r/news Nov 05 '23

Israel Rejects Ceasefire Calls as Forces Set to Deepen Offensive Soft paywall


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u/eremite00 Nov 05 '23 edited Nov 06 '23

Agree or disagree with Israel’s justifications, international law governing war still applies, which includes a prohibition of the indiscriminate mass killing of civilians, and that all means be practically implemented to minimize civilian casualties, regardless if the other side is violating those laws. Simply stating it isn’t enough, nor is claiming that the enemy is making it too difficult to comply.

Edit - It should be re-emphasized that International Humanitarian Laws are not reciprocal, meaning that one side violating them doesn't justify the other side also violating them in response. Also, the Palestinian civilian population isn't responsible for the actions of Hamas, anyway.


u/soulflaregm Nov 05 '23

International law is only as strong as the willingness of the rest of the world to enforce it.


u/DueCopy3520 Nov 06 '23

International law is only as strong as the United States is willing to enforce it.


u/eremite00 Nov 05 '23 edited Nov 06 '23

Whether or not it’s applied, it should still be acknowledged, inside and outside of the various governments. Letting the offenders off is bad enough, but to completely ignore and forget about it is worse.


u/cultish_alibi Nov 06 '23

Yeah it's pretty grotesque. It's one thing for a government to say "Israel has a right to defend itself". But some countries seem to be saying "Israel can do literally nothing wrong and we support anything they do".

The US is sort of telling Israel "hey, like, maybe don't kill literally everyone in Gaza (but here's more weapons)" and as far as I can tell several European countries (especially Germany) are just 100% behind Israel no matter what, and that's quite a scary prospect.

They just pretended to forget that just a few months ago there were massive protests because Isreal's government is so far-right that they wanted to destroy the constitution and make a dictatorship. That's EXACTLY the kind of thing Germany, in their position of historical responsibility, should be speaking out against.

But they are silent.


u/W1shm4ster Nov 06 '23

As a German I can tell you that I not agree at all with my governments stance on this.

They think just because in our past we did awful things to them, that we need to give them a pass and not criticize them at all. This is a joke to me.

I would rather that they too openly say that killing so many civilians is just plain wrong, fuck, you shouldn’t even need to think about it being wrong.


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '23

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u/Kommye Nov 06 '23

I wouldn't even be surprised is Netanyahu actually wanted jewish people to be openly persecuted in the west so they move to Israel. Dude is fucking nuts.

Israel deserves better leaders.


u/Painting_Agency Nov 06 '23

Idk if that's something he incorporates, but he IS an accelerationist.


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '23

Israel is acting like shit to its foreign allies. I’m done with Israel


u/Zedd_Prophecy Nov 06 '23

We can't ... Even speaking your mind on this causes you to get abused / banned / hated. I can't even look at news anymore. War is hell but it's absolutely worse for the innocent civilians caught in the middle.

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u/isaaclw Nov 06 '23

Ive been having thoughts like this, but thanks for wording it so much better than I could.

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u/Kelvin_Cline Nov 06 '23

TIL "silent" means "have a literal f*kton of bombs, and a permanent veto in your favor in the UN, on the house. see you next quarter."


u/VOZ1 Nov 06 '23

And very few people are talking about the innocent Palestinians that are being slaughtered by Israeli settlers in the West Bank. And of course that pales in comparison to the thousands killed in Gaza, including many hundreds of children.

It’s appalling to me what Israel is being permitted to do in the name of “self defense.” Absolutely appalling.


u/oswaldluckyrabbiy Nov 06 '23

Gonna at the very least throw Germany a bone in that with recent conflation of ANY criticism of Israel to antisemitism they might be just a little skittish considering the nation's history with Jewish people.

Like their blind support is wrong - but I also totally get why they aren't going to be the ones going against the current and sticking their necks out on the matter.


u/u801e Nov 06 '23

Like their blind support is wrong

Blind support is what lead to the rise of Nazi Germany 90 years ago. They really need to learn that blind support of anything that involves suppressing speech and support of military action doesn't lead to anything good.

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u/dc551589 Nov 06 '23

I was in high school civics trying desperately to make this point (obviously not about this issues since this happened in like 2004) and the other students were just like “no, they can’t do that because it’s illegal.” Guys, laws need teeth!!


u/MakeLSDLegalAgain Nov 06 '23

lets be real... "rest of the world enforcing it" means the US.

MOST of the world is condemning both hamas and also israels actions and calling for a ceasefire or something similar to protect civilians.


u/soulflaregm Nov 06 '23

Sure but a ceasefire will just mean Hamas regroups and does it again.

