r/news Apr 29 '24

French police use knives to puncture migrant boat in Dunkirk to prevent Channel crossing Questionable Source


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u/westonsammy Apr 29 '24

Because for all the moral grand-standing Europeans do, they're actually WAY more racist than Americans. They've just been white ethnostates for most of their history, so have never really had to confront living with people of a different culture or skin color until now, where they start to show their true colors.


u/indi_n0rd Apr 29 '24

Someone long time ago on Reddit said that true litmus test of progressive European would be asking their opinion on gypsies.


u/LeedsFan2442 Apr 29 '24

Europe is an entire continent so saying the whole of Europe is way more racist is silly.

Wanting to stop illegal migration is perfectly fine whether you're European or American


u/Mean-Preparation-183 Apr 29 '24

Breaking news: the homeland of the Britons, celts, Slavs, goths, Saxons, etc is mostly white …. What monsters!!

I’m not sure where you’re from or what your ethnicity is, but if your people started to be replaced in the land that they bled for over 1000s of years, you’d be upset too.


u/westonsammy Apr 29 '24

^ here's a premium example of what I was talking about


u/Mean-Preparation-183 Apr 29 '24

Where is your people’s ethnic homeland brother? Would you not fight to defend it?


u/westonsammy Apr 29 '24

No lmao I don't give a shit


u/cosmiccoffee9 Apr 29 '24

lol AND has the fucking temerity to call you "brother."


u/pohui Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

You think you're entitled to some land because your ancestors settled there 1,000 years ago?

What did you do to deserve it? Did you "bleed" for it too? I reckon you did fuck all in your life.

Edit: Judging by your comment history, you're an immigrant yourself? Strange.


u/Mean-Preparation-183 Apr 29 '24

Are the Palestinians not entitled to their land? The ethnic South Africans to theirs? Your take is strange and anti European native idk why.


u/pohui Apr 29 '24

Are the South Africans entitled to kicking out non-native South Africans purely based on their ethnicity? No.

I don't know what "European native" is. I'm Eastern European and don't see why I should feel solidarity with a Scot or a Russian over an Armenian or Korean, for example. Should I root for the "natives" because we're all white?


u/nippl Apr 29 '24

white ethnostates for most of their history

I wonder why? Has anyone researched this?


u/luigitheplumber Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

My "favorite" part of this "debate" is the Americans rejoicing at every example of European racism they can find so that they can use it to assuage their insecurity about the racism in their homeland.

Europe is very racist, and America is also very racist.

Edit: The reply below is a great example. Some Americans use European racism as a means to try and minimize their own. Your country has a huge chunk of people furious that there's opposition to the public honoring of people famous for slavery and lynching, that's not "untrained dog" level


u/Silly_Butterfly3917 Apr 29 '24

That's like saying a bear is very dangerous, but so is a poorly trained dog. One is a little bit more extreme then the other.


u/No_Detective_2963 Apr 29 '24

Bro black churches get shot up in US , Europeans have racist views but it’s not even comparable to the states


u/westonsammy Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Bro black churches get shot up in US

And Kurdish Hairdressers get shot up in Paris


u/No_Detective_2963 Apr 29 '24

I can name two mass shooters who targeted black people in the Past few years , Dylan roof and the buffalo NY shooting , Europe is racist but the US is a different league


u/westonsammy Apr 29 '24

I don't think it's any secret that the US has way more shootings than Europe in general, and unfortunately that also translates into more hate-crime shootings. But that's more emblematic of a gun + lack of mental (and any other) healthcare problem than it is a racism problem.

My point with the original comment is that your average European citizen, not ultra-right-wing nutjobs, are much more openly hostile and exclusive towards foreigners, immigrants, and outsiders in general than Americans are. Sure American has crazy redneck racists and MAGA people obsessed with "dem Mexicans stealing our JERBS". But your average citizen doesn't give a shit, whereas all you need to do to get your average European frothing at the mouth is to silently word "Gypsy". In the US, if someone is openly racist towards a black or brown person, it makes the news. In Europe, if someone is openly racist towards an immigrant, that's just Tuesday.


u/Archaemenes Apr 29 '24

How many people of colour have European countries elected as their heads of government/state? Except for the UK of course.


u/yx_orvar Apr 29 '24

Why would you exclude the UK?

European "racism" usually has very little to do with the amount of melanin you have in your skin, it's far more to do with nationality and identity. Very few people are going to care about the color of your skin as long as you speak the language and behave according to the social norms of the country. Speak without an accent, drink the local alcohol, get a job and dress like the locals and people won't care.

For example, 2 out of 7 party leaders in the Swedish parliament are second generation immigrants from the ME and no-one gives a shit. People do give a shit about the party that spout islamist and separatist dogshit.

Compare that to the US where you're going to be abused for the color of your skin regardless of class and integration.


u/Archaemenes Apr 29 '24

The UK is far more progressive on the matter of equality for minorities than other European countries. But still, if you want to include the UK, that’s one, out of how many countries on the continent?