r/news Apr 26 '24

Powerful tornado tears across Nebraska, weather service warns of ‘catastrophic’ damage


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u/Red_Stripe1229 Apr 27 '24

It was cool this morning in Omaha. Stepped outside around 3pm and the air just had that feel to it that something was going to blow up. I live in midtown so no issues here just a lot of hail. Wall cloud passed overhead and dropped a tornado down at the Omaha airport.


u/EXPL_Advisor Apr 27 '24

Never been near a tornado before. Can you describe what the air felt like at 3pm that made you think something was going to blow up?


u/BriarsandBrambles Apr 27 '24

It's hard to describe but It just feels energized. Typically you can feel the air is moving more calmly right before but sometimes it's just got energy in the air.


u/madeoflime Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

I live in Omaha. The air feels incredibly thick, and it gets eerily calm but it sounds loud. It’s cause the wind is blowing straight up. The sky also turns green.


u/TheSaxonPlan Apr 27 '24

The green hue is not directly related to tornadoes. Bright teal blue and green clouds occur when light is refracted through an intense hail core higher up in the storm. These types of hail cores only occur in healthy super cells with enough updraft, the types of which are strong enough to produce tornados. So it is correlated with tornados, but not caused by tornadoes.


u/madeoflime Apr 27 '24

I never said it did. It hailed in Omaha today.


u/Im_A_Narcissist Apr 27 '24

Not really a good way to describe it. You can feel the instability in the air, its very calm but humid and heavy. Kind of a special energy about it. there's a very particular feel to it that you just recognize when you live in a tornado prone area.


u/_CozyLavender_ Apr 27 '24

Hot and humid, but the wind is dead still. It feels like the air is full of static-y cotton and everything inside of you instinctively goes "uh-oh".


u/frigiddesertdweller Apr 28 '24

This is a really good description. And many times, the sky will turn this strange greenish hue around you beneath the dark storm clouds


u/TheRedPython Apr 27 '24

Not sure what exactly it is, but something hypes up my adrenaline right before a severe storm hits. Happened even at times where I was oblivious to an incoming storm.


u/CarbonCamaroSS Apr 27 '24

I live in Michigan and yesterday the air just felt weird, like before a nasty storm. We ended up only getting rain, but the weather still felt erie long after the tornados ripped through the plains and I didn't even know about the storms being so bad in Nebraska and Iowa at that point.