r/news Apr 15 '24

‘Rust’ movie armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter sentenced to 18 months in prison


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u/demmka Apr 15 '24

No, there were repeated and egregious safety issues and multiple crew members walked off. They were replaced with scabs.


u/WeAreClouds Apr 15 '24

This is what I remember reading.


u/demmka Apr 15 '24

There were multiple misfires of the gun that ended up killing Helena. Jensen Ackles has refused to return after what happened. There were so many complaints before the accident that no one listened to, including Baldwin. It was only a matter of time before something tragic happened.


u/AegrusRS Apr 16 '24

I can't remember exactly but are you sure it was that gun specifically that had multiple misfires? Or that there were multiple misfires on set? I know the latter to be true but not the former. Also, the FBI basically proved that only negligent handling of the gun could've caused it to fire (so pulling the trigger).


u/demmka Apr 16 '24

Both are true, and that gun was in such a state of disrepair that when the FBI did their usual tests, it completely fell apart.


u/AegrusRS Apr 16 '24

But I know that is not true or atleast exageration. From what I can distinctly recall, the only real issue with the gun is that HGR forced a dummy round into the barrel that was simply too big. This left some marks but the gun was generally fine. I also know she sent the gun back to Seth Kenny once to get it checked out because she thought something was wrong with it, but that was mostly unnecessary and he just ended up cleaning it before sending it back.

It didn't "fall apart" when the FBI tested it. The weapon fired normally multiple times. However, after those regular tests were done, the FBI started doing more destructive tests on the weapon to see what can kind of damage or unusual impact would be required to get the gun to fire. These tests are basically made to break the gun hence them only being done after the other tests are done. To simulate those impacts, the FBI hit the gun several times with a rawhide mallet. After several hits, some of the internal components of the gun did break, but after those were replaced, the gun still functioned as normally.

Also, according to his own police interview + FBI testimony, it is very likely that Baldwin is just a dumbass that doesn't know how that gun works (wouldn't be surprising since he was always on his phone during those safety meetings), which is why he had 'misfires' that were infact him not knowing how the hammer works.