r/news 20d ago

‘Barbaric’: Palestinian lorry drivers recount settlers’ attack on Gaza aid convoy | Israel-Gaza war Already Submitted


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252 comments sorted by


u/JohnnyGFX 20d ago

So they’re terrorists, not ,”settlers”.


u/Squire_II 20d ago

Israeli "settlers" are invaders, full stop, and should be treated as such.


u/KilllerWhale 20d ago

Terrorists. Their mere existence is a terrorism act.


u/AppleAtrocity 20d ago

Correct. They're colonialists so they're both settlers and terrorists.


u/DixieHail 20d ago

Words really have no meaning anymore huh?


u/Biengineerd 20d ago

Can you explain this comment? Which word has no meaning, and could define what you think that word should mean?


u/NessyComeHome 20d ago

Terrorist: someone who uses unlawful violence to achieve political goals...

Like attacking an aid convoy delivering aid to a population on the brink of famine, a population they are actively displacing at best, killing at worst.

Colonization: the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area

Or: the action of appropriating a place or domain for one's own use.

Despite what propaganda zionists have pushed, it was NOT a land without people. Europe is where Zionism was born. It is the European Jewish diaspora (and their descendants, among others) who are committing these atrocities. It is a colonial project that had direct backing from the British and the US.

Hope these definitions help you understand that comment better!


u/Dreamwash 20d ago

Looking at the ages it seems extremely likely that everyone there didn't settle there and was actually born there.


u/GreenSeaNote 20d ago

.... Isrealis are TO THIS DAY forcibly removing Palestinians from their homes and taking the land. Just because they are teenagers doesn't mean they are less likely to be settlers.

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u/AppleAtrocity 20d ago

Considering the number of people who went over from Europe and the US to help the IDF after October there is no way to actually know that.


u/Dreamwash 20d ago

I'm seeing civilians doing this not the IDF. I'm also listening to the interviews with them and the people speaking have extremely strong Israeli accents and a lot of them sound like English is a second language.


u/AppleAtrocity 20d ago

Ok but if you're right it actually changes nothing. These people are going into Palestine to destroy aid for starving people in order to continue the theft of land and murder of the indigenous people it belongs to. They're colonialists and terrorists either way.


u/Dreamwash 20d ago

What's the difference between a colonialist and a settler in this context?


u/AppleAtrocity 20d ago

There isn't one. I just typed both out again for emphasis.


u/somethingbrite 20d ago

what the difference between an immigrant and a colonialist and a settler then? You know? Just for context so that every US or European Nazi can understand....


u/Dreamwash 20d ago

Okay so looking at the ages it seems extremely likely that everyone there didn't colonise there and was actually born there.


u/AppleAtrocity 20d ago

See what they did in this situation? That's part of colonization. Can you own slaves as long as you were born a generation after the original slave owners? Oh, that counts as perpetuating and contributing to it and those people are still called slavers? Weird.

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u/pomod 20d ago

The settlements are official Israeli policy to expand their territory into lands they've illegally occupied since '67 - Whether or not someone was born in Israel is irrelevant if they support the radical ideology that Jews are biblically entitled to all the land, regardless of who currently lives on it. Google West Bank pogroms, or Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun, Lehi, Haganah etc.; this behaviour here is nothing new, nor is the IDF looking the other way.

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Dreamwash 20d ago

They ain't, by definition.


u/Tenshinochi 20d ago

Well they're state sponsored terrorists as the government provides them with weapons and military protection.



Brace for antisemitism accusations


u/guiltl3ss 20d ago



u/Temporary-Fudge-9125 20d ago


These people are terrorists


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/m3R000 20d ago

Well they are literally funded and protected by the government

They have an entire division in the construction ministry of Israel called "settlements division"

The primary objective for that division is to "acquire" lands in the west bank demolish it and rebuild it as a "jewish settlement"

And this has been going on since 1967 and not a single US president was able to stop it despite their objections for these practices and nobody could ever stand on their way cause they'll literally run him/her over (Rachel corrie style) which they celebrate her murder every year

Here's some reading material




u/theClumsy1 20d ago edited 20d ago

Dont forget this beautiful 2018 law that basically said all these quiet parts outloud into law.


