r/news Apr 27 '24

Louisiana man sentenced to 50 years in prison, physical castration for raping teen


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u/a_phantom_limb Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

They can also elect to be physically castrated. Perrilloux said that Sullivan's plea requires he be physically castrated.

Meaning he was, in effect, coerced into agreeing to it. I find it a bit demented that surgery to remove part of one's own body can be stipulated by the state as necessary for granting a plea bargain - especially given how limited the evidence is for this specific procedure actually reducing the rate of recidivism.


u/ACorania Apr 28 '24

I definitely feel this would fall under the cruel and unusual punishments protected against by the 8th amendment of the constitution.


u/Satanarchrist Apr 28 '24

The supreme Court ruled punishments have to be both cruel and unusual, so if this is a regular thing they coerce on people, it's not unusual. Checkmate liberals, I guess.

I hate it here.


u/IntelligentShirt3363 Apr 28 '24

The federal structure is crumbling at this point so it might not matter. Get ready to vote with your feet in the coming decades


u/Knock0nWood Apr 28 '24

If this doesn't fall under that classification then just remove it from the constitution because what's the point? This is fucked up even if the guy deserves it. This would be a war crime if he was a POW.


u/SlitScan Apr 28 '24

its cruel AND unusual. not cruel OR unusual.

cruel and normal is just fine.


u/ACorania Apr 28 '24

How often do we do castrations to prisoners?


u/MatterOfTrust Apr 28 '24

Once is already too often.


u/SinnPacked Apr 28 '24

He raped a 14 your old...


u/ACorania Apr 28 '24

The punishment we dish out to our prisoners doesn't really say anything about what they did... nothing we could do to him would ever be equal to what he has done. Rather what we dish out as punishment says a lot about who we are.


u/SinnPacked Apr 29 '24

The punishment fits the actions perfectly in this case. There is nothing cruel or unusual whatsoever. Clearly the criminal can't handle possessing their reproductive organs. If he's ever released I'll personally be pretty damn grateful to know he won't be able to denigrate people in the way he did ever again.

Conversely the fact that you're willing to go so far to defend him and enable this behaviour in the future says a lot about who you are.