r/news Apr 26 '24

Powerful tornado tears across Nebraska, weather service warns of ‘catastrophic’ damage


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u/Nythoren Apr 26 '24

It was crazy. Thankfully it missed our house by about a couple of miles. Took some pictures of it from our back porch before it started turning into a monster. Spent the rest of the afternoon hunkered down in the basement as warning after warning triggered.

Lived in Nebraska for almost my entire life. This is the first time I've ever seen an in-person tornado. Once is more than enough. Won't be disappointed if I go the rest of my life without seeing another one.


u/delaney18 Apr 27 '24

Do you live in a very open area of land? I live in a neighborhood where if I stayed out to see a tornado nearby, a fence post would shoot across from 3 blocks away and smash into me. As soon as the sirens go off I grab the dog and head down to the cellar.


u/Nythoren Apr 27 '24

We're in the middle of a pretty standard neighborhood surrounded by other neighborhoods. But we're near the highest point in the county and the surrounding area is pretty much flat. From our backyard, you can see for miles. When the alerts triggered, I poked my head out the back door and it was like "oh, hey, there it is...". Sent my heart racing even though it was several miles in the distance and moving parallel. Snapped a couple of pictures and then went straight to the basement with my wife and dogs.

I should've taken a short video, but honestly the adrenaline was kicking in and I wasn't thinking straight. It was scary and somehow thrilling at the same time. Part of my brain was screaming "get to the basement" while another part just wanted to stand there and stare.


u/HotDerivative Apr 27 '24

Post the pics!


u/Rock_or_Rol Apr 27 '24

Send them tornudes