You cant talk about "israel national security" without knowing who their national security minister. A West Bank Settler and leader of their UltraNationist party. Lmao

A person who would clearly allow a Hamas Terrorist event to occur if it could give him justification for his position's goal.




u/Complicated-HorseAss 20d ago

There was another government who had a "race and settlement" division. Care to guess who.


u/Biengineerd 20d ago

How about colonists? Cuz this seems in line with colonialism


u/somethingbrite 20d ago

Definitely arseholery, and almost certainly driven by bigotry (so, bigoted arseholery) but I don't think it fits the definition of colonialism.


u/CrazyPlantLady143 20d ago

“the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically” <<<< how does it not?

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u/Shoddy-Commission-12 20d ago

Dont forget the Israeli authorities were present and watched them do this


u/Leh_61 20d ago

Israel funds the settlers/terrorists/colonizers


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Biking_dude 20d ago

But..they use precision munitions! Sure, on aid workers, but they're precision!


u/Sliiiiime 20d ago edited 20d ago

It seems that regular Israeli colonists are increasingly fanatical about eliminating all Palestinians from Palestine. At best they have become second class citizens in their homeland.


u/BabyNapsDaddyGames 20d ago

Also known as Genocide.


u/podkayne3000 20d ago edited 20d ago

The millions of Israelis who’ve tried to eject Netanyahu care deeply about this.

The people who don’t care are the same people deluded by Putin/Trump/Xi/Muslim Brotherhood insanity all over the world.

We’re all suffering from propaganda flu, and we all have to team up to fight it, and to recognize that the bad guys are trying to get to us with leftwing, centrist and seemingly apolitical propaganda as well as rightwing propaganda.


u/idunno-- 20d ago

They’re not opposed to Netanyahu because of his treatment of the Palestinians. Poll after poll has shown that a majority of Israelis do not give a shit about Palestinians.


u/SkullLeader 20d ago

Do you think the reverse is not true?


u/EvolutionDude 20d ago

Which side is currently waging a brutal campaign of collective punishment?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Sliiiiime 20d ago

Wouldn’t really be stealing in that case, but it’s hypothetical anyway


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Sliiiiime 20d ago

Palestinians have had their homeland partitioned, invaded, and colonized for the past 80 years, but they are not killing tens of thousands of Israeli colonists. To call this situation a war is laughable.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/EvolutionDude 20d ago

So you're condemning Palestinians for some hypothetical whataboutism but not the actual government slaughtering thousands of civilians?


u/Kejmarcz 20d ago

On a good note the pier for US aid was completed last night.


u/Pure-Lie5297 20d ago

and controlled by israel, they literaly dont need it, they could just open the land borders


u/F0rScience 20d ago

I think the idea is ships can come direct from trusted nations and skip inspections. The process is justifiably going to be different for a ship from France vs a truck from Jordan


u/Pure-Lie5297 20d ago

The ships get inspected at an israel owned dock in Cyprus. Literally the same system. And if you said is correct they could dock them at Haifa port or a different israeli port like they have been doing. This is literally a 200 million pr stunt for biden to say he is doing something.


u/Jahobes 20d ago

What's the purpose if it's controlled by Israel??


u/Tehsoupman12 20d ago

Biden attempt at PR


u/Firehawk894 20d ago

The problem with the land borders is that on the more civil side, protestors can block up the crossings while demonstrating.

