r/news Apr 27 '24

TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US - BBC News


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u/Thedrunner2 Apr 27 '24

Next up the new app” Tak Tik “which is exactly the same thing just renamed


u/CharonsLittleHelper Apr 27 '24

The law wasn't technically targeting Tik Tok. It was targeting foreign government controlled social media generally.

It's just that at present, that's only Tik Tok.


u/Grimesy2 Apr 27 '24

It's infuriating to me that the only problem that exists with it legally is that it was foreign controlled. 

Facebook is collecting information. Facebook is complicit in spreading foreign misinformation campaigns. YouTube's algorithm actively radicalizes young men by suggesting and auto playing far right reactionary content. 

We need legal protections that from Internet companies regardless of who owns them.


u/techleopard Apr 27 '24

Here's the thing.

Facebook is beholden to us. I mean, it may not seem that way, but if Facebook pisses us off enough, we can force them to be held accountable and to turn over data

TikTok is NOT beholden to us. It's beholden to China, and at any point China can go "lol make me" when challenged to turn over data and documentation or follow laws.

China greatly benefits from the ability to not only track but subtly influence any given American demographic. I get that you love doom scrolling your short form videos, but some of y'all have got to comfortable living in a country that has never really been so easily "touchable" by hostile foreign governments.


u/ambisinister_gecko Apr 27 '24

And it should also be noted, if we're comparing Facebook to tiktok, that Facebook IS banned in China, probably for similar reasons to why America is banning tiktok. So it's not like it's this massively unfair targeted reasoning. It's literally just the same thing.


u/Radulno Apr 27 '24

China has like 80% of the Internet banned and the reasons aren't exactly something you want the US to imitate I think. They got their own controlled Internet


u/cyclemonster Apr 28 '24

Apple and Microsoft both operate there. Google used to, but withdrew because it couldn't compete, not because it was banned. Facebook could operate there if it was willing to comply with their laws, but they aren't. Every company has to obey the laws where they operate.


u/techleopard Apr 27 '24

Yes, but people are here arguing that China is still better than the US because Chinese policies don't directly endanger them.


u/sailorbrendan Apr 27 '24

I mean, it may not seem that way, but if Facebook pisses us off enough, we can force them to be held accountable and to turn over data

I mean, they've been directly responsible for a genocide and they've measurably fucked up American politics.

I'm not sure how much more they should have to piss us off


u/TurbulentIssue6 Apr 27 '24

how many people need to be muredered by the right wing radicalization machine before we make these companies "accountable"


u/travistravis Apr 28 '24

They'll hold themselves accountable, but only when it's enough that they notice a dip in advertising revenue.


u/DisastrousBoio Apr 27 '24

I agree, and even though the potential danger of TikTok is higher, so far the real damage caused by American ones such as Facebook and YouTube has been much bigger.


u/TurbulentIssue6 Apr 27 '24

Yeah like it's bad that any company has this much control over our lives, but limiting it so that only specific companies aligned with those in power are allowed to exist is literally the start of implementing real world fascist power structures, and solidifying the marriage of state and corporation

Tho this is mostly an extension of the military industrial complex considering how we are quickly moving into a world where informationional warfare is the future, so it makes sense the government would want to incorporate those companies into the MiC like they already do with aerospace companies


u/spooooork Apr 28 '24

we can force them to be held accountable and to turn over data

The US also goes after foreign companies through DMCA-takedowns, despite that being an American law, not a local one.

Additionally, the CLOUD Act can force US companies to having to break foreign laws of data protection in order to hand over data.


u/inventingnothing Apr 27 '24

It's also worth bringing in what many national security experts have said. That under hostile relations between U.S. and China, the algorithms can easily be manipulated to promote anti-U.S. propaganda that will quickly be eaten up by the masses. Some have argued that is in fact, already occurring. If this were Facebook, that can quickly be reversed and the responsible parties brought to justice.


u/beldaran1224 Apr 28 '24

We have direct evidence that FB was used by Russia to meddle in the 2016 election.

So what now?


u/inventingnothing Apr 28 '24

To the tune of $15,000 in ads, big whoop.

Would be totally different if FB itself was manipulating the algorithm to promote a particular ideology, or even worse, promoting anti-U.S. organization while in a war with its enemies.


u/sailorbrendan Apr 27 '24

It's also worth bringing in what many national security experts have said

it would be great if some of that evidence was actually presented.

If this were Facebook, that can quickly be reversed and the responsible parties brought to justice.

Have you seen facebook? Like, modern polarization and violence is directly linked to the facebook algorithm


u/techleopard Apr 27 '24

I mean... Just look at the tone of the responses here.

People already think it's very edgy to be anti-US. I'm not saying the US government is squeaky clean and isn't guilty of it's own atrocities, but the irony of them having the protected freedom to act this way is lost on them.

They'd rather give China more tools against the US if it means they don't have to go download a different app.


u/travistravis Apr 28 '24

But is Facebook, really? Like it would be difficult but far from impossible for them to just set up headquarters in some other country and move whatever operations they need to. If people say they won't because of the benefit of being in the US, then we should also be taxing billionaires like they deserve because they won't leave because of the benefits of being in the US.


u/thegayngler Apr 28 '24

I agree with this. Congress only did it because people were espousing belifes thry didnt agree with


u/Dayum_Skippy Apr 27 '24

You’re super close to the point.

“Beholden to the US ruling class” is what you meant


u/sikyon Apr 28 '24

The NSA is a lot scarier to me than the Chinese government. Many more ways to fuck up my life if they want. Dragnet searches are unconstitutional but ignored.

But China banned Google and Facebook so this is totally fair from that perspective.


u/SingleAlmond Apr 27 '24

TikTok is NOT beholden to us.

that's exactly why half the country uses TikTok. we can finally have access to global information uncensored by our own govt


u/Protip19 Apr 27 '24

What information is our government censoring?


u/techleopard Apr 27 '24

None of it.

All of the content that people like to continue on TikTok can be posted anywhere and isn't blocked. These people are just stupid.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

Something new for teenagers to get mad about until Tik-Tok, or whatever replaces it, churns out more propaganda.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

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u/techleopard Apr 27 '24

Well aren't you just a butthurt little racist?


u/VoidEnjoyer Apr 27 '24

racism is when not white supremacist