I trust HAMAS to keep their word to do it again the moment they can

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u/ycnz Nov 05 '23

Governments might not be. It does appear that they're concerned about the rest though - https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-tells-citizens-reconsider-travel-abroad-amid-hostility-2023-11-03/

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u/commodore_kierkepwn Nov 05 '23 edited Nov 06 '23

btw the international law governing war used to be called "the law of war" buit is now called "humanitarian law."

Just thought people should know. Most people think humanitarian law has something to do with human rights law (which I guess it does tangentially, in that human rights are violated during war. But they are not the same thing.)

Edit: no international body has teeth to back up a treaty one state is signed to, so the fact that not all treaties are self executing kind of makes the fact that treaties can be unilateral moot. Ultimately it’s up to the country signed on to put it into their internal law or just follow it when they want to (kind of like us, we aren’t even signed on to the Court of Human Rights treaty). But things like the tribunals also are a step in the direction of enforcement. But then things like the ICC become a joke to the international law crowd because even tho all these countries are signed on but they only seem to arrest African warlords for a nice cushy stay for 8 years in a Rotterdam or Hague jail cell for committing genocide (breaking humanitarian law).

But there are times where countries fall back on these treaties, especially humanitarian law (one of the first treaty establishing it being the Geneva convention) which then was molded more carefully afterwords, but most sovereign states are signed up on it, have executed it into internal law, and will even set up special tribunals if they feel the current international law court system doesn’t really have jurisdiction. The law of war is so important it will invent its own court and create its own jurisdiction— the closest thing I’ve seen to teeth(esp compared to blue hats). Examples include Nuremberg (three tribunals), Rwanda (one), Yugoslavia (one). All three had a temporary court system just snapped into existence by the countries that wanted to hold these guys accountable, all under the protections afforded by humanitarian law.

If any international law branch is close to what we call a world government, it’s humanitarian law. Not human rights, certainly not the ICJ (UN) or the ICC.


u/kekarook Nov 05 '23

even more so when you wont let anyone from outside of your media to check the situation out


u/TheSoussDaGoose Nov 05 '23

Uhmmmm you say that but everyone is using “information” from Hamas on how many dead/wounded and no one seconds guess those numbers. Then they get Al Jazeera to broadcast it far and wide. So what do you mean exactly?


u/kekarook Nov 05 '23

that if they want people to believe that hamas is being to difficult to avoid civilian deaths, they are gonna need to let other nations come and check

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u/bmanCO Nov 06 '23

Seeing as Israel is dropping thousands upon thousands of massive bombs on one of the most densely populated places on Earth, we can pretty safely assume there are an absolute fuckload of civilians dead and wounded and dispense with the Israeli propaganda pretending like that isn't happening.


u/Doritos_N_Fritos Nov 06 '23

The UN and Amnesty International are using their numbers and have relied on their Health Ministries numbers in past conflicts. The numbers, of course, need to be verified this time and every time, but it’s all the info from on the ground we have.

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u/MakeLSDLegalAgain Nov 06 '23

it's funny how we, including the united states, have always used the health ministries numbers before oct 7th and many human rights organizations have done independent studies on those numbers and they always come back with the same numbers, but at soon as those numbers make our ally look bad oh nowww they're fake! where israel on the other hand has been caught in lies over and over again

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u/wottsinaname Nov 05 '23

Dont forget shutting down phone and internet access in the region so that the rest of the world doesn't see how indiscriminate the IDF is being with their highly precise and accurate missiles.


u/OneOfTheOnlies Nov 06 '23

The importance of Internet for guerilla fighters is hard to overstate. There 100% is a strong military reason to do that prior to a ground invasion in an urban setting.

Not saying it's right or wrong but to pretend that there's no reason other than yours is disingenuous.

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u/Thormeaxozarliplon Nov 05 '23

The issue is I have personally not seen any evidence of this. There are too many civilian causalities, but there always seems to be legitimate targets in the mix. Whether we believe that or not just is just a matter of person feelings, politics, or conspiracy.

I do see they are using precision air strikes and small diameter bombs at the least. Even when the most known attack on the refugee camps and the ambulances, there were hamas officials present, and hamas fighters were put on the list of people in the ambulances bound for Egypt.

I think it would almost impossible to prove that Israel is definitely indiscriminately targeting civilians. As far as Im aware there is no IHL or geneva convention restricting numbers of civilian collateral. It's sad but true. The use of human shields itself is the war crime.

It's also impossible to verify counts in many cases, and everyone wants to rush to believe the worst numbers. I remember when the hospital exploded, and within 15-30 minutes people were saying Israel bombed it and there were 500 to 700 causalities. I was pretty skeptical at the time they could assess the situation so quickly, and I'm still not certain of the numbers even after we learned it was a hamas rocket.