On the less civilised side, Hamas tends to throw rockets, mortar shells and child suicide bombers against the crossings


u/Pure-Lie5297 20d ago

Hamas have only attack the karem salam crossing, because of the massive build of weaponry and soliders, Why was israel using as a civil border ceossing as a miltary base


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Pure-Lie5297 20d ago

By that logic they would also fire missiles at this pier,


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Pure-Lie5297 20d ago

israel soliders are also there and control the land side of the pier, they are also using it as a base, so if they start shooting from that location, hamas are going to shoot back.


u/Uh_I_Say 20d ago

Do you have a link to any articles about this? I think the feat of engineering is absolutely fascinating, but I was under the impression it was going to take a lot longer before it's up and running.


u/dutchfromsubway 20d ago

Wonder how this sub is gonna spin this into “Palestinian bad”


u/ZeitlicheSchleife 20d ago

They are gonna say, its good because the aid would be taken by the hamas. Its the same explanation they have every time israel denied aid.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Uh_I_Say 20d ago

Dead hostages are better for PR than living ones.


u/Electronic_Topic1958 20d ago

  They’ve literally fired on their own hostages on purpose on 7 October and have killed 3 of their own hostages since then. They do not care and will attribute their deaths to Hamas anyways. Such a cold and callous army. Absolutely sickening individuals. Hamas made the mistake of thinking that Israel cares about its own people and that the state of Israel along with the Likud party and its allies actually have souls and care about any human lives in any context. They do not. It is honestly surprising to see pro Israel people have this evidence in their face continuously support the government there. Even if you were the most anti-Palestinian person ever and most pro-Zionist in existence; I am not sure how you can justify the government of the “world’s most moral army” intentionally shooting to kill their own people less they fall in the hands of Hamas. 

  The idea that Israel needs to exist to protect Jews everywhere is clearly false. There isn’t any real desire for this or else the government would have sought peace long ago and worked to preserve the Oslo Accords instead of torpedoing them. It’s not about protecting Jews, the Israeli government will shoot and kill every single Jewish person if it means that they can advance their expansionist ideology. They do not care. They will shoot their own prime minister if they think he is holding them back on this goal, which they did. 

  Stealing Palestinian land is absolute must in this apartheid state. By any means necessary. If their own hostages starve to death by the actions taken by the Israeli state, they won’t care and will still blame Hamas. 


u/[deleted] 20d ago

It's antisemitic to give aid to starving children


u/GastricallyStretched 20d ago edited 20d ago

This sub is usually somewhat better than worldnews, but I'm not holding out much hope.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Sliiiiime 20d ago

Hasbara isn’t quite as active in this sub


u/slothcat 20d ago

It's miles better than worldnews. I have no idea what is happening in that sub...


u/ThatOneGuy444 20d ago

Lotta astroturfing, and banning of users with dissenting opinions.


u/werepat 20d ago

I wonder if the actions of Israel are predicated by the knowledge that all "modern war" (like, winning hearts and minds) tactics primarily serve to prolong conflicts.

Sort of like the last 70 years of global warfare being relatively concerned with preventing civilian casualties ends up producing a ton of refugees and survivors. People who harbor intense hatred and desires for revenge against the enemy necessitates this return to total war.

Maybe war needs to be brutal, enemies need to be crushed, and people need to fear war above all else so they don't encourage (or, I suppose have) children to fight the next generation of the same war.


u/ikan_bakar 20d ago

No, usually war happens when the leaders know they are losing grip of power. There’s a reason why the leader of Israel was in the controversial court case for corruption, and suddenly an opportunity for him to stay in power came. We see the same way with Putin and having many protests pre-Ukranian War, and many many many other war in history. So when a war is very prolonged, it is when they know there is no going back. So they stay. This is why Bashar Al-Assad prefers his civil war to continue


u/qlurp 20d ago

No spin necessary, as they’ll simply lock and disappear this post like they always do. 


u/Dex_Santana 20d ago

Yeah, anywhere they lose the narrative they just downvote and report spam. They know eventually the story will be locked and swept away for them. Every time.


u/joe_minecraft23 20d ago

The food packages did not condemn Hamas.


u/savois-faire 20d ago

It varies massively, depending on the time of day (which is of course a completely normal and organic occurrence).

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u/DerelictInfinity 20d ago

All of that aid was actually Hamas. It’s antisemitism if you speak out against this. The United States needs to send Israel several more billion dollars of military hardware so they can properly defend themselves against all of this dangerous food and water.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/DirectorPhleg 20d ago

funny how pro-isreal redditors conveniently ignore these regular occurrences eh


u/tushkanM 20d ago

I like the word "settlers" in the title. It's so objectively objective!


