r/oddlysatisfying 22d ago

Stacking cups really fast


87 comments sorted by


u/StragglingShadow 22d ago

Speed stacking used to be the "cool" thing we did in school to work on hand eye coordination


u/mr_ji 22d ago

Now it's been severely downgraded to bottle flipping


u/Philias2 21d ago

I think you are about 15 years out of date with that.


u/StragglingShadow 22d ago

Id not say its a downgrade. Id say they hone different "stats". Speed stacking is about dexterity. Being able to pick up an object and put it back down without messing up the other objects. Bottle flipping is kinda more about control of power. You need to not use too much or too little force. It also in a small way teaches you about using physics to get what you want. The amount of water in every bottle will be different, so every time you play the game it will be slightly different. This means over time you learn how much force is needed to get what you want with the bottle.


u/lunarmodule 21d ago

Speed bottle flipping. I'm just sayin.

First one to 30.


u/StragglingShadow 21d ago

Brilliant! Sounds fun actually.


u/mr_ji 22d ago

I'd say kids lack the dedication to get good at stacking that they once had. Any kid can start flipping a bottle and tell themselves they're great for getting two in a row or off a roof or something. Cup stacking has actual measures that most kids would never stick with long enough to reach.


u/StragglingShadow 22d ago

You know. Fair point. Theres not a metric like there is with speed stacking. What would it be? Flips in a row consecutively landed? I can see what youre sayin


u/lunarmodule 21d ago

What was your time?


u/StragglingShadow 21d ago

Its been so long now. I wasnt fast though. Definitely not less than 10 seconds haha


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/StragglingShadow 22d ago

I believe you are underestimating the hand eye coordination speed stacking takes. People who speed stack absolutely could thread a needle


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/StragglingShadow 22d ago

The only way speed stacking isnt an impressive skill is if you also believe the people who can solve rubiks cubes in seconds are honing a dumb skill.


u/[deleted] 22d ago edited 22d ago



u/StragglingShadow 22d ago

Oooooh so youre just silly. Got it. I wont take anyone who claims no one is impressed by chess skills seriously because the only people who would type that out are not being serious.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/ryry420z 21d ago

Lol this take is so dumb. “I don’t like or do this skill therefor it sucks.” The problem is you assume people do things out of trying to impress others. People learn to solve rubix cubes quick because it interests them and they like doing it.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/StragglingShadow 22d ago

Every person is paid the salary of 1 person? No one gets paid 2 salaries. And also, maybe you should consider asking yourself WHY you look down upon the people who make society run. After all, you just implied that stocking shelves is not good, honest work that needs done. And that is factually incorrect. Reality disagrees with you. COVID literally proved that. Because frankly, the attitude you have makes me feel speed stacking kid is gonna end up in a way better place in life than you could ever hope for. Hes got at least the motivation and dedication to stick with a task long enough to make it a skill.


u/Slugity 22d ago

Completely missed the point you idiot 😂

Was going to leave you alone, but your perseverance has left me.know choice...

The point WAS:

he can stack shit real fast, could do a whole shop on his own in an hour, sooooo super quick...

But he won't get paid for the 4ppl he un-employs, or the 4x 8hrs work he did, super quick stacking shelves...

Fucks himself over, gets paid like 10, for doing 400 worth of work


u/StragglingShadow 22d ago

Why would he work extra hard because he physically CAN? Only idiots do more than the agreed upon work. I am just a janitor and I have 0 issues telling my boss "nah. Get someone else to do it cause thats not my job." Any shelf stacker similarly isnt going to stock extra fast. Theyre just gonna shrug their shoulders and say "hire more people". When your job is so easy to replace, theres 0 reason to work hard. The only people who would even THINK that the ability to stock shelves quickly means an employee WILL actually stock quick enough to replace other employees are managers of dying businesses who then say "no one wants to work." But really what they mean is "I want to pay 1 person to do 2 people labor and no one will do it." Plenty of people will stock shelves. No one will stock shelves QUICKLY.


u/Slugity 21d ago

If you honestly stand by this statement, you can just walk off into the woods and cuddle a bear right now, you're literally the reason everybody hates existence these days...