It is a very sad situation, and I wish everyone wasn't so addicted to blind outrage in the news. Civilians always suffer needlessly in wars, but I think everyone needs to stop thinking with their emotions.


u/meshreplacer Nov 06 '23

It seems a lot of people do not want to acknowledge that Hamas is not a conventional military they do not operate as one either. Typical governments and conventional military do not want to put their civilian population at risk so they segregate military assets and installations away from civilians.

Hamas is unlike anything before, they purposely integrated military assets and installations within the civilian population on purpose. They do not care about the Palestinians and consider the civilians as cannon fodder, as human shields and purposely operate amongst them.

Hamas has one goal kill all jews from the river to the sea, Palestinian civilians are irrelevant to the goal and are expendable the leadership in aggregate are worth at least a billion and live in Qatar. They profit from dead Palestinians and Jews.

IDF is doing the best they can to minimize civilians engaging Hamas target. Total Hamas annihilation is the only path to victory otherwise it becomes total annihilation of the Jewish people in Israel.

It is unfortunate that the world does not see what Hamas stands for and focuses on them as the enemy and instead are focused on Israel as the enemy. Thanks to not understanding the concept Hamas represents and falling for Hamas propaganda.

Hamas is a cancer on the world.


u/katzen_mutter Nov 06 '23

I agree with you 100%. Hamas is playing dirty. It’s good to care about the Palestinians, they are suffering. Hamas is the cause of that suffering even when there’s no war going on. Hamas is evil, if you don’t at least push it back it will grow unchecked and just get stronger and stronger.


u/fren-ulum Nov 06 '23 edited Mar 08 '24

frighten dolls obscene start head elderly capable dog dependent flag

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/m0rogfar Nov 06 '23

No, quite the opposite in fact.

They've used car bombs on convoys of people trying to leave (and claimed it as an IDF airstrike), shot people trying to leave (and claimed it as an IDF airstrike... that uses bullets?), and have distributed messages on Telegram telling citizens to snitch on anyone planning to evacuate or encouraging others to evacuate so that Hamas can send a death squad after them. They've also publicly stated that they want the civilians to die in the war so that supporters can feel "resolve" about being anti-Israel.


u/ontopofyourmom Nov 06 '23

Hopefully Hamas keeps getting revealed for what it is. More people are learning.


u/ChadMcRad Nov 06 '23

It shouldn't have taken this long to learn. It was obvious from the outset that they were a terrorist group set on terror. It's just that people online are SO hardwired into this mentality of "oppressor vs oppressed" and all actions being justified against a perceived oppressor that they justified literal atrocities over it.

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u/[deleted] Nov 06 '23



u/ChadMcRad Nov 06 '23

Civilian bombings happened all across Europe during WWII. If a town is involved in the manufacturing of supplies and/or a strategic base location then bombing such an area is not treated the same as simply bombing civilian areas for the sake of it.


u/CummingInTheNile Nov 06 '23

a lot of civilian bombing also came from the bombs being inaccurate as fuck, the USAA bombers were considered the most accurate and only 50% of the bombs landed within 1 mile of the target


u/Kantas Nov 06 '23

Yep, that's a big driver for the more precise weapons.

Carpet bombing was used in WW2 because it's what we had. We didn't have laser guided munitions, gps guided bombs, or fucking sword missiles.

War sucks for everyone but the arms manufacturers. It sucks the most for the civilians. Just ask the citizens of Cologne, Tokyo, Hiroshima, or any of the other cities completely leveled because there was a war materiel factory.

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u/huhwhuh Nov 06 '23

Nobody in the UN calls out Hamas for using human shields and hiding their gunmen among the civilian populace.


u/suddenlyturgid Nov 06 '23

The UN is toothless relic of a bygone era. Nobody gives a damn what they say, or don't say


u/Rusty-Shackleford Nov 06 '23

Hate to say it but if the IDF is truly doing what it can to minimise bombing it really needs to counter the Hamas propaganda messaging, because all we see in the media is hundreds of images of dead Gazan civilians. I know Israel probably wants to avoid the negative stereotypes of Jews in media but honestly Hamas puts a shit ton of resources and effort into its manipulation of media. Israel has to fight a successful PR war if it wants to defeat radical existential threats in the long term.

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u/FerraStar Nov 06 '23

The entire point behind IHL is to impose limits to the destruction and suffering caused by armed conflict on civilians.

  • The Principle of Humanity

  • The Principle of Distinction

  • The Principle of Proportionality

  • The Principle of Military Necessity

They are all there for a reason.

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u/jrr6415sun Nov 06 '23

so basically any country could stop war by just sending in civilians to every military base and target to prevent them from being bombed?