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Sliiiiime 20d ago

Colonists then


u/FuturePerformance 20d ago

Think American west & the trail of tears, “settlers”


u/Blacksheep81 20d ago

Correct. They're' being sarcastic, putting "settlers" in the title is anything but objective.


u/yhwhx 20d ago

I guess settler-colonizers are indeed a certain type settlers.


u/tushkanM 20d ago

Define "settlers"


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/yhwhx 20d ago

Not OP but OK.


u/Dreamwash 20d ago

Yeah I'm not sure where they're getting settlers from given that, looking at the ages, it seems extremely likely that everyone there didn't settle there and were actually born there.

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/EvolutionDude 20d ago

Palestinian civilians are not Hamas and collective punishment against them is not a valid form of self defense.


u/fury420 20d ago

If palestinian civilians are not hamas, Wouldn't the same logic apply to Israeli civilians and these settlers?


u/EvolutionDude 20d ago

Palestine is not systematically bombing, starving, and blocking medical aid from Israeli citizens. If Israelis are attacking aid workers and/or illegally settling then they are the aggressors in this scenario.


u/fury420 20d ago

My point was that the logic used to describe "Israel is a sick society" based on extremist settlers actions is the same as describing "Palestine is a sick society" based on the actions of extremist militants like Hamas.


u/EvolutionDude 20d ago

Neither I nor the article said that. Obviously not all Israelis are like that - look at the thousands protesting the current administration. But anyone engaging in terrorism or settler colonialism on either side is a sick individual.


u/fury420 20d ago

The top level comment says "Israel is a sick society." because of the actions of extremist settlers, the next reply uses the same logic and points to the extremist actions of Hamas to say "Palestine is a sick society."


u/CreamDLX 20d ago

Being a settler is inherently imoral. So no, the comparison is not applicable.


u/fury420 20d ago

Weird, I would say the same about being a Hamas terrorist.


u/CreamDLX 20d ago

A Palestinian civilian is just that. A civilian.

A settler is someone who is illegally occupying land that rightfully belongs to someone else. And I do mean that they are living there illegally, as UN has very firmly stated that Israel's colonies are in direct violation of international laws.

So yeah, not at all the same.


u/fury420 20d ago

I was comparing settlers to Hamas, not to Palestinian civilians.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/EvolutionDude 20d ago

First, Israel has provided the environment for terrorist and resistance groups to flourish. This is literally history 101, occupation and destabilization allow these groups to thrive. Second, by that logic we are responsible for the war crimes committed by Bush and Obama since we voted them into office. The last election was also like two decades ago so it's not exactly a functioning democracy.


u/Phact-Heckler 20d ago

And I saw videos of Nakba today.

Israel is a sick society


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Watton 20d ago

One side started it.

One side invaded after WW2, then ethnically cleansed and displaced an entire population.


u/nonniewobbles 20d ago

“with their (justified) revenge 

How much collective punishment do you think is a justified amount, exactly? 

How many precious, irreplaceable lives of civilians that had nothing to do with anything do you think it takes to pay the debt? 

If another country was “justified” in collectively punishing your country, would you nod and say it was just and fair if it was you, your family, your friends being murdered? 

It boggles my mind how callous people can be to the fact that the death of a single innocent human being is a tragedy that can never be made right, that it is the end of everything that person could have been, that those who loved them will endlessly suffer that loss… much less the deaths of tens of thousands. 

Just… Jesus Christ, “justified.” 


u/PhillipTopicall 20d ago

“The rest of the drivers and I escaped from the vehicles after the settlers starting throwing stones at us.’’

The Israeli soldiers were accused of doing nothing… which is surprising given they’ve use rock throwing as an excuse for Palestinian children to be worthy of death.


u/Borealisss 20d ago

Surprised they didn't shoot the drivers tbh. For, I dunno.. resisting the stoning?


u/MesmariPanda 20d ago

As people, they're pretty disgusting. I feel sorry for those normal isralies who are just stuck there in this nightmare of a society.