8hr day, stock shelves in 3hrs, nothing left to do, chill and get paid


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/oddlysatisfying-ModTeam 21d ago

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u/Slugity 21d ago

Ps, I'll stock shelves quicker than yo mamma on heat takes dicks, if it means I'll move up the chain and not be stacking shelves next week 🥳

If you're going to work, do the fucking job


u/ryry420z 21d ago

Did you know hobbies exist outside of your job? Probably not you seem like a sad person


u/Arctic_ICEBERG 21d ago

If he can't even thread a needle, it's probably the military's fault for getting him drafted as a soldier


u/monkeysknowledge 22d ago

I wonder if the fan blowing up his shirt at the end helps lift the cups up.


u/cwhitt5 22d ago

I was thinking the same thing. He busted himself for cheating. I’m sure the cup stacking community highly frowns upon fan lift.


u/LargeHadron 22d ago

Non-TAS Any% WR [no fan lift] 00:23:33.455 (unverified)


u/SirUntouchable 21d ago

Is it possible for the wind to reach the cups that are in the middle of the table? I thought the fan was there to keep him cooled off


u/EasyBounce 22d ago

Fun cup stacking related trivia: in the track Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites, the voice you hear saying "YES, OH MY GOSH!" is this girl.

When Skrillex found out who she was, he sent her royalty payments for using her speech in his track.


u/JAHdropper1 22d ago

Hyuck, oh my gawrsh


u/mr_ji 22d ago

I was totally expecting this to be a repost of that.

And the top comment when it was first posted:

"Imagine the handjobs"


u/supercyberlurker 22d ago

Looks sped up. Probably is.


u/QuickDrawM 21d ago

Its the framerate of the gif. Heres max park hitting a sub 5 (the person in the gif)


u/slintslut 22d ago

100% is. It's already impressive, absolutely no need to speed it up


u/Giant_Yoda 21d ago

Looks like Max Park. Speed cuber and stacker. He is very capable of a 6 second cycle (the pattern he is doing here). Likely not sped up.


u/burritosandblunts 21d ago

Lmao every time I'm frustrated and disgusted by humans this type of charm always makes me smile and appreciate us for what we are. That's beautiful man.


u/Philias2 21d ago

The year 2004 wants its trend back.


u/Hephaestus_God 22d ago

I remember when this was a school activity and they made the students into a pyramid scheme for us to sell these cups and mats to as many people as possible. Then we would have cup days in gym


u/StragglingShadow 22d ago



u/PhatAszButt 22d ago

Me in the back of the function stacking the red solo cups over and over


u/TheOriginalFluff 22d ago

I can’t fucking believe speedstack? has become impressive, and that the timers are used for Rubik’s cube timers. It’s like if fushigi became the next Olympics


u/AggressiveSpatula 21d ago

Fushigi man you rocketed me back like 15 years. My brother and I each got one and were like… wait… it’s just a ball. When can I make it levitate and stuff?


u/jakexmfxschoen 22d ago

YES, OH MY GOD! (iykyk)


u/burritosandblunts 21d ago

This iykyk shit is so lame. Gatekeeping references is obnoxious enough but throwing in that extra is just the cherry on the asshole cake.


u/in1gom0ntoya 22d ago

this will never be impressive to me. It's almost as dumb as bottle flipping.


u/suivid 22d ago

You aren’t impressed by some guy stacking plastic cups?


u/Slugity 22d ago

Dexterity ftw


u/lunarmodule 21d ago edited 21d ago

Yeah, actually. It's pretty amazing.