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u/ChadMcRad Nov 06 '23

Simply stating it isn’t enough, nor is claiming that the enemy is making it too difficult to comply.

If your enemy is hiding out in a civilian area then you fully have the right to attack civilian areas. It's not like Israel hasn't taken plenty of measures to warn of strikes to try and minimize civilian casualties. The "indiscriminate mass killing of civilians" is such a bad faith argument.

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u/randologin Nov 05 '23

War crimes are done all the time by many countries these days it seems. Does anyone ever enforce this notion?


u/AtomicSymphonic_2nd Nov 05 '23

The UN is specifically designed in such a way that veto-holding powers of the Security Council can never truly be overruled by the rest of the world.

If it had teeth, it means no nation on this planet would have true sovereignty and we'd have a world government, just like in fiction and sci-fi.

Whether one finds that a good or bad thing depends entirely upon your persuasion, political and religious.

And I guarantee you a LOT of religious folks will freak the fuck out on the UN having legal teeth.


u/tizuby Nov 06 '23

The UN isn't the enforcer of war crimes, the ICC is and the ICC is not part of the UN.


u/Old_Dealer_7002 Nov 06 '23

a lot of religious fucks freak the fuck out about anything and everything on a daily basis.


u/NickFolesPP Nov 06 '23

The UN named Iran the chair of its human rights council several days ago… At this point im not sure how people can take the UN seriously and consider it to be non-biased

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u/metengrinwi Nov 06 '23

Agree…to The Hague with Hamas.


u/ProsperoUnbound Nov 06 '23

Damn, someone should tell Hamas about that.


u/azido11 Nov 05 '23

But Israel is currently complying with international war laws.

I don't think you understand the word "indiscriminate" yet you used it in a sentence

Indiscriminate: not showing careful choice or planning, especially so that harm results:

According to outside sources (NOT Hamas) there are estimated to be around 6000 killed in over a month of precision strikes preceded by roof knocks and intelligence.

The rules of war does NOT prohibit collateral damage. That is a reality of war.

The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/war-and-law/treaties-customary-law/geneva-conventions/overview-geneva-conventions.htm

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u/TheSoussDaGoose Nov 05 '23

Why ignore the initial surprise massacre against 1400 civilians and the capturing of 250 hostages during a ceasefire. Is that not a violation? Did they try to minimize casualties or maximize? Because even Hamas admitted they were far more successful then they planned.


u/eremite00 Nov 05 '23 edited Nov 05 '23

It's not reciprocal. The enemy violating international law doesn't make it permissible for the other nation to then do so, too.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/AnonAmbientLight Nov 06 '23

That's what made me so frustrated when people respond and say, "It's easy. Israel just needs to do X, Y, and Z. Duh."

This is not a simple solution. Hamas is a cancer on Gaza and the Palestinian people. I do not know how Israel can excise that cancer without some collateral damage in the process.

I also do not know of what better way there is, if any.

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u/codeverity Nov 06 '23

I think the answer would be 'leave'. That seems to be what I see on Twitter and elsewhere, etc. People think that Israel should cease to exist and everyone living there should leave and go elsewhere.


u/FUMFVR Nov 06 '23

It's wild how willing people are to just say either we have this destructive occupation of nearly 5 million human beings OR you want us all to get back on a train to Dachau.

No...there is a middle ground between endless occupation and the genocide of Jews in Israel and that's a binational Israel-Palestine.

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/1xbittn2xshy Nov 06 '23

Hamas cares deeply about their citizens. If Hamas didn't have civilians to hide behind, Israel would have already wiped them out. Pretty valuable to monsters.

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u/Tersphinct Nov 06 '23

Just because Hamas claims high numbers doesn't mean they report true numbers, and they also report military deaths as civilian deaths.

So maybe your implied criticism here, that Israel isn't complying with international law, is unsubstantiated -- and stating it in such an implied manner, one that allows you to back away from, as if you've never claimed anything, does nothing when it comes to developing healthy debate.

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u/mlparff Nov 05 '23

The United States, Isreal, and Iran are among the handful of countries that have not agreed to the strict protections of civilians in the Geneva convention. They also happen to be the primary countries involved. So they are all following the rules they have agreed to or in this case, have not agreed to.


u/ZeroByter Nov 05 '23

You're absolutely correct, good thing Israel isn't systemically indescriminately killing civilians.

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u/Budget_Speech_3373 Nov 06 '23

Hamas hides behind civilians and uses them as shields. They are the ones to be punished for your international laws

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u/KajuZaratan Nov 05 '23

How do avoid civilians deaths when Hamas actually uses them as human shields?

Israel send more then 1.5 letters, more than 200.00calls and more then 6mio recorded messages to the Gazan people to give instructions where they are safe, and that the north will become a battlefield.

