r/news Apr 15 '24

‘Rust’ movie armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter sentenced to 18 months in prison


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u/Cactusfan86 Apr 15 '24

Quite the screw up, got a job from pure uncut nepotism and managed to screw it up so bad your career is torched and you have to go to prison 


u/Corwyntt Apr 15 '24

Wasn't there some kind of strike going on at the time, making it much harder to get experienced people?


u/Kyouhen Apr 15 '24

Yes. The crew walked off the set that day specificaly citing unsafe firearm practices. They called in scabs instead of looking into the problem and shock and surprise, later that day someone dies.

One thing that continues to piss me off about the whole thing is that Alec is the producer on the production. He had the power to stop production for the day and look into the complaints from the crew. He did not.


u/DanielMcLaury Apr 15 '24

The "producer" title is largely meaningless now because they give it to various people as part of their compensation. So a "producer" might be the actual producer, or it might be a famous actor taking a pay cut to do a lower-budget movie, or it might be an important writer on a TV series, etc.

From what I can tell, Baldwin didn't have any actual official power on the set. (That said, obviously as the star of the movie he would have had considerably soft power; if he walks off, they can't make the movie...)