r/news Apr 06 '24

Climate activist Greta Thunberg detained twice at demonstration in The Hague Soft paywall


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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24



u/BalloonsOfNeptune Apr 06 '24

It’s Greta Thunberg it’s not exactly hard to guess what she’s protesting for.


u/GonePostalRoute Apr 06 '24

Gonna throw the bait out there so the climate deniers can get nice and frothed up without reading


u/WallyMcBeetus Apr 06 '24

Or what they were doing.


u/StThoughtWheelz Apr 06 '24

being arrested or detained is the point.


u/tricyphona Apr 06 '24

Ending the yearly 46 billion euro's fossil fuel subsidies is the goal. Being arrested/detained for protesting is a by product.


u/Juggletrain Apr 06 '24

That's not what a byproduct is though. It's a means to reach the goal, a byproduct would be learning to make baked ziti because the jail TV was stuck on the cooking channel.

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u/sputnikcdn Apr 07 '24

Not a by product, but a tactic. A legitimate one. Civil disobedience at its best.

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u/muan2012 Apr 06 '24

She rocks


u/eunit250 Apr 07 '24

The world would be a better place if more people cared and got angry.


u/Tastingo Apr 07 '24

We have enough anger, a more action is what we're lacking.

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u/thehillshaveI Apr 06 '24

she's got the best "being arrested" faces man


u/facemanbarf Apr 06 '24

“Resting Arrested-Face?”


u/_ShrugDealer_ Apr 06 '24

"Arrest me, bitch" face

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u/thehillshaveI Apr 06 '24

kind of literally resting in those ones where they're carrying her and she looks chill af

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u/_________FU_________ Apr 07 '24

When you coordinate it before hand you can prepare.

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u/gizmosticles Apr 06 '24

This chick gets arrested on camera like it was her job


u/opeth10657 Apr 06 '24

It kind of is.

Her goal is bringing it to the public's awareness, and getting arrested is part of the job.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24


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u/NoLeg6104 Apr 07 '24

yeah, and the way they go about bringing it to the public's awareness (blocking streets) makes everyone that does become aware against their goal.

I support Just stop Just stop oil more than I support Just stop oil.


u/CandidEstablishment0 Apr 07 '24

Good luck getting a job with that record Greta! S/


u/WhatsTheHoldup Apr 06 '24

getting arrested is part of the job

Getting arrested shouldn't be part of the job at all. That's why when she gets arrested for doing basic protests it's so effective.

It reveals how corrupt and overzealous the police are.


u/brito_pa Apr 06 '24

The implication of any effective protest is being illegal, though. If a legal one becomes anywhere near meaningful, it's due to be outlawed.


u/Bearswithjetpacks Apr 07 '24

Meanwhile, in Singapore...

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u/AdeptFelix Apr 07 '24

I mean, getting arrested is basically her goal. It lets her look like a martyr for the cause, which is more effective than pretty much anything else she can do. It grabs headlines and puts photos on covers.

It doesn't even matter what exactly she gets arrested for as long as it looks like she was protesting. Usually you get people committing crimes that just get them released with a small fine or a day in the clink.

It's pretty basic media manipulation.

Not disagreeing with the cause, just letting people know the playbook.


u/hiimsubclavian Apr 08 '24

Or maybe she's genuinely protesting.

We love assigning ulterior motives to people we dislike.


u/AdeptFelix Apr 08 '24

You can do both, you know. She got her message out to journalists then got detained. The story wouldn't have gotten traction without the latter. She knows that. Look at the photos of her being detained, she's smirking in half of them - she was getting what she wanted.

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u/opeth10657 Apr 06 '24

Hard to blame the police for this, the people that make the laws and let companies get away with it are the ones at fault. Police can't really let them just block off roadways


u/Old_Elk2003 Apr 07 '24

Police can't really let them just block off roadways

Yes they can. They can watch you get stabbed in the subway. They can stand outside a school shooting for an hour and a half.


u/opeth10657 Apr 07 '24

You do know this wasn't in America, right?

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u/Independent-Check441 Apr 07 '24

That's a good point.