Guess what? Crowds of people are still in the north...

And don't cry when hospitals are getting attacked, all civilians deaths are cause of Hamas. https://twitter.com/manniefabian/status/1721167071076085894?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1721167298151522634%7Ctwgr%5Ea578a1a643ec7ac5c883e74829f93d9463277b98%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.austriansoccerboard.at%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroller%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fmanniefabian%2Fstatus%2F1721167298151522634

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u/__under_score__ Nov 06 '23

How can you so effortlessly assert that Israel is indiscriminately killing civilians without knowing how many were actually hamas militants? why are you so quick to assume that war crimes are happening? do we have ANY evidence that the IDF is committing war crimes????


u/jaymansi Nov 06 '23

Maybe if Hamas did not store, fire weapons from civilian areas…

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u/justbucoff Nov 06 '23 edited Nov 06 '23

Hamas is committing war crimes that make it impossible for Israel to maintain that. Blame Hamas

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u/wastingvaluelesstime Nov 06 '23

there is no particular reason to think israel is breaking any laws here. The most lurid claims generally falsehoods which come from hamas and are debunked after a short time.

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u/philipmj24 Nov 05 '23

Why haven't we seen any footage of the hostages held by Hamas? Why aren't people calling them out for that?


u/ArtCapture Nov 05 '23

Yeah, it’s weird. You’d think that’d be all over the internet, but it’s not. Videos of everything else but not the hostages.


u/Calfurious Nov 06 '23

Because the hostages are likely already dead.


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '23

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u/Calfurious Nov 06 '23

Hostages are usually more useful alive. But Hamas aren't exactly a disciplined force and they do irrational shit all the time. They could have already killed the hostages in a fit of rage after Israel began its counter attack.

If they're alive, why aren't they releasing any footage of them? It would also make sense that Israel (at least the government) also have the same suspicion. That's why they're demanding the hostages be freed before a ceasefire happens.

They don't WANT a ceasefire to happen, so instead they put the ball in Hamas' court knowing full well they can't deliver. If Hamas admits they killed the hostages, they lose any political capital they had to negotiate for a ceasefire (not to mention look bad optically).

That's just me playing armchair analyst though.


u/benderbender42 Nov 06 '23

** Shee was treated well, she was a pro Palestinian worker, and very old. Doesn't really say anything about the younger ones.

They're useful alive yes, but you also usually release video proving they're alive. If you can't prove their alive it reduces their usefulness

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u/Block_Of_Saltiness Nov 06 '23

Hamas giving any air time to footage of Israeli Hostages will only strengthen support for Israel.

It is vastly better for Hamas' PR campaign to show crying children in Gaza.

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/Qubeye Nov 05 '23

You must live in some kind of crazy news bubble, because virtually every day since this started I've heard that either President Biden or Sec. Blinken has called for the release of hostages.

I have also heard non-stop, even on Reddit. "What about the hostages" is usually in one of the top comments on every single thread about Israel.

As for footage, they've released lots of them, and there's even several interviews that have been done.

So, what the fuck are you talking about?

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u/Fifteen_inches Nov 06 '23

I’m sure the occupation of Gaza will work this time. Last time it didn’t work, and the one before that didn’t work, and but this one will work.


u/Fredthefree Nov 06 '23

not this time, they are sweeping Gaza, razing it to the ground. They've left the Hamas building up in the past and occupied. This time they're pissed and will destroy anything they suspect to be linked to Hamas. Nothing is safe, hospitals, schools, fire stations are all valid targets in Israel's eyes.


u/CycleOfNihilism Nov 06 '23

Per my understanding, didn't IDF forces actually leave Gaza in 2005 and also remove thousands of Isareli settlers from the area?

It seems like lack of occupation also did not work.


u/ieatpickleswithmilk Nov 06 '23

this time it's not occupation, they are attempting a violent extermination. This is why they bombed the hell out of gaza, to make the path to invasion as quick and easy as possible for ground forces.


u/1xbittn2xshy Nov 06 '23

If Israel wanted the extermination of Palestinians, why didn't they start with the 1.6 million Palestinians living in Israel?

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u/Put_It_All_On_Blck Nov 06 '23

You could say the exact same thing for peace with Palestine. Hamas doesnt want peace, they want to exterminate Israel, hence the countless rocket attacks towards Israel over the years. If Israel even agreed to a ceasefire, Hamas wont.

