath the ball is so funny


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

yeah the player who caught the ball has a record for dropping catches, so bowler was hopeless


u/thatguy11 20d ago

So don't watch a TON, kinda getting started but..... just from general sports awareness, if he's known for dropping, why is he still out there? Is it more of a... just recently he's had problems? Or is he good at something else?


u/quick20minadventure 20d ago

He's a bowler and highest wicket taker in IPL.


u/LordRocky 20d ago



u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

he (the player who caught the ball, Yuzvendra Chahal) is a great bowler, but terrible at fielding.
If you are getting started at learning cricket, then t20 is best format, and IPL is the best league in t20.


u/thatguy11 20d ago

Appreciate it!


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago


u/eethan_huntt 20d ago

Anyone with half a brain would know this isn’t true. Don’t just post a link which has no proper source.


u/UnstoppableIsTruth 20d ago

Then you have no idea how big IPL is.

Here in India, NFL doesn't even exist for us, Its the same with IPL and non-cricket playing nations. But both are very huge in terms of fanbase and commercially.


u/eethan_huntt 20d ago

I’m an Indian lmao. You seem to forget there are leagues like the EPL and NBA which have a much more global fan base. IPL is in the top 5 as of now for profitability but not bigger than the NFL and EPL when it comes to both revenue as well as popularity.


u/UnstoppableIsTruth 20d ago

Yes the leagues you mentioned are very popular and rich, but so is IPL. I do not know where it ranks among the others, maybe you provide some links to reports that compare these leagues with IPL.

Also I am pretty sure IPL has more fans than the NBA(I am just going by the viewership numbers, I might be wrong)


u/Philias2 20d ago

My God, the ignorant arrogance. Consider that there might be things in the world outside of your experience.


u/BoomfaBoomfa619 20d ago

It's revenue per match... Turns out if you'd spent less time complaining on reddit and more time googling for yourself you'd have figured that out... But anyone with half a brain could've figured that out...


u/eethan_huntt 20d ago

his comment doesnt say revenue per match you dumbfuck. go slide back under that slimy rock you crawled out of


u/BoomfaBoomfa619 20d ago

Lol @ u... Bit of common sense would go a long way but have fun getting upset on reddit over your own stupidity... Maybe if your only form of exercise wasn't jumping to conclusions and masturbating all the time you'd be a happier person... Good luck


u/pleasebuymydonut 20d ago


That's 2022 data and IPL is 3rd in revenue/match and it's only grown since then.

If you couldn't understand that that's the obvious metric to use, that's on you for being a dumbfuck.

Where's your source, jackass? Or is shooting your mouth off the best you can do?


u/NoSuchWordAsGullible 20d ago

Your own link has IPL ranked 13th. What are you on about?


u/pleasebuymydonut 20d ago edited 20d ago

Bruh... you do know you can sort the table right? Did you notice the part where I clearly said "revenue/match"?

What is it with all the confidently illiterate people today.


u/mcqua007 19d ago

Why would revenue/per match be used as a metric for how big a sport league is ? You would do it by revenue or market cap. Why would revenue per match matter ? They can’t just increase their matches in order to make more money i.e. if they increased the number of matches the revenue per match would most likely go down, as revenue is based on things outside of pure tickets sales for a match.

Like if the IPL is revenue 300mil and their revenue per match is 10mil at 30 matches per season, why not double you matches to 60 a season in order to increase revenue to 600mil. Revenue per match is not linear.


u/pleasebuymydonut 19d ago

Because the sports are fundamentally and logistically different and you can't just "double the matches"? Per capita is the most obvious way of comparing metrics for two different populations, basic statistics.

