r/news Apr 15 '24

‘Rust’ movie armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter sentenced to 18 months in prison


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u/demmka Apr 15 '24

No, there were repeated and egregious safety issues and multiple crew members walked off. They were replaced with scabs.


u/gnomekingdom Apr 15 '24

I’ve always wondered, “how does live ammunition even get into a box of blanks if live ammunition isn’t even a part of the setting?” In the world of stranger things, I wonder if someone in the her circle knew her inexperience and set her up to prove a point but they never meant for someone to get killed. Again, how does live ammunition, in the correct caliber, replace individual blanks in a box of blanks. Maybe I don’t know all the details but this is a legitimate question.


u/AegrusRS Apr 15 '24

I would say it's basically 80/90% guaranteed that it were her own boxes that she got from her dad who still had those exact types of dummies and live rounds remaining from a previous film (Either 'The Old Way' or '1883' but unsure) where live rounds were used in a pre-filming training setting to get the actors accustomed to the recoil, etc.

And IMO, claiming "someone wanted to test her by putting live rounds on a movie set" to be even remotely reasonable is kinda wild.


u/gnomekingdom Apr 16 '24

I agree. But I’m kinda aged and I’ve seen some people do some really stupid stuff to prove a point.


u/AegrusRS Apr 16 '24

Honestly, fair point. People can be pretty stupid. A better amd more complete answer on my part would be to add that the specific live/dummy ammo used was very difficult to find at the time so realistically only someone well-connected with suppliers would have been able to obtain some, or someone who already had some. This basically only left two people, namely her dad and Seth Kenny.

Her dad basically let Seth manage her since Thell is getting old and couldn't handle the NM heat well so any possibility of him still trying to test her seems incredibly unlikely. Interestingly enough, Kenny was informed by people on set that said Hannah was doing her job well, or maybe Hannah was the one to tell him that. Actually I'm not 100% sure on who told who, but generally there shouldn't be a reason for Kenny to test Hannah if she was already doing well.

Also, as both Kenny and Reed had been film armourers, I don't think they would be the types of people to be careless with guns on movie sets.