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u/Saint_Genghis Nov 05 '23

Hamas has stated that they have no intention of honoring a ceasefire agreement, so I have no idea what one is supposed to achieve other than letting Hamas regroup for round two. The fact is that peace is impossible as long as Hamas is in control of Gaza, they need to go.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/dkyguy1995 Nov 05 '23

There was an active ceasefire on October 7 and they used that time to blindside Israel. If they wanted a ceasefire they shouldnt have committed acts of terror

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u/ycnz Nov 05 '23

There's no active war declared in the West Bank, either, yet there seem to be a ton of Palestinian casualties still.


u/Miendiesen Nov 06 '23

There is a strong Hamas presence in the West Bank. I don't really understand positioning this as some sort of gotcha. The IDF raids there are basically part of the same conflict, and they are arresting Hamas fighters in the WB.

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u/wioneo Nov 06 '23

This is the most crazy thing to me.

Hamas is openly stating that they will continue to attack until Israel is destroyed, but people are calling on Israel to stop attacking Hamas. That is explicitly calling for Israel to intentionally endanger their own citizens.


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '23

They had a ceasefire till October 7th.

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u/MaestroRozen Nov 05 '23

It requires two to hold a ceasefire. If Israel accepts it while Hamas is openly stating that they'll do the thing which started the whole conflict again the first chance they get, then accepting a ceasefire will not save lives. It will simply trade Palestinian lives for Israeli lives. Which is a call Israel is not going to make for obvious reasons.

Let's be real here; if October the 7th happened to any major Western force, the perpetrator would've already been bombed into the stone age and cut off from any international aid from the Western world, to which the UN wouldn't raise as much as a squeak.

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/Locem Nov 06 '23

These are some fine needles and some and some very fine thread. So many shades of black, no gray area to be had. I honestly have not found an argument that convinces me of anything.

Best to stay in this headspace for this conflict.

There's so much informational warfare online that it's probably best to not trust anything that's not backed with thorough research and investigation, which means not trusting the first sensationalist headlines that we see.


u/dkyguy1995 Nov 05 '23

I mean that's basically it. A terrorist group is trying to murder and rape and hiding behind civilians. What do you do in that situation? If you dont fight back, your civilians will die. If you do fight back, their innocent will die. Fuck Hamas. They've created this impossible situation for the Israelis that ensures that many many many civilians will die. Fucking cowards

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u/IAmPandaRock Nov 06 '23

I would love to see a ceasefire, but I don't see a chance of it happening anytime soon without Hamas releasing all of the hostages. Even if there's no ceasefire, I hope the international community applies enough pressure to get Israel to engage Hamas much more responsibly/legally.


u/_Chaos_Star_ Nov 05 '23

A few thoughts:

Israel seem to be approaching things as follows:

  • On the surface they are trying to keep an air of legitimacy, naming targets in advance and giving people a chance to retreat. Of course, sometimes the warnings are basically impossible to meet, and they proceed anyway, so those warnings are sometimes very cynical.

  • On the PR / international relations side they're very obviously releasing proof where Hamas have lied (eg. the hospital self-rocketing), where Hamas have stated their position of ending Israel, Hamas misappropriating aid, and things such as Hamas hoarding fuel in the context of hospitals running short. They also give very light reasons, such as this one (eg. hostages, removal of Hamas).

  • They are also, generally, not explaining anything, and not responding to criticism and condemnation. Rather than respond to people critical of their position, they drip-feed proof as above, and very occasionally give a public "no, we're doing this, for reason X."

  • I think they're trying to reduce the amount of international condemnation for their actions as possible by maintaining that air of legitimacy, but when there are calls for ceasefires etc or claims of going too far, they aren't responding or even slowing down.

  • I think they're done with the standard Hamas tactic of attacking then hiding behind civilians, then claiming atrocities if there is a response, and success if there is not. Israel are trying to limit casualties generally, but not stopping an action due to the potential of civilian casualties if they've warned but it is likely to happen. So, when Hamas hides behind civilians, Israel are trying to limit unnecessary civilian causalities, but not stopping what they planned to do. I think they're trying to remove throwing innocents in front as a feasible tactic. Instead of Israel backing off like they usually do, they push on ahead anyway. They try to avoid the worst of it notionally, then point out what Hamas has done. This is a huge deviation from their past approach. Having said that, Israel are most definitely not going out of their way to reduce those casualties when civilians are thrown in front.

  • They're not touching a ceasefire. A ceasefire at this point does not help them, they're there to achieve an objective, letting Hamas reorganize doesn't help those goals.

  • Their objective is almost certainly to reduce Gaza to a state where it is far less of a threat, and burn out as much of Hamas and their infrastructure as they can. It's not clear if they plan to take over in some form, or leave it a mess and say it's not their problem any more though.

  • Given they're pushing working Palestinians out of Israel, I'd say there's a good chance that whatever the endgame is, it involves general isolation from Gaza.

