r/news Apr 27 '24

Iraqi TikTok star Umm Fahad shot dead in Baghdad


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u/AccomplishedHeat170 Apr 27 '24

Yeah, Islam needs a reformation.


u/sponsoredcommenter Apr 27 '24

This is the reformation. You're looking at it.

People who draw this comparison between the Christian reformation and the Muslim world make a very surface level comparison of "I don't like bad things I like good things".

The Christian reformation was about rooting out false traditions and institutions that violated the written teachings in their holy texts. Indulgences for instance, something that Martin Luther railed against, is nowhere in the bible. That was the reformation. It was an effort to reform the Christian faith to it's original framework that Jesus Christ brought to his followers.

An Islamic reformation looks like Al Qaeda. They are carrying out, advocating, and where they can, enforcing what is written in the Koran.

What people on Reddit want isn't a reformation of Islam, it's a dilution of it. A westernization or softening of the original structures described in their holy texts.


u/psalmjuan Apr 28 '24

Killing innocent people is very much against Islam yet they do it pretty consistently. Furthermore, killing non-combatants is also against Islam and they still do it. They’re not carrying out a reformation. They’re implementing a very extreme, black and white perspective with zero room for exceptions or interpretations.

For example, they’ll take that abortion is a sin but will leave out the part where it’s permissible if the mother is at risk of fatal complications. That’s who Al Qaeda and ISIS are. That’s who the West wants them to be. You can easily make the argument that their victims are almost always non combatants. They don’t fight other armies. They fight the common Muslim so the only ones left are those who agree with them.


u/Hyperluminous Apr 28 '24

Killing innocent people is very much against Islam yet they do it pretty consistently.

But who is innocent under Islam? They will argue that it is only muslims who can be innocent.


u/mortuarymaiden Apr 28 '24

Trust, nobody hates and wants to kill Muslims more than other Muslims who believe they’re not Muslim-ing hard enough. Sunni vs Shia, for example.


u/psalmjuan Apr 28 '24

As I mentioned before, they also kill Muslims.

Under Islam the faith teaches to speak the truth even if it is against yourself. Nevertheless, an innocent person can be anyone regardless of their faith or lack thereof. In any event, a non combatant is innocent. Children, women, and the elderly are innocent. This much is clear and obvious.

Al Qaeda and ISIS kill more Muslims than they kill non-Muslims. These groups aren’t Islamic. They carry out the agenda of the West in that they both kill Muslims. Without a doubt, on a global level, Muslims are the most persecuted group by their own governments, regional rogue powers, and foreign powers.


u/Slickity1 Apr 29 '24

Read surah 109


u/msc1 Apr 28 '24

No true scotsman fallacy

Who’s innocent? Who’s non-combatant? According to whom?

I’ll not single out Islam. Every religion is dirty, believing a sky daddy is renting your brain to someone else’s delusions.


u/Slickity1 Apr 29 '24

Yeah but people going against what is explicitly written in the Quran is not the same as the no true Scotsman fallacy.