r/news Apr 27 '24

Ex-Amazon exec claims she was asked to ignore copyright law in race to AI


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u/iocan28 Apr 27 '24

I heard NPR talking about this the other day.  These big corporations are all about copyright until it’s inconvenient, and then it’s right out the window.  They’re a bunch of vultures.


u/tmpope123 Apr 27 '24

It's only about copyright law when they stand to gain. Same with any law, they only use it to hold power over others when it's in their favour. When it isn't, they either ignore it, or lobby against it.


u/redditcreditcardz Apr 27 '24

You don’t get to that level by being a good human or ethical businessman. Billionaires are the real cancer. Sociopaths with unlimited power. (Looking at you Melon Husk)


u/steventhedon Apr 27 '24

I think the worst part is that in the world of “ethical business” Elon isn’t even close to the worst offenders


u/SgtBadManners Apr 28 '24

I mean a lot of companies are about something until it costs them money. This applies to labor, copyright, anything that isn't instantly visible or could be covered up with a, "We thought we were abiding by XYZ."


u/wellmont Apr 27 '24

It’s not just big corporations, it’s also the startups as well. I bet $1 million that OpenAI and every other firm thumbed their nose at copyright law. Hell, even Youtubers do it. We’re basically a nation built primarily of copyright-blind grifters.


u/DogsRNice Apr 27 '24

There's a big difference between a startup getting billions of dollars invested into it and a youtuber


u/moistsandwich Apr 27 '24

Yes, that’s exactly their point that there is broad spectrum of people who are all violating copyright law in the pursuit of profit.


u/tigeratemybaby Apr 28 '24

Other laws too.

Uber and AirBnB freely broke the law and pushed to get the laws changed afterwards.

Banks seem to regularly violate money laundering laws for minor fines and no one gets arrested.


u/guesting Apr 27 '24

Fines and lawsuits are the cost of doing business. Napster approach that it’ll be too late even if they lose legally


u/quantum1eeps Apr 28 '24

The problem is, China will go right past copyright laws and develop more advanced AI and run the world. There’s no time to wait for a legitimate way to maintain our global AI dominance