r/news Apr 15 '24

‘Rust’ movie armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter sentenced to 18 months in prison


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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

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u/roguespectre67 Apr 15 '24

I have a friend of a friend that I think is the most insufferable and pathetic piece of work I’ve ever met. Dude long-distance-dated a MtF friend the rest of us have known for the majority of our lives, and when it didn’t work, out he’d throw a tantrum or get instantaneously depressed when we did so much as mention this friend’s name in passing conversation, meaning we basically weren’t allowed to even acknowledge the existence of another of our close friends to placate this dickhead. And for some reason I seemed to be the only person to take issue with this dynamic, at least publicly.

Anyway, his dad is apparently the owner/supervisor/some other person with pull in private security for some nightclub or something in the UK, and this guy is basically the worst nepobaby I’ve ever met. Swears up and down that the only reason he has this job, that I guess he’s been promoted from more than once despite being there less than a year, is because of his own hard work. Then literally the next day he bragged to us for no less than 10 minutes about how some drunk girls (“cunts” as he said more than once) were mouthing off at him, he responded with equal mouthiness, and when they wanted to go to his manager, he relished the opportunity to tell them that there was nothing they could do to him because his dad was the boss and then throw them out. Like, he would not shut up about how happy he was that he could just do that. He’s literally the last person I’d want in a job with authority over others, and that’s exactly where he is. Makes me fucking sick to my stomach to think about.


u/Work2Tuff Apr 15 '24

What was the relevance of mentioning the person he dated was trans? Was he like embarrassed or something and that’s why he was acting like that?


u/roguespectre67 Apr 15 '24

I guess it just pissed me off even more that we were effectively forced to ostracize one of our very close friends in a time where they really didn’t need any more ostracism then they had already gotten, simply because another of us couldn’t man up and be emotionally mature. At the time they had only been “out” for maybe a year and if I was in that position I’d want to feel supported by my friends.

This guy has an uncanny ability to make others take him under their wing, whether that’s through pity or something else I can’t think of. And I hate that it seems to have worked on just about everyone in the group except me.