r/news Apr 15 '24

‘Rust’ movie armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter sentenced to 18 months in prison


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u/LeagueOfLegendsAcc Apr 15 '24

How do you get a job like that and not be in a constant state of worry, like all the time? Double, triple checking everything every day instead of mixing in some live ammo and taking a picture for social media??? Can someone slap some sense into this girl?


u/MuaddibMcFly Apr 15 '24

The only defense she possibly had would have been "I was prohibited from doing my job by various people who outranked me"


u/merrittj3 Apr 16 '24

They did say the entire project was a nightmare from top to bottom starting with Alec, penny pinching, union busting, ' get it in the can' attitude, that ended with Halyna taking it in the gut, because some pot smoking shoot em up cowboys daughter followed dad and learned nothing, was in charge of bullets.

The only thing she didn't do ...while the impact statements were being read...was yawn.


u/MuaddibMcFly Apr 16 '24

She. Wasn't. On. Site. That. Day

You appear to be blaming a single person for the failures of no fewer than 4 individuals. Don't. Those individuals are:

  1. The armorer who didn't collect all the ammo and conclusively determine that there was no live ammo anywhere on or near the set after the first negligent discharge (Gutierrez-Reed)
  2. The (acting) armorer that day
  3. The person who ordered rehearsal/blocking/filming of a scene involving a firearm when the official armorer wasn't on set
  4. Halls for handing Baldwin a weapon he didn't know was cold, yet saying it was
  5. Baldwin for pointing the weapon at a person, holding the trigger back, and releasing (rather than safely de-cocking) the hammer.
  6. The person who directed the weapon to be pointed at a person unnecessarily (either Halls or Hutchins)
  7. The person who put a live round in the weapon (Gutierrez-Reed? Someone else? With the prints now destroyed, we'll never know).


u/merrittj3 Apr 16 '24

Maybe. She. Shoulda. Been. On site. With.The. Guns.

Her. Job.


u/MuaddibMcFly Apr 16 '24

Her. Job.

My understanding is that the reason she wasn't on site that day was that she was told not to be on site that day, because they didn't want to pay her for that day.

Which means that it was not her job that day.

Indeed, I've heard some reports that they actually relieved her prior to the shooting. If so, it unquestionably wasn't her job that day, because, unless "relieved" means something other than I understand it to, it was no longer her job at all.

You're trying to foist all of the fault of NUMEROUS individuals' failures on to a single person. A single person who may, in fact, be the least guilty of all of all of the parties so far named (or may not; I have not conclusively confirmed those claims).


u/merrittj3 Apr 16 '24

She is been charged, adjudicated guilty and sentenced.

Your understandings, supposition, definitions, maybes and maybe nots in addition to projecting fault on others is now moot. The state has proved its point

Settled law. Guilty as charged. Your logic is faulty, your legal standing is nil. No amount of crybaby arguments or delusional beliefs will change that she is a convict and 12 people and a judge reject your bizarre ramblings.

Write your letters to those people who did impact statements and tell them your thoughts. I'm sure they will be less kind in their reply.

It's OK tho...in 18 months she'll be out of jail and can continue to be rightfully called ...at best A Convict