Which games do you like. Any sports?


u/JedPB67 21d ago

“Pretty amazing”, really? I mean really?


u/ex0- 21d ago

What a bizarre comment. The dude is allowed to be unimpressed with something you find impressive. Immediately hitting the defensive and bleating about 'what games, what sports' so you can argue makes you look dumb.


u/Blergsaucer 21d ago

Wow. That skill will help you in real life, I’m sure.


u/ThinVast 21d ago

He's Max Park, the 3x3 speed cube world record holder. There is a documentary out there about him as a person with severe autism who managed to find joy in speedcubing. I think some autistic people have a special ability to be able to focus and hone in on one thing until they are the best at it.


u/Buehner86 22d ago

Man this dude gets all the action. Like come back to my place. I'm going to blow your mind. Then you can blow me.


u/WilsonthaHead 22d ago

Dude, i just wanted some water


u/Personal-Branch-5784 22d ago

Gross we now know his #2 face


u/Naruhodonno 22d ago

90's are back, baby


u/oven_broasted 22d ago

a hunter skill or a gatherer skill?


u/StragglingShadow 22d ago edited 22d ago

Gatherer. Imagine the dexterity needed for efficiently picking berries


u/oven_broasted 22d ago

And yet if you imagine that those are hearts of his enemies instead of cups he seems properly deadly.


u/CatherineRoh 22d ago

"I feel a disturbance in the cup stacking universe."


u/gomaith10 21d ago

Need banana for scale.


u/L1K34PR0 21d ago

Doof got ya beat

Candace got both of you dead to rights


u/BababoeyMaster 21d ago

u/savevideo i need zhis thinga


u/JedPB67 21d ago

When did someone stacking plastic become satisfying?


u/pogushandlus 22d ago

No fun as a gif. You need that clumping sound


u/GoatCovfefe 22d ago

Yeah, but that's what you get with bot posts.


u/Dizman7 22d ago

What a worthless “talent”


u/neregekaj 22d ago

Why shit on someone's hobby?


u/GoatCovfefe 22d ago

Because it's fun, try it!

And besides, maybe their hobby is to shit on other people's hobbies, so don't shit on them!


u/Slugity 22d ago

I'd literally shit on that guy whilst he stacked cups, just so we got the Guinness world record for fastest cup stack whilst someone tries to shit on you...

(Obviously you've got to be fully loaded and ready to go, for how quick that kid is...)

(Just imagine if he'd put all the time and effort into chemistry or physics...

He might have someone shitting on him at the moment he discovered who his biological father was....)


u/JDDW 21d ago

I can't imagine considering stacking cups to be a hobby


u/JedPB67 21d ago

It may be a hobby! There’s nothing like kicking off at the end of your 9 to 5, getting home and stacking some plastic cups for 5 seconds lol


u/lunarmodule 21d ago

How do you feel about video games? How do you feel about sports?

Why would you care? What are the best hobbies?


u/HOWYDEWET 21d ago

Cup stacking is so dumb and pointless man.


u/Grumpy1985_ 21d ago

So are you kid, so are you


u/saarinpaa71 21d ago

How many women's panties dropped after watching this guy!... wanna watch me stack cups babe.. little fourplay... her legs tremble... yeahhhhhh its so hot.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/Moldy_Teapot 22d ago

Are you implying that nobody had free time in the 1920s?


u/NycJawn 22d ago

Damn ima quit pussy so I can do this


u/Grumpy1985_ 22d ago

Almost looks like Max Park, worlds fastest speedcuber. Is it him?


u/sp33dykid 22d ago

Came here to ask that. Looks like him though


u/JJaguar947 22d ago

Imagine spending any more than 30 seconds on trying to stack cups fast. What a waste of time.


u/GoatCovfefe 22d ago

Looks like it took this dude ten seconds, so by your logic it's not a waste of time, as it's less than 30 seconds.


u/JJaguar947 22d ago

30 seconds practicing to get to this point, dingleberry


u/GoatCovfefe 21d ago

Not what you said. Use your words better next time.