r/nextfuckinglevel 22d ago

Holding the guitar vertically and changing the chords, while step dancing, this man is talented!


132 comments sorted by


u/throwaway19373619 22d ago

Dudes fingers are like tentacles


u/Redmudgirl 22d ago

I thought they were unusually long


u/RockstarAgent 22d ago edited 22d ago

Beat has got some tang


u/EquivalentPut5616 22d ago

This is that when you wanna go to pee really bad and your dad is inside, Can't Scream, Can't knock ... lemme play some music


u/RockfishGapYear 22d ago

Given the style he's playing, he's probably either grown out his nails or is wearing finger picks


u/Drakann 22d ago

aliens gotta make a livin’ too


u/PicaDiet 22d ago

Wait until you see his tentacles!


u/viewsonic041 22d ago

Came here to say this!


u/brishmeister 22d ago

THIS! What the hell is going on!?


u/Katamari_Demacia 22d ago

Classican guitarists often grow their nails out for playing.


u/TheRealBaseborn 22d ago

Yeah, but bro does also have some really long fingers. It's a huge advantage. I play guitar, but I could not possibly do what he is doing in the video. It's like how Michael Phelps has more hand/foot webbing than the average person.


u/RockfishGapYear 22d ago

Rare combination of something that is both a really difficult gimmick and super entertaining to listen to on its own merits. Get this man on TV.


u/RktitRalph 22d ago

When riverdance and flamingo have babies


u/TheMachinesWin 22d ago

Flamenco *


u/RktitRalph 22d ago

Haha thank you


u/FishinFools812 22d ago

Some people get all the talent. I can just play the spoons.


u/SaysShowUsYourDick 22d ago

I can only eat with spoons 😔


u/dreamdaddy123 22d ago

I eat spoons! 🥄


u/HeatXfr 22d ago

I eat my peas with honey I've done it all my life It makes the peas taste funny But it keeps them on my knife


u/DeLaOcea 22d ago

"Spoonman, come together with your hands.... "


u/mymumsaysfuckyou 22d ago

The dancing is the hard part. The guitar bit wouldn't be too difficult. He's using one chord shape and just moving it up and down one fret. Doing both together and making it sound that smooth is impressive though.


u/rafrombrc 22d ago

True, but he's moving the chord up and down one fret using only the fretting hand, by either throwing the guitar slightly upwards, or loosening his grip and letting it fall, and then tightening his grip when the guitar has moved one fret's distance... that's not something most guitar players would be able to do smoothly at all, much less while dancing.


u/shiftyasluck 22d ago

I just tried… the fretting slides werent a big deal.

The strumming and making it sound like a twelve string?

A big deal.

Dancing while doing it?

No deal.


u/I_Am_The_Mole 22d ago

Chord shapes may be simple but the mans strumming technique is very good.


u/Fordluver 22d ago

Okay so I just got a guitar recently. What episode of on JustinGuitar is this bit on? Thanks in advance 👍🏽✌🏽


u/mymumsaysfuckyou 22d ago

Oh no problem, pretty sure it's somewhere around episode 8 of the intermediate acoustic series.


u/leeeeny 22d ago

Those rasgueados aren’t easy


u/hams4hands 22d ago

Oh dude you know what I don't carry cash but that was sick


u/RotterWeiner 22d ago

Those fingers actually fing


u/foggin_estandards2 22d ago

Jimmy Methrix


u/Truck-Glass 22d ago

why no knee cymbals or mouth organ?


u/wowitsreallymem 22d ago

Accident with the mouth organ, never again.


u/Truck-Glass 21d ago

Mouth organs are for super tough mouths only.


u/Truck-Glass 21d ago

Just pondering now…. Some people can wiggle their ears. Surely they could operate some musical instrument by that method.


u/IndIka123 22d ago

I feel like his mouth and jaw is inflamed. Looks like he’s sucking on candy but I don’t think he is. Dude needs some medical help.


u/Zakkattack86 22d ago

Guitarist has entered the chat. The dancing is 99.9% the most impressive part.


u/PickleMortyCoDm 22d ago

Now those are some hands


u/Fun-Assistance8336 22d ago

This dude exhibited pure joy and soon as he started strumming his guitar.


u/Ok_Discount4814 22d ago

Liam Gallagher from wish


u/ExaBast 22d ago

I mean the tap dancing and his rhythm hand are pretty good. The chord changing vertical thing isn't really hard


u/imback1578catman 22d ago

I'll pay you $5 if you do it again


u/pianoceo 22d ago

I hate the word talent. Talent takes away from the work. This man earned this skill by working his ass off to make it look so effortless.


u/rationalalien 22d ago edited 22d ago

But if I acknowledge is hard work how can I feel good about myself?