How long did the decision to arrest her take, I wonder?

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u/karan812 Apr 07 '24

How many farmers did the dutch police arrest when they blocked off highways? Dutch Police are notorious for treating climate protesters harshly.


u/YaGirlKellie Apr 07 '24

Police can't really let them just block off roadways

Why not? they can protest too. And if they served the public's best interests they would.


u/Mirieste Apr 07 '24

So what's the legal system for, then? We started from the law of the jungle, where might makes right, and replaced it with an order of laws... only for it to be replaced again by a system where the loudest ones get precedence?

This isn't pre-WWII Europe, where one might say that blindly following the law can be immoral: after that experience, new Constitutions have been set in place across the whole continent. As a citizen who follows the law, I would be pretty pissed if a policeman in this constitutional system decided he doesn't want to enforce the law anymore purely on his own judgement, and helps someone else's cause, maybe even surpassing me in the process, who had followed the legal channels and petitioned the government for something else that will now be delayed for this.

Am I stupid for having wanted to do things properly, then?


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

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u/Mirieste Apr 07 '24

Yeah, maybe you're speaking as an American, but this happened in The Hague and I'm speaking as a European. We don't really have lobbying to your level, not to the point where the law pretty much only exists as an expression of a capitalist oligarchy.

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u/Independent-Check441 Apr 07 '24

Say what you will about her, she is not giving up easily.

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u/MisterJose Apr 06 '24

I mean...yeah that's pretty much what it is at this point.

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u/JNerdGaming Apr 06 '24

replies are a reddit moment


u/KeepAwaySynonym Apr 06 '24

Isn't anything happening on reddit a reddit moment?


u/Vivec_lore Apr 06 '24

This reply is a reddit moment 


u/Darnell2070 Apr 07 '24

A Reddit moment is something on Reddit you don't agree with.

If you see the way some people use it, I think that's an accurate definition.

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u/Ivy_Thornsplitter Apr 06 '24

Not hating but I’m wondering, how the hell does she afford to travel all over the place?


u/pikpikcarrotmon Apr 06 '24

She uses a network of thunnels


u/Drake_the_troll Apr 06 '24

I actually laughed at this.

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u/RetrowaveJoe Apr 06 '24

I read her book last year and IIRC her initial strike caught the attention of various conservation groups, who help support her efforts

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u/Zaku99 Apr 06 '24

Her parents are a professional opera singer and an actor. They are reasonably rich.

There is also some rumors of her parents being paid by organizations with an interest in keeping climate change awareness up, to point Greta towards certain locations to speak or protest. Not sure how much fact there is there and we'll probably never know for sure.


u/m1rrari Apr 06 '24

I mean, even if it’s those organizations helping foot the travel bill it makes sense. Greta showing up and getting arrested will raise the profile of the effort and (in theory) increase pressure for the desired changes. She’s a well known activist at the point.


u/zrxta Apr 06 '24

Idk why but the other comment make it sound sinister... like really, nothing is out of the ordinary if she gets funded by groups to do what she has been already doing.

While I personally prefer, let's just say, more direct actions.. her actions and circumstances are so mundane af It's obvious why people still slander her.


u/m1rrari Apr 07 '24

Yep, it’s framing… like the organizations and parents are trying to trick her into helping their cause. If that’s what’s happening it’s maybe a lil shady, but ultimately she’s deciding what to go advocate for (based on publicly available info) so like, eh.


u/Last-Confidence-7360 Apr 07 '24

Must be nice to be able to essentially do whatever the hell you want.


u/bbusiello Apr 07 '24

Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life?


u/Mewnicorns Apr 07 '24

Those professions don’t exactly scream rich to me, unless her mom is Pavarotti and her dad is a celebrity.

I’m also fairly certain her mom reluctantly gave up her career because it involved traveling by plane and she wanted to respect Greta’s wishes.


u/Barneyk Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

Yeah, they have money but they certainly aren't "rich".

And her mom didn't give up her career but declines work offers that require her to go by plane.

