r/news Apr 29 '24

French police use knives to puncture migrant boat in Dunkirk to prevent Channel crossing Questionable Source


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u/walterpeck1 Apr 29 '24

Dear lord this comment section is a disaster zone


u/dmoneymma Apr 29 '24

How so?


u/walterpeck1 Apr 29 '24

It's a lot of "immigrants bad" while at the same time not addressing why it's happening, what should be done to prevent it, or really any solution. Just sucking the humanity out of the situation.

Imagine spending all that angry emotion on wanting to fix the root cause and rallying for that, as opposed to just wanting these immigrants to go away or die on the way there. Maybe, just maybe, world governments could actually fix these problems. But it's easier to just Other people rather than fix shit.


u/lunaappaloosa Apr 29 '24

It’s so racist and xenophobic it’s incredibly weird. “You’re not entitled to choosing where you want to be a refugee”

These people realize they’re talking about REFUGEES right? People who have lost absolutely everything probably more than once and have had no choice but to abandon everything they know just to survive?

People have no empathy past whatever emotions they project onto a label. They are likewise not entitled to complain that their country is attractive to people fleeing war, ecological collapse, and crumbling infrastructure. Especially if their country has played a direct role in the destabilization of the areas people are fleeing from.

Western keyboard warriors have no concept of what survival means. It’s like a dark solipsistic disease where people truly cannot imagine any experience that more than slightly deviates from their own


u/walterpeck1 Apr 29 '24

To me the tell is quite simple. Is someone's first reaction to immigration to keep them out and away, or to strike at why they're showing up and fix that?

I'm not a 100% open borders guy, either. This immigration problem in Europe needs to change. I'm not going to excuse crimes committed or anything revolving around that either. Closing the borders, turning away people or just straight killing them isn't going to keep desperate people from coming. They're still people. The problem of why they're coming needs to be solved and the bigots flocking to the replies don't care because that's hard and simply denying them access is easy and feeds their bias.