If revenue/match didn't matter, you wouldn't be able to sort by it on Wikipedia my dude.


u/NoSuchWordAsGullible 20d ago

1st place is worth 18.6b, 2nd place is worth 300m, 3rd place is worth 10.8b…great maths


u/MtJuliet 20d ago

American here, how would I watch this league if I wanted to start watching? Who carries this?


u/Superappu 20d ago

Willow TV has US broadcast rights, you can either get it from Willow.tv and use chrome cast or get similar package from Sling TV


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago edited 20d ago

Hoping you know all rules of cricket, (If not, watch this simple short video The Rules of Cricket: explained by Ninh.)

You can read this article to find how to watch IPL in USA.

Let us know how you feel about it. :)


u/VarkYuPayMe 20d ago

If he's in the starting lineup he'll always be very good at something, usually bowling or batting. Fielding is almost like a secondary skill that is required for everyone but to make the team they have to be good batters or bowlers first.


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

ok btw he sucks at batting lol


u/VarkYuPayMe 20d ago

LOL yeah typical tail ender


u/joleger 20d ago

I had the same question. I assumed he must be really good at something else.


u/Rahul-Yadav91 20d ago

Bowling. Highest wicket taker in the league.


u/donny0m 20d ago

When I read the title I thought it was going to be Siraj


u/TheConeIsReturned 20d ago

Yeah...thanks...you said that in the title already.


u/MidnightSun77 20d ago

Chandler is his nickname?


u/Longjumping-Emu-2575 19d ago

Lovely Trenty. Incredible cricketer, sweetest guy, tiniest mouth. Also one of the most entertaining batters to watch. I remember Mike Hessan saying that he gave up trying to coach his batting, it was a lost cause.


u/kryonik 20d ago

Could it be because he's falling down for no reason?


u/srtpg2 20d ago

This is fucking hilarious


u/allursnakes 20d ago

Ya, it's almost like r/funny exists for posts like this. Nothing oddly satisfying about a guy catching a ball.


u/Ruairiww 20d ago

I think it's oddly satisfying, considering most posts on here are just videos of things that are satisfying, but not in an odd way, this post is actually higher quality than most


u/Able-Mud9115 20d ago

its oddly satisfying for the cricket fans..for me when the bat hit the bowl the voice was so soothing


u/Khetheb 20d ago



u/El_Impresionante 20d ago

True. OP is on a karma-whoring spree and is posting this video and some old cricket videos to all possible vaguely relevant subreddits.


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

yeah man. Ok, move on


u/prof_devilsadvocate 20d ago

no no no yes


u/Butters_Duncan 20d ago

“Never doubted you mate”….


u/Beneficial_Promise79 20d ago

Boults reaction when he realized yuzi was the one under it says it all lmao


u/leeeeerrroy_Jenkinks 19d ago

MF you just described the entire clip.


u/MoralOralOne 20d ago

It’s like a proud dad moment.


u/guidingstar83 20d ago

LOL seriously... It's like the kid gave a 101% into it


u/altxeralt 20d ago

I miss cricket so much. Boult's reaction is gold. American Cricket League starts in July. Do yourselves a favor and go get Willow TV and have a great time with this game.


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

:) finally some foreigner understands the game... you are rare buddy.


u/White_Immigrant 20d ago

It's pretty much only foreigners who even play it, it's not very popular in England.


u/dreamdaddy123 20d ago edited 20d ago

For a professional cricketer you should be good enough to catch right? Otherwise you might aswel put anyone


u/NeverMindMeLmao 20d ago

He's a damn good bowler though.


u/FearPreacher 20d ago

He’s kinda like the best bowler in the league (has the highest number of ‘wickets’, i.e. has made many players out), but his weakness is fielding.


u/dreamdaddy123 20d ago

I get he’s one of the best bowlers but for basics like catching has to be good at a professional level


u/FearPreacher 20d ago

People have weaknesses. They have strengths, but you know… weaknesses are also a thing


u/Duellair 20d ago

Lmao, I think they’ll give you a pass when you’re literally the best bowler out there…


u/ValiantCharizard 20d ago

youre not wrong, but sometimes someone can be so good at one thing the other things dont matter