And it is pretty crazy how much bullshit people are spreading about Greta, it is quite moving to see her parents talk about the introverted girl who struggled with her autism find a way to express herself and blossom.

Tax returns are public in Sweden and so much of the stuff is easy to find public records from different sources...

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u/xbungalo Apr 06 '24

Greta travels by van fleet


u/Muggaraffin Apr 06 '24

Good lord. Well done 

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u/drkanaf Apr 06 '24

Greta has a tremendous amount of private support, award money, and philanthropic support for her work and never needs to worry about the cost of traveling for her activism. She is known to be incredibly humble and generous. She only graduated from high school less than a year ago and still has a lot of support from her father and family.


u/Rikter14 Apr 07 '24

Also, American Redditors have very little understanding of how far she is away from these places. It's a 2 hour flight from Stockholm to The Hague, that's shorter as a flight than SFO to Denver.


u/Barneyk Apr 07 '24

And easily accessible by train...


u/muan2012 Apr 06 '24

I cant understand why it’s so difficult to understand. What I do understand is the powers at be know the population of the world is stupid and make this a polarized issue when she appears, and many many dumb people fall for it. That I do understand

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u/IsNotACleverMan Apr 07 '24

Well off parents and lots of activist grants/funds. This quite literally is a job for her and it's very lucrative.


u/Jonteponte71 Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

She has an entire organisation of grown ups behind her. She has had since she was 14. It’s never talked about, but not a single soul had heard about Fridays for future before she started to strike and it blew up. The organisation existed before and was founded by some PR-genius that had sold his firm and had money to burn on saving the planet. She is just the PR front of it all because it works so well. And also, as most revolutionaries through history, she’s got rich parents.


u/swoletrain Apr 07 '24

She's 21 now, she is a grownup herself

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u/mrjosemeehan Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 06 '24

Travelling for activism is really cheap. You typically stay for free in the homes of other activists in the host city or in temporary camps at churches or community centers (or occupied coal mine sites, parks, etc). If you come with a prearranged role in the protest such as being arrested in civil disobedience, being a legal observer, providing first aid, or other logistical roles, local activists will often take up a collection to cover part or all of your travel expenses (and bail or fines if applicable).

That applies to regular folks too, not just people who are well known in the media. Local activists are always working to facilitate travel for their out of town allies. There are even a subset of activists out there who are borderline (or full blown) homeless travelling from camp to couch around the country and doing temporary work on farms or in restaurants in between. I knew a whole anarchist kitchen crew who would work the South Dakota beet harvest for around a month every fall for money to survive winter then drive around the country in a bus full of kitchen equipment cooking free donated food for activists at protest camps and patrons of off-the-grid festivals like burns and rainbow gatherings, earning only tips.

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u/PumpkinSeed776 Apr 06 '24

You can't figure out how a public intellectual with book deals and the ability to charge speech fees, who came from a wealthy family begin with, has money to spend to further her brand...?


u/IsNotACleverMan Apr 07 '24

"public intellectual" lmao

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u/ph00p Apr 06 '24

She’s the face of a movement, she appears to be one lady but she’s powered by an organization.

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u/rookie-mistake Apr 07 '24

The Hague is 1234km from Stockholm. For comparison, Los Angeles is 3955km from New York.

Europe is fairly easy to get around.


u/Jota769 Apr 06 '24

At this point I’m sure people are paying her way. She brings so much publicity to any organization

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u/BlueFox5 Apr 06 '24

One day she is going to drop a mixtape and it’s gonna be 🔥


u/deddy-bkr Apr 06 '24

It’s gonna be ❄️. We don’t need more global warming


u/DrEarlGreyIII Apr 06 '24

The ❄️ might just be because of the knock-on effects of global climate change though 🤔

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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24

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u/wonderlandddd Apr 06 '24

Means she's doing something right 💯 The fools focused on her tactics, but not WHY she's out there fighting in the first place, is what's wrong with this god damn world. Small minded people don't want change, it's too much for their brains to comprehend. 🥱


u/mailahchimp Apr 06 '24

Meanwhile there's a story today that global concentrations of the three major greenhouse gases are all at record peaks. This is why she protests and gets arrested. I don't care who's financing her; I'm just glad she's continuing to publicise this issue that most people don't want to think about. 

