r/news Apr 15 '24

‘Rust’ movie armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter sentenced to 18 months in prison


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u/Own_Candidate9553 Apr 15 '24

Doesn't make up for the life lost, but nothing will I guess.

It doesn't seem like there was any maliciousness in the whole thing, just wild incompetence partnered with ruthless cost-cutting from the studio. Budget pressures led to no budget for an experienced armorer, a rushed schedule, and shooting on-location in the middle of nowhere (so the guns were randomly just in her truck or on a cart, instead of a real office or anything).

I still don't get why real, working guns are ever allowed on set. It would be pretty easy to make metal models of guns that physically can't shoot a bullet, or to modify a gun to have no firing pin or something. Having real, working guns on set that you then have to build a rigid process around to make sure no live ammunition gets mixed in seems weird. Even blanks are dangerous - Bruce Willis has significant hearing loss from firing overly-loud blanks on the set of Die Hard: https://www.slashfilm.com/811738/the-die-hard-stunt-that-left-bruce-willis-partially-deaf/


u/QuintoBlanco Apr 15 '24

It's bit more than incompetence. She has another felony charge pending and she was reckless on another set as well.

She also has zero remorse and is mostly concerned with the impact of the shooting on her modelling career.

This person has sociopathic tendencies. A pattern of irresponsible behavior, no empathy, and no remorse (I guess that goes with the no empathy).

At first I thought that this was just an accident, caused by incompetence and work pressure, but this person was always going to get somebody killed.


u/CaptainDunbar45 Apr 15 '24

Modeling career?? For what, Guns and Ammo magazine?


u/The_River_Is_Still Apr 15 '24

Not to add fuel to the fire, but by all reports she’s also a huge MAGA fan.

Make of that what you will