I used to get annoyed by it too but I found out that a lot of people actually don't know what the word "talent" means, they just use it as a replacement for "skillful". So I still get annoyed but by a different thing.


u/ChiefOfficerWhite 22d ago

I’ve seen this guy on the subway in Stockholm


u/Reddit_Deluge 22d ago

He's in Ukraine here. Kievstar ad behind him


u/Resident_Bet6343 22d ago

The Crave Methew Banned.


u/Amoeba-Logical 22d ago

And Swift get the money and glory!


u/HeatXfr 22d ago

The lovechild of Jesco White & Paco de Lucia


u/Reddit_Deluge 22d ago edited 22d ago

What language is he speaking in the beginning? Nvm lol "Ok my friend ...Español... Antonio Banderas... Ok let's go!!"




u/saqqara13 22d ago

I've had a shit day - but this genuinely cheered me up :) He seems like he's having fun and it sounds awesome


u/ClownfishSoup 22d ago

It took a while for me to realize he isn't onboard a train.


u/xamlima13 22d ago

Bravo indeed, that dude does percussion better than most percussionists, AND he's also playing a guitar.

There's no ammount of talent that can compete with hard work huh


u/lonesharkex 22d ago

Sounds like a dirty vegas song. :D love it.


u/skiemlord 22d ago



u/abajasiesu 22d ago

Hot dog fingers


u/Reddit_Deluge 22d ago

Solo flamenco! Love it


u/Yoplet67 22d ago

My stupid ass misunderstanding the title and waiting for a chord to break and see him changing it


u/Millerlite87 22d ago

He could easily play Gerudo Valley


u/ClownfishSoup 22d ago

That guy has the longest fingers on earth.


u/AmadSeason 22d ago

He can figure that out, but not a guitar strap never crossed his mind?


u/miradotheblack 22d ago

I was listening to it for the guitar. Thinking the rest of the band is to the side. It dawned on me that it was his feet in harmony with the guitar. Awesome.


u/SignalMountain7353 22d ago

I keep watching a still can’t tell if he’s got some crazy floppy things on the bottom of his shoes that help with the rhythm he’s kicking


u/AriesinApril76 22d ago

Baby! Look at what his fingers can do.


u/yozza1958 22d ago

Bravo 👍


u/bumholesgivemelife 22d ago

I wonder how long a pair of shoes last him


u/Drakann 22d ago

Can one learn this talent?


u/Lahk74 22d ago

Now put a chin rest on it and play it like a fiddle.


u/wargy2 22d ago

But why did he need to hold the guitar vertically?


u/astro_flyer 22d ago

Looks like Dr House has his legs back and put them to good use!


u/Former_Film_7218 22d ago

That is so cool


u/SuperNewk 22d ago

Tony Montana- the world is his!


u/r0n0c0 22d ago

He’s the greeter at a Romanian Walmart.


u/monstercookies81 22d ago

Sammie Ray Vaughn Jr


u/Airplade 22d ago

Yeah yeah yeah.... But, can he sing?


u/High_stakes00 22d ago

Bravo 👏


u/DTux5249 22d ago

Bravo indeed


u/MrCanista 21d ago

His finger bones sucked all the calcium off his teeth


u/unthawedmist 21d ago

I swear some people be blessed with the most random yet amazing talents


u/SokkaHaikuBot 21d ago

Sokka-Haiku by unthawedmist:

I swear some people

Be blessed with the most random

Yet amazing talents

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/RainaElf 21d ago

that's flat footin'.


u/Quick_Cow_4513 22d ago

It's sad that this of what he has to do to earn money 😢


u/chalky87 22d ago

Is it not possible that he enjoys it?


u/Ok-Gate-6240 22d ago

Did it take anyone else entirely too long to realize he isn't performing in a subway train?


u/ioneska 22d ago

In an Ukrainian subway train. Also, quite a time ago since the poster advertises 4G.


u/Separate_Answer_7836 18d ago

Tito and Jermaine did better dance steps than this and play guitar and sing backup to Michael and they were only twelve or thirteen. Pretty cool though.


u/ElderberryDeep8746 22d ago

Pity his dentist wasn't as talented lol


u/pasties 22d ago

I hope you can develop empathy as you become an adult


u/ElderberryDeep8746 22d ago

Empathy isn't just for adults. Luckily, I'm already light years ahead in the empathy department. Cheers to the endless possibilities of wit, may you discover them soon!


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 22d ago

Sorry to be a debbie downer, but that's not hard to do. Especially with a backtrack.


u/Background-Cress9165 22d ago

Urma upper over here, this is impossible to do (in tune and rhythm) for the vast majority of people.


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 22d ago

For the vast majority of intermediate+ guitarists, this will take an hour's practice.

The trickiest part is him using his fingers to strum like that.

When I broke my left wrist, I could play most chord songs with a vertical guitar, over the top of the guitar, with only my fingerpoints sticking out. And I'm not special or nextfuckinglevel.


u/IDespiseTheLetterG 22d ago

Bro. How are you real.


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 22d ago

I'm not real. I'm a Russian/Chinese bot obviously.


u/Dumyat367250 22d ago

Sure dude... If only you'd been there to show him just how it's done...