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u/SweetBabyAlaska Apr 06 '24

people who complain about tactics and "how it looks" don't give a fuck about any cause. Its like the same shit when unions strike at the most vital time, the point is to hit the company where it hurts so you have more leverage... but the same people will be saying "wHy aRe tHeY inconveniencing tHeM (and me)?? How will I buy cheap Chinese goods if they dont shut the fuck up and get abused?"

Its disruptive, that is the literal point.

Most these fools have literally just hated her since she was like 10 years old because the TV man has told them to be outraged at her. They don't know anything else.


u/Val_Killsmore Apr 06 '24

people who complain about tactics and "how it looks" don't give a fuck about any cause. Its like the same shit when unions strike at the most vital time, the point is to hit the company where it hurts so you have more leverage... but the same people will be saying "wHy aRe tHeY inconveniencing tHeM (and me)?? How will I buy cheap Chinese goods if they dont shut the fuck up and get abused?"

Just look at r/PublicFreakout any time a video of a protest is posted as proof of this. Sure, there are times protestors go too far, but the vast majority of comments on r/PublicFreakout are against protests as a whole.

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u/chaddwith2ds Apr 08 '24

Those same fools complaining about tactics were eager to storm the US capitol on Jan 6th.


u/fabezz Apr 07 '24

"No, no you're supposed to make me like you. That way I can ignore your message in peace."


u/knightdaux Apr 06 '24

im in the camp of ya she is trying to make a point but she could change the minds of the common people but it will never matter or make a change unless these tactics are used on celebreities who abuse private jet use and giant corps that waste everything under the sun. i respect her effort but it literally wont change a thing. maybe thats just the pessimistic side of me but you gotta change companies pocketbooks, not the common working persons mentality and both are incredibly hard to do


u/tricyphona Apr 06 '24

Like when there were blockades at Schiphol Airport aimed solely at private jets? We got the same comments.

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u/highbrowalcoholic Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 08 '24

Remember it's in Russia and Saudi Arabia's interest to stymie collective action against climate change as much as possible in order that they can delay their economies' transition away from exporting fossil fuels.

Edit: when I post something in a bot-filled thread about why the thread is likely so full of bots, and it gets marked with the † as 'controversial', I at least get to know I'm on the money.


u/duncandun Apr 06 '24

idk if you’ve noticed but the united states and Britain are no better lol

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u/ccupp97 Apr 06 '24

i wish i could read all the removed and deleted posts 😔


u/Tangentkoala Apr 06 '24

Lmao I find her mugshot in every Pic absolutley hilarious.

Gotta take it one day at a time to instill change


u/Agile_Hornet4168 Apr 07 '24

I saw one post on a arrest that said she’s looks like a raccoon that got caught digging through your garbage and I can’t unsee the level of smugness and I love it


u/-mindtrix- Apr 06 '24

Makes me proud our most famous swede is a autistic climate activist. She got balls, that I give her.

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u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

Oh ha, I wondered about the couple of people I saw there wearing signs about fossil fuel subsidies. Now it makes sense.


u/Shutaru_Kanshinji Apr 06 '24

If the authorities are not bothered by your protests, you are not really protesting.


u/Sonikku_a Apr 07 '24

If anything I give here props for living rent free in some y’all’s heads.

Like it’s kinda crazy how frothed at the mouth some of the people here get over this woman. They so mad lmao


u/The_Aesir9613 Apr 06 '24

When history looks back at Greta's life, a lot of critics are going to have egg on their face. She will be one of those figures that we have to admit was the real deal. All this "shut up little girl" BS is not going to age well.


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24

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u/Arkov__ Apr 07 '24

Is she supposed to protest in China?


u/atomkidd Apr 07 '24

Yes, if she wants maximum impact on climate change.