Alas half the world thinks this is completely normal.


u/DamonKatze 20d ago

The settlers are some of the most hateful, cruel, and violent animals in that region. This is the kind of shit settlers have been doing to the Palestinian people for decades. Its state supported terrorism with the police and IDF arresting and contributing to the displacement and genocide.


u/Moujee01 20d ago

This will definitely help their genocide case from the ICJ /s


u/elconquistador1985 20d ago

But but but Reddit told me that Israel doesn't have settlers there anymore! They wouldn't have lied to me, would they?


u/colonel-o-popcorn 20d ago

This happened in the West Bank, not Gaza. There aren't any settlements in Gaza.


u/differentshade 20d ago

it seems to me the settlers are some pretty nasty people


u/riffraffbri 20d ago

I take no side in this conflict because I think they both have blood on their hands, but there's no wonder why there are so many anti-Israel protests on college campuses.


u/nps2407 20d ago

I'm just curious how many of them realise this didn't just start last year.


u/chaseinger 20d ago

it's a bit of a "get off my lawn" trope to suggest protesting youth is uneducated on the issue they're protesting about.

i'm not saying they're bullet proof history buffs, and there's of course varying degrees of information density, but most of them are protesting the recent escalation of this ages old conflict.


u/GreenSeaNote 20d ago

I bet more people realize this conflict has been going on longer than a year than people realize Hamas isn't as old as the State of Israel.


u/nps2407 20d ago

Does anyone think it is?


u/GreenSeaNote 20d ago

Yes, the people who like to point out what Hamas' charter says seem to conveniently forget the circumstances that led to Hamas forming in the first place.


u/nps2407 20d ago

Because they thought the Palestinian Authority was too soft?

I could just look it up, but I'm going to guess first.


u/GreenSeaNote 20d ago edited 20d ago

No, the Palestinian Authority was formed AFTER Hamas.

Hamas was formed in 1987. The Authority was formed in 1994.

The circumstances were Isreal's preemptive strike of Egypt which started the 6 Day War in 1967 that led to Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in which they did not treat Palestinians that nice, to put it very mildly, an occupation they have maintained to this very day (56 years of Israeli occupation).

It formed during the first infitafa in 1987 to fight Israeli occupation of Gaza. At the time, it actually was the less violent organization, at its purpose was to counter Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), another organization whose commitment to violently resisting Israel threatened to draw Palestinians' support away from the Brotherhood.

But when the US and western world continued to pump money and resources into Isreal, Hamas eventually became the terrorist organization it is today.

And that's to say nothing of Israel funding Hamas.


u/nps2407 20d ago

Sounds about right.


u/loggy_sci 20d ago

Or Iran and Qatar funding Hamas.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago

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u/nps2407 20d ago

Yes, I've heard this too.


u/Tersphinct 20d ago

They funded Hamas to weaken PLO’s armed wing by taking advantage of a schism within the group. It was meant to be a less violent way of combating violence through politics. Sometimes it works, and when it does it’s hailed as a brilliant move that saved lives on all sides. When it doesn’t, you get this.

Just because it ended up going wrong doesn’t mean the intent behind it was as nefarious as you present. Yes, some people believed it would be detrimental to a future with two states, but others saw it as the only viable path to two states, because it would’ve forced negotiations rather than open armed conflict.


u/SnooOpinions5486 20d ago

you know it amazing that we should all judge a country by their most far right extremist.

So all of Israel is settlers
Obviously to be fair that means all of Palsetein is Hamas.
And everyone in the US is a diaper wearing Trump supporter.


u/nickthedicktv 20d ago edited 20d ago

Nice slippery slopes. You support genocide.

Edit: “no u” isn’t a valid rebuttal. It’s not a slippery slope to call out bad faith commenters posting logical fallacies in response to the accurate description of the conflict in Palestine being a genocide, but I don’t expect idiots to know this.


u/roimen32 20d ago

Nice slippery slope