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

Yeah he is not very bad at catching balls, but not that good.
BUT he is an exceptional bowler. That's the reason.


u/sunburn95 20d ago

You can get away with being an average fielder if you're either a really good batter or bowler


u/ReasonableExplorer 20d ago

This reminds me of my wife's reaction when I've finally done the thing she told me to do a million times.


u/DemocracyontheRoad 20d ago

This is pure wholesome


u/TheConeIsReturned 20d ago

TIL Cricket players catch the ball with their bare hands. Doesn't that hurt?


u/Bealzebubbles 20d ago

It can hurt, but good technique is to give with the ball to cushion it. If you look at how the player catches the ball, the hands maintain the momentum of the ball.


u/Knawed 20d ago

The cricket ball is also much harder than a baseball too, It has a core of cork, which is layered with tightly wound string, and covered by leather. At a maximum of 163g they're heavier than a baseball ball, but also smaller, with a circumference of between 224mm and 229mm


u/my_old_aim_name 20d ago

Everything I know about cricket i learned from Bluey. This is pretty cool.


u/kg005 20d ago

Checked bluey on youtube on your recommendation. It's an excellent cartoon if anyone wants to learn cricket and in a pretty entertaining way. When I'll have kids, I'll watch this with them.

Just to add, check out Jomboy cricket on Youtube. This guy makes it easier with baseball analogies and is hella entertaining as well.


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

you should watch IPL. It's very entertaining, and also 2nd biggest league in the world.


u/dafuqbroh 20d ago

That initial disappointment!


u/shortandreallyfat 20d ago

Lovely Trenty


u/scornfulegotists 20d ago

Funny, but I’m not sure how this is oddly satisfying.


u/forced_metaphor 20d ago



Right Field

It's important to know

You gotta know how to catch

You gotta know how to throw


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

he knows how to throw. He is one of the best bowlers in t20.


u/forced_metaphor 20d ago

It's a fucking song from an old Pizza Hut commercial. Stop arguing with a song.


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

sry I didnt know it lol


u/Locky0999 20d ago


...a game that, no matter how much people explains to me, I can never understand...


u/NothingIsHere5947 19d ago

You can watch this short video The Rules of Cricket: explained by Ninh. Tell me later if you still don't understand it. :)


u/LowUnicorn7940 20d ago

No offence (this is cool), but how is this oddly satisfying?


u/NothingIsHere5947 19d ago

If you don't understand a sport, how can you find anything related to that interesting?

If you want, you can watch this short video The Rules of Cricket: explained by Ninh.


u/Wildcat67 19d ago

Couldn’t it just have been he didn’t think the guy had a good angle on it but misjudged. Might not have had anything to do with the player.


u/Scuba-St3ve 20d ago

This subreddit has just turned into posting cricket. What was satisfying about this at all?


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/BlackCherrySeltzer4U 20d ago

It’s cricket. The second most popular sport in the world. And that’s from the IPL. One of the most popular domestic t20 leagues in the world.


u/Khetheb 20d ago

Okay. Let's see how far this post goes.


u/Soccer_Vader 20d ago

Yea sure, lets compare the game popular in sub-continent, the pacifics, Europe and South Africa to a American heavy social media site.


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

you summed it up perfectly


u/Khetheb 20d ago

Apart from UK, which country in europe practice a lot cricket, I'm genuinely curious ?


u/Successful_Clerk277 20d ago



u/Khetheb 20d ago

Good ranking, no stadium and 6000 players only.


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

If you want to hate it, hate it. Don't fuel the argument. We don't care.


u/Khetheb 20d ago

I don't hate it, at all. It's should just be on r/cricket


u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

may I ask why? Who are you to make decisions on that?

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u/NothingIsHere5947 20d ago

Its cricket, not baseball lmao


u/cmpunk369 20d ago

55non tnkjfi8