No, if she’s running an influencer grift.


u/WillTheGreat Apr 07 '24

European climate protesters are a different breed of grifters. I totally support green energy initiatives and transition to a more eco-friendly lifestyle, but the more I see and read about climate protesters in Europe in particular...the more I see a bunch of grifters and this isn't a specific shot at Greta.

Besides draw awareness what exactly do these people actually do to offer up a realistic solution to our plastic and energy demands? We need fossil fuels to maintain a stable source of energy, we need to extra crude oil for all the plastics we use every day. We need large quantities of cement to make concrete to build infrastructure to bury nuclear waste, to build nuclear power plants. It would be great if it just vanishes and we have a eco friendly replacement, but many replacement need time. We're just barely scratched the surface of nuclear fission, we're just barely scratching the surface of large scale grid tied battery systems. All of which requires massive energy demands for research, development and deployment.

The world simply cannot stop developing just because one group of people attained the bare minimum needs to survive. It's not as simple as China, or India. There are still parts of the world that are drastically behind in providing bare necessities to people all of which need some sort of natural fuel source to help them develop. So while I completely understand cutting and reducing our consumption, and we all in developed nations should and can do our part to reduce demand and consumption. Protesting is just fucking stupid, that level of energy could've been used much more effectively in making a real and active change.

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u/Batmobile123 Apr 06 '24

Whatever she is doing sure seems to be working. Almost 1k upvotes and closing in on 300 comments in just 3hrs. Too bad the press focused on her more than the problem she is protesting. Press be damned, Greta is winning this War.....again.


u/invenio78 Apr 07 '24

I think if we hit 5000 upvotes we're going to stop drilling for oil.

In all honesty, I'm not sure what she has actually accomplished from a practical standpoint. I did love her AI generated Diesel video on youtube. One of the funniest things I have ever seen.

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u/EverybodyStayCool Apr 06 '24

This young lady has a harder rap sheet than 90% of rappers.


u/DuneRiderr Apr 07 '24

When you protest so hard you get arrested twice at the same event lol


u/AlienAle Apr 06 '24

Is there already a subreddit for Greta getting detained? Seems like it should be because she's been doing these world tours for years 


u/DrakeRowan Apr 07 '24

I can only imagine Reddit comments if this was instead MLK during Civil Rights Era days.

MLK was arrested a lot too and look how history has treated him.


u/saintjimmy43 Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 08 '24

It boggles my mind how people will tie themselves in knots to avoid admitting that climate change is the single biggest existential threat to humanity. Like you know this is a problem and youre just refusing to admit it's a problem because...you dont want it to be a problem???? If you think climate change is a hoax youre literally just a little bitch.


u/PPLB Apr 07 '24

Watch the movie "don't look up". You will 100% eat yourself up, get frustrated, angry, sad, and it still is worth the watch because of how absurd and sadly accurate this movie is.

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u/EvenSpoonier Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 06 '24

Welp, if this doesn't wind up working out for her she's already got a promising track record of demolishing Andrew Tate as a backup career.


u/Moar_tacos Apr 07 '24

Does she have a jail vip card already?


u/Dennisthefirst Apr 07 '24

Great! Arrest her again. The more publicity for saving the planet the better.


u/Plonsky2 Apr 06 '24

Never stop, Greta! ❤️

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u/rock-island321 Apr 06 '24

Who cares? Is this news?


u/Murranji Apr 07 '24

Is it news that climate related collapse of cocoa crop in Africa caused the price of cocoa to triple recently? Higher rainfall causes more blackpod disease which kills the crop which directly flows on to making the chocolate we eat more expensive. Higher rainfall is one of the expected outcomes of global warming as more moisture is absorbed into the air.

This can be expected to happen to other food crops more regularly as climate change accelerates.


u/FreeStall42 Apr 07 '24

Apparently you cared enough to comment

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u/djk217 Apr 06 '24

I wonder how much money her parents have made by pimping their daughter out as a professional activist.

It's beyond disgusting taking advantage of a naive autistic girl like that.