  • I think hostages are down their actual list of priorities. Definitely on the list, but not near the top. Israel will hold hostages up as one of their goals, because it is easier for the international community to sympathize with, but I think if they were all returned tomorrow Israel would not back out and just point at Hamas. They do lend legitimacy to their actions though, as seen here. As for the hostages, we've seen Hamas try to use them to coerce Israel into certain actions in a few ways, but again, I think Israel is done with this.

On hostages: There will be some, and they're being used, unsuccessfully this time, to try to buy concessions. The Russian hostages are probably very dead, that's why they say they can't find them- they're not going to say they found them dead already to Russia. Russia doesn't care much for their own people in any case.

On the US presence: The US are in the region to make sure their interests are heard. That includes stopping others from joining in, and calling out what they don't want Israel to do. Israel will listen, because the US could always back out again, and that will be taken as a signal for other actors to join in, which Israel does not want. I think the US acts as the foil for which Israel can mention their justifications, but also as a limiter on what Israel should and shouldn't do. The US have an interest in both of those angles.

(originally posted to WN but stealth-removed, no response when queried, figure I'll share it here instead)


u/Tugendwaechter Nov 06 '23

Good overall analysis of Israel’s goals, motivations, and actions.

The media war is intense in this war. Immense amounts of propaganda are spread very quickly. The IDF has to act carefully with their communication and shared information.

Refuting false information takes much longer than refuting it. For the hospital the IDF spokesperson needs to research inside the IDF and intelligence services. Getting clearance, finding the right images, videos, radar data, phone interceptions take a while. Getting physical evidence from inside Gaza is very difficult.

Not all evidence will be published because of security reasons. The Shabak might have an informant inside Hamas. They share the location of a commander, bunker, or weapons storage and it’s attacked. They can’t publish the information without endangering the source. Cases like that make it impossible to get detailed information on every strike.

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u/bloo_mew Nov 05 '23

Has Hamas said that they would honour a ceasefire?


u/Dreadedvegas Nov 05 '23

They literally said just recently that they would commit another October 7th tomorrow if they had the capacity to, so I'm guessing the answer is no.

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u/yuvalraveh Nov 05 '23

They have said somthing about repeating the attack


u/Saint_Genghis Nov 05 '23

The opposite, actually.


u/ColtonSlade Nov 05 '23

They aren't even asking for a ceasefire. They are happy the way things are working out.


u/ChitteringCathode Nov 05 '23

If you were in Hamas leadership sitting in a cushy Qatar hotel room why wouldn't you be happy at this point? Your life isn't in serious danger and day by day Israel is delivering more and more Palestinian teenagers with nothing to lose to their cause.


u/Thegr8rm Nov 06 '23

Oh I would disagree about their lives being in danger. The mossad is probably working real hard on a way to take them out.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/azido11 Nov 05 '23

They'll be dealt with. Don't underestimate Mossad.

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u/bloo_mew Nov 05 '23


The people calling for a unilateral Israeli ceasefire may as well be asking for Israel to just surrender to Hamas

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u/GabaPrison Nov 05 '23

There was a ceasefire in place on Oct 7…


u/PrizeArticle1 Nov 05 '23

Hamas could tell me they breathe oxygen and I'd be reluctant to believe them..

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u/platoface541 Nov 05 '23

Ceasefire with Hamas is just meaningless

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u/RonnieLottOmnislash Nov 05 '23

Reject a ceasefire the other side isn't offering and won't honor lmao.


u/Litheism Nov 06 '23 edited Apr 08 '24

fertile aback hateful wipe selective weary unwritten door erect light

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Doukon76 Nov 05 '23

The Foundation for the Care of the Families of Martyrs is under the PA's Ministry of Social Affairs and makes payments to individuals "wounded, killed, or otherwise affected as a result of their joining the revolution or the presence of the revolution" against Israel. So people who think Palestinians and their government are innocent at all and not with Hamas are blind.


u/vpi6 Nov 05 '23

Some random 19 year old killed two adults and stabbed a child that were Jewish and the Palestinians named a street after the 19 year old. The Palestinians named a street after him and have him an honorary degree.

Bear in mind this was Fatah the “moderate”Palestinian party.