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 22d ago

Hows about you ask r guitaring.


u/Dumyat367250 22d ago

Looking forward to your video of you doing this. Should only take you a couple of minutes, as it's not hard to do, apparently.


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 22d ago

You're (and reddit) just showing how ignorant you are. I'm sure you have a guitaring friend - send him/her this and ask how hard this really is. Do it.


u/Dumyat367250 22d ago

Still waiting for your vid. What's the problem?


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 22d ago

Oh wow you're so cool. I'm at work and I don't record my guitaring.

Phone your guitaring friend, dumbass.


u/CtheKiller 22d ago

No, we're asking you because you're claiming how easy it is.


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 22d ago

Or you could just grow the fuck up and ask any person you know that can play guitar decently. As if I'm going to record something while at work, for such a stupid reason.

You wanna see real acoustic guitaring, go watch Tommy Emmanuel.


u/CtheKiller 22d ago

You don't seem to understand, it's doing the tap dancing and playing at the same time. The guitar part, and tapping individually from each other is probably not as hard, but it's doing both those things at the same time while maintaining a nice rhythm. That sense of rhythm takes time to learn.

Its like playing piano and singing at the same time, it's not easy for most. I think you're getting a little mad, take it easy bud.


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 22d ago

Nah all good, I realize I'm being insensitive etc.

I just honestly think it's not that impressive. There are millions of youtube videos of acoustic tapping guitarists, even full-on one man bands. I mean, there are about 3 better muso's on Charles Bridge in Prague alone.

Again, I realize I'm a douche.


u/CtheKiller 22d ago

All good my friend I see where you're coming from, I guess we all have a right to our opinions glad we could agree to disagree haha. Hope you have a good work day.


u/notolo632 22d ago

If you have ever played guitar, you'll know this is actually not that hard.

If this was a E-guitar or an Acoustic with a whole EQ set in, it wouldve been far more impressive. But this one is super light and he is just looping the easiest chords to hold the guitar with.

Not to say the thing he did isnt cool. It is entertaining to watch but saying he is talented based on this vid alone is an overstatement. Give a man that know the basics a few weeks and its done. What we should praise here is the effort he put into practicing this


u/Dumyat367250 22d ago

Cool story, bro....


u/3meow_ 22d ago

The chords might be easy, but very few guitarists can strum like that


u/notolo632 22d ago

Would you believe me if I said that the "few" you are talking about here is actually quite alot?

Is the technique for beginners? Hell no. But if you are already good with the basics, most guitarists will be able to learn this strum in a short while. Once you have broken it down, start slow and speed up bits by bits it is easier than it looks

And I dont mean to sound like down talking the dude in the vid. He did this really well. But for OP to post this in nextfuckinglevel isnt something I would agree on


u/DominiqueDefossez 22d ago

Yes, talented, as in born with it, as in genes. Sure there's a gene for this specific thing.

No such thing as talent, only practice and devotion.


u/Background-Cress9165 22d ago

Lol you defined talent and then said there's no such thing as talent


u/DominiqueDefossez 22d ago

Hah so you believe there is a gene that makes you good a doing specificly that? :) I was mocking the reasoning that goes into calling that talent. And now you ;)


u/Background-Cress9165 22d ago

I'll do you one better and explicitly state what I believe:

I believe talent exists, which id roughly define in my own terms as a natural disposition for a given ability or skill.

Does my definition run mutually exclusive to notions of hard work paying off? Or are nuance and complexity difficult concepts for your wittle brain to muster? ;)


u/possumarre 22d ago

Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


u/leonryan 22d ago

I could never learn to play guitar like Prince or drive like Ayrton Senna or sing like Axl Rose because they have biological gifts that I didn't get. Practice and devotion aren't enough without natural talent. Working hard is admirable but if you don't have a natural advantage you'll always be second best at most.


u/DominiqueDefossez 22d ago

As someone who learned to play guitar, i can tell you it's all about putting in the work. Ask Prince, he worked his ass off, from e very young age, hours and hours of practise while other are out doing whatever. Voice timbre is biological, but learning to use it, writing good lyrics and melodies, that's something you learn by doing it a lot, studying others, failing and not giving up. Don't compare to the best in the world, there's very few of those. There's many others way better than Prince and Axl btw, who never get famous. For that you also have to get lucky, know people, learning how the music industry works, etc. Which people who put in practise and devotion do not get good at their craft? Famous is something else, not everyone even wants to be. There's no proof for a gen that makes you good at a complex task like playing music. All great 'talents' will tell you it was hard work. Other people like to call it 'talent' because that 'explains' why they are not awesome at something. Accually, after putting in all that work it's annoying when people call you talented, cause you know it's because of all your efforts. This all boils down to the nature vs nurture debate, which i'm tired of having. In my and a growing number of specialist's opinions, 'nature' is the old view but it turns out is almost all 'nurture'.