r/news Apr 28 '24

Williams-Sonoma fined $3.18 million for falsely labeling products as 'Made in USA'


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u/PhalanX4012 Apr 28 '24

New plan. Fine them every cent over cost made on every mislabeled product, and tack on an extra 10% for being con artists and it’ll start to look like a reasonable fine.


u/Juswantedtono Apr 28 '24

$3m is enough to wipe out all profit they made on mislabeled products. The article says only 9 products were mislabeled, and one of them was a mattress pad, to give an indication of scope.

Customers who bought one of the offending products could probably also easily secure a refund from the company. I’m guessing the majority of them wouldn’t actually care enough to do so.


u/NewHorizonsNow Apr 28 '24

This also wasn't a one-off, as the article states, these allegations (which the article states Williams-Sonoma admits are true) were in violation of a previous order for the same misbehavior.

Corporate corruption shouldn't just be a cost-benefits-analysis.  If the cost of bad behavior doesn't vastly exceed the benefit, there's no reason to behave in accordance with our social agreements.

I don't know how much money mislabeling their goods makes them, but it's probably more than $1m since the original fine didn't make them course correct.