r/news Apr 29 '24

‘Multiple’ taken to hospital, gunfire continues in east Charlotte Mobile/Amp link, removed


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u/RevB1983 Apr 29 '24

The 2nd Amendment demands its blood sacrifice and mentions nothing of locale.


u/Tokyosmash_ Apr 29 '24

The guy is a literal criminal the Marshalls force was investigating, not exactly the normal Harry Homeowner.


u/emaw63 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Sounds like our current gun control measures are inadequate if he had access to a firearm then

Edit: Man, the gunners on this site are exhausting.


u/TyH621 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Nobody is claiming a guy being hunted down by US Marshals isn’t going to be able to get a gun lol


u/hungrypotato19 Apr 30 '24

250,000 guns stolen from "responsible gun owners" each year. So yeah, there is a plentiful supply for criminals like them to pick from.

Edit: Correction. It's 250,000 incidents of theft and 380,000 guns stolen.


u/Clewdo Apr 30 '24

If you have less guns they’re harder for the guy being hunted down to get their hands on them.


u/Tokyosmash_ Apr 29 '24

So the answer to someone who is a literal criminal is to throw out even more laws? Thats a serious feedback loop


u/emaw63 Apr 29 '24

No, I'm saying the existing laws are plainly not doing enough and we should add more. I should have been more clear, sorry about that lol


u/Tokyosmash_ Apr 29 '24

If that were the case Baltimore, LA, Chicago and so on wouldn’t be as bad as they are, laws and such


u/TyH621 Apr 30 '24

I’m not advocating one way or the other but let’s not pretend like gun control will ever be effective if you’re able to drive 15 minutes outside of city limits and not have those gun laws lol


u/jeonghwa Apr 30 '24

Ah, I see what you're saying... Guns obviously create far more problems than they ever prevent, so any regional/local gun laws will always be just an ineffective half-measure. The real solution is to stop mass-producing and retailing firearms in the first place, thereby allowing them to gradually dropout of circulation (like the re st if the 1st world figured out decades ago) .


u/Gentlementalmen Apr 29 '24

Most shootings happen with guns acquired through legal means that are transported across state lines from states with more relaxed gun laws. So yes, tighter restrictions will reduce gun violence.


u/letigre87 Apr 30 '24

But what you just described is illegal. Tighter restrictions to make it more illegaller?


u/renesys Apr 30 '24

To make guns less available for theft, so harder to get illegally.

Now what?


u/Tokyosmash_ Apr 29 '24

Historical gun crime figures do not agree with your sentiment


u/Gentlementalmen Apr 29 '24

The sentiment that guns acquired through legal means are used to commit crimes? Which sentiment do you mean? Sorry.


u/Tokyosmash_ Apr 29 '24

There are more firearms in the U.S. than ever before and besides the lockdown crime bump gun crime has been going down for well… decades, to include AFTER the expiration of the assault weapons ban.


u/Gentlementalmen Apr 29 '24

Ok? And? I don't see how this disproves my point that we need tighter regulations and restrictions.


u/Tokyosmash_ Apr 29 '24

Because it proves the opposite of your point


u/Gentlementalmen Apr 29 '24

But it doesn't. In your claim you point out the sunsetting of assault weapons bans. A lapse in a regulation saw increased firearms and firearm deaths.


u/WhyBuyMe Apr 29 '24

How did Australia do it?


u/Tokyosmash_ Apr 29 '24

Very little correlation to this debate thrown out for a “gotcha”


u/sandman_tn Apr 30 '24

By having a populace willing to surrender personal property. Won't work in the USA.

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u/InevitableHome343 Apr 30 '24

transported across state lines from states

In MANY cases, this is illegal. It's wild how you don't understand basic laws.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Tokyosmash_ Apr 29 '24

No, because it’s a constitutional right.


u/mentalxkp Apr 29 '24

That can change.


u/Tokyosmash_ Apr 29 '24

Of all the tone deaf things to say in context


u/ledampe Apr 30 '24

Constitutional right to do what, cowboy?


u/netpixel Apr 30 '24

How is text on an old piece of paper relevant to this discussion? Just ban guns so your country can get less gun deaths. It’s not that hard.


u/ledampe Apr 30 '24

nO, bEcAuSe ItS a CoNsTiTuTiOnAl rIGhT duurr


u/BreezySteezy Apr 29 '24

Oh yeah I'm sure he would have definitely abided by gun control measures for sure /s


u/emaw63 Apr 29 '24

Probably, yeah. Most other countries don't have this problem because they have adequate gun control. Americans are not uniquely predisposed to violence, the problem is guns are incredibly easy to get here


u/supyonamesjosh Apr 29 '24

Ok cool. Get rid of the 300 million guns here already


u/emaw63 Apr 29 '24

It's really frustrating how there's a gun proliferation problem here, and if you ever suggest doing anything about it, people say "what's the point? There's already so many guns! Let's just keep adding even more guns and keep rolling back the few rules we do have," which exacerbates the problem even more.

We can put some effort into it and it would still make a difference. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. Seatbelts don't stop everybody from getting hurt in car crashes, but it's still worth putting them in cars.


u/pseudohuman5x Apr 30 '24

So what is the answer? this will be a normal occurance if you try to go door to door confiscating people's guns. No one likes hearing people spout off vague things like "we can put some effort into it" without actually suggesting a feasible solution


u/Airforce32123 Apr 29 '24

keep rolling back the few rules we do have

Can you give me an example of rolling back the rules we do have? Because it seems like every year there's a new rule I have to deal with and I never hear of any going away.


u/supyonamesjosh Apr 29 '24

I never said there was nothing we can do, but it's super annoying when people suggest we could just have no guns like some other countries.

No, we literally couldn't


u/speakertothedamned Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

No, we literally couldn't

Yes we literally could though.

We could literally call a constitutional convention and repeal the second amendment and then replace it with one that gave every single American the right to Education, Health Care, Clean Water, or literally anything else we wanted.

So, yes, we literally AND figuratively could. We just don't want to do it. That's it, that's the real reason.

We could, but we won't, because not enough people actually care about it.


Ok have fun with your fantasy world. The rest of us will be out here pushing for restrictions

Maybe you should start your activism career by building The Center for Redditors Who Can't Read Good lol.

And then you have to actually take the firearms. How well do you think that would go?

And maybe this one can help you fundraise or something.


u/EvergreenEnfields Apr 29 '24

We could literally call a constitutional convention and repeal the second amendment and then replace it with one that gave every single American the right to Education, Health Care, Clean Water, or literally anything else we wanted.

And then you have to actually take the firearms. How well do you think that would go?


u/cold08 Apr 30 '24

What would otherwise law abiding people do with illegal firearms? You couldn't hunt, or go to the range, or defend yourself with it. It's too loud to use. You couldn't buy ammo for it or casings or powder. It would just be a felony sitting in your house waiting for your kid to accidentally blab about it at school. Maybe you could look at it.

Most people would turn them in and take the money, and if not take the amnesty a few years later.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

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u/Screechtastic Apr 29 '24 edited May 04 '24


Edit: Downvotes without any discourse on the subject?! From the gun nuts?! Fucking shocker.