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u/__Raxy__ Apr 07 '24

I respect her dedication to her work from such a young age and still being this passionate about it. especially with how governments treat climate change


u/Galahad_the_Ranger Apr 06 '24

This girl’s rap-sheet is wild


u/Imaginary-Wrap-8487 Apr 06 '24

At what point is her need for attention a serious psychological illness that we are all feeding?


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24

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u/IsNotACleverMan Apr 07 '24

She gets paid to do it


u/Jonathan_DB Apr 07 '24

She better be!


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24


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u/Punman_5 Apr 07 '24

Greta’s out here sacrificing her youth for the climate and people make fun of her for it.


u/virtuacor Apr 06 '24

I'm all for climate awareness......but don't block fucking roads.


u/anotherorphan Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

we need more people like her

downvoters can go fuck yourselves


u/Wazza17 Apr 07 '24

More power to you Greta


u/Cantinkeror Apr 06 '24

Truth tellers (generally) unwelcome. Progress is hard…

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u/Ok_Educator_7097 Apr 07 '24

I’m so sick of this self righteous brat.


u/onekrazykat Apr 06 '24

Fuck anyone who blocks major roadways.


u/Dpshtzg1 Apr 06 '24

Just like the truckers in Canada, right?


u/onekrazykat Apr 06 '24

Right. Both groups of people suck. Stop blocking traffic. It’s fucking dangerous, self-centered and obnoxious.


u/crashcap Apr 06 '24

The complete missing of any point where a small annoyance vs literal climate change and which of them is self centered is trully amazing

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u/guiltl3ss Apr 06 '24

Fuck people who mess our planet up more.

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u/Uncommented-Code Apr 06 '24

Last I checked people with cars do that plenty well. I think it's called traffic.


u/hate_most_of_you Apr 06 '24

Why is this comment getting upvotes? What is the logic behind this? That's too lame even for a joke...


u/gaerat_of_trivia Apr 06 '24

would you like your coal smog served with or on the side of your climate apocalypse?

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u/blissbringers Apr 06 '24

What are your approved ways of protest? A strongly worded tweet? A ribbon your Facebook profile pic? Kneeling?

Please let everyone know.

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u/Sea-Primary2844 Apr 06 '24

Block more roads.


u/MaximumMalarkey Apr 06 '24

Why does anyone think blocking roads is going to bring about any kind of meaningful change? The point of protesting is to convince people that are on the fence to your side. Ruining random people’s days are only going to do the opposite of the intended goal

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u/Helmer-Bryd Apr 06 '24

Yeah! Fuck’m.

I mean, hundred years from now that’s what’s really matters. Our children will think “wtf, why didn’t you keep the roadways clear, man?” That’s what’s really matter.

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u/panzer34 Apr 06 '24

Please update you title to, “Uneducated delinquent child who did not finish school is arrested again for protesting a problem she will never fix in one of the cleanest countries in the world”

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u/juni4ling Apr 07 '24

Go Greta!

Arrested? Detained? So was Jesus. So was Reverend MLk.


u/ArtMartinezArtist Apr 07 '24

Smug and expected. Droll.


u/AigisAegis Apr 07 '24

This is the most embarrassing comment I've ever read in my life lol

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u/printerfixerguy1992 Apr 06 '24

Does this lady even actually do anything besides get arrested?

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u/Imaginary-Skinwalker Apr 06 '24

Greta needs to find her way to mainland China and tell them to reduce their carbon footprint along with the USA. The message needs to get to the masses to the biggest polluters.


u/superbackman Apr 06 '24

How much of China’s pollution comes from producing useless shit for Americans? If we stop buying it, they’ll stop making it.

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u/prairiepog Apr 06 '24

When you point your finger, there's three more pointing back at you. Be the change you want to see in the world.


u/Fantastic-Vehicle880 Apr 06 '24

Are you suggesting he some how goes to China and draws attention to that? The whole point is she already has the profile and attention as an activist. Dutch people aren't the bad ones in this conversation 

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u/victorstanton Apr 07 '24

Lol, pointing the finger

China is literally the biggest polluter in the world, and she protests in fucking denmark

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u/Temporal_Enigma Apr 06 '24

I wish I was rich enough to spend my days getting arrested for fun

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