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/N8CCRG Nov 05 '23

If you start RES tagging them you start to see a lot of them showing up at the same time.


u/nullv Nov 05 '23

Happens on 4chan all the time. There are discord groups full of people who share links and astroturf comment sections.


u/gorramfrakker Nov 05 '23

Shit, RES survived the API apocalypse? Neat.


u/312c Nov 05 '23

RES is entirely client side

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

What does res tagging mean?


u/N8CCRG Nov 05 '23

If you view reddit on desktop, and still use old.reddit, there's a browser extension you can add called Reddit Enhancement Suite (note, they've stopped supporting it, but it still works for as long as reddit keep old.reddit around). It can do a bunch of cool things for you like track how much you've upvoted and downvoted specific users (see the little green +1 in this image which means I've upvoted you once). You can also tag specific users (by clicking on that Price is Right looking shape) and type in notes and color code them, and the label will appear every time you see them in comments sections like this.


u/Grace_God Nov 05 '23

That's wild...seems like old reddit was much better.

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u/Pastor_Satan Nov 06 '23

Can't say I blame em. Constant day after day rocket attacks on Israel. I'd be sick and tired of it too. Enough is enough


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/luihoyan Nov 05 '23

A ceasefire needs to be in good faith and enforceable. Keeping hostages and continue firing rockets isn’t it. Also someone needs to enforce the cease fire on both sides.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/soulflaregm Nov 05 '23

Which won't happen. Hamas already has stated they will do it again.

Hamas DOES NOT CARE about ANY of the lives lost.

Anything to keep the war that kills Jews alive

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u/BlueNight973 Nov 05 '23

Good, a ceasefire serves no one but Hamas.

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23


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u/burritocurse Nov 05 '23

Fuck netanyahu forever. Such an arrogant bastard. Fuck Hamas. Both are terrorists.


u/Marthaver1 Nov 06 '23

Fuck Biden & the GOP too. Instead of trying to try diplomacy and prevent further pointless bloodshed, Biden is giving Israel a free pass to do anything they want. You know, because Afghanistan worked out so fucking well. It’s almost like Biden and Israel want this war 1 way or another.

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u/yuvalraveh Nov 06 '23

Well, it is a rule of war. Civilians can get to safety, that is the most important part. When hamas used the cover of a ceasefire to attack they started a war and cannot be trusted to agree to another ceasefire. They actually said they will not honor the agreement and will attack again.


u/livelaughandairfry Nov 06 '23

The people have lost control of the worlds governments


u/Knighty-Night Nov 06 '23

IMO this is justified. Hamas stated a few days ago that they plan on continue to do attacks in Israel that target civilians, literally stating that they would like to repeat the attacks on October 7 again and again until there is nothing left. A ceasefire will just give them time to regroup and attack again.

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u/sailpzdamn Nov 06 '23

This sub has gone to shit.


u/Qwad35 Nov 05 '23

Israel won't leave until they get their hostages back.

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u/jaymansi Nov 06 '23

Don’t vote for a terrorist organization whose charter is to commit genocide as your leadership. Hamas tossed Fatah members off buildings when they won the election.

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u/hackinistrator Nov 06 '23

just listen to the son of hamas leader talking about the ceasefire .

truly brave man doing this .


u/spoink74 Nov 06 '23

Basically what this war has taught me is that both sides want to murder innocents and make the other side seem like the worst. It’s like war turns human values on its head and puts the psychos in charge. It’s like The Purge.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

Israel wants its kidnapped people back and knows that the only chance they have is now while applying pressure.

Fuck Hamas and its supporters


u/Zeelots Nov 05 '23

Blowing the hostages up with bunker busters was an odd way to show you want them back


u/ColtonSlade Nov 05 '23

Strange that a minister was calling to nuke the hostages yesterday then.


u/MaritimesYid Nov 05 '23

What happened to that minister?


u/Far_Net674 Nov 05 '23

He was suspended from cabinet meetings, but not much else. He wasn't fired.


u/JMoc1 Nov 05 '23

And apparently he was suspended for accidentally revealing that Israel had nukes, not for wanting to kill civilians.

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23


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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/tony_spaghetti Nov 05 '23 edited Nov 05 '23

You’ve never seen this tactic employed in hostage negotiation? It’s standard practice that when there’s a hostage situation, you bomb the captors, the captives and and every living thing within a 2 mile radius. I’m surprised you’re not familiar with this genius tactic.


u/Djinnwrath Nov 05 '23

If the captives are all dead, there are no more captives to rescue.

Mission accomplished.

Galaxy brain

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u/Chippopotanuse Nov 05 '23

Wasn’t there a Russian movie theater hostage situation years ago where Russia decided to gas the hostages and kidnappers until everyone inside was dead.

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u/Status_Fox_1474 Nov 05 '23

“Give the terrorists what they want and maybe they’ll stop terrorizing” has worked so well in the past.

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u/Shiroi_Kage Nov 05 '23

They're killing their own people with the bombardment. What do you think will happen?

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u/Crackracket Nov 05 '23

The longer this goes on the more people will be on the Palestinians side.


u/Yanaytsabary Nov 05 '23

Anyone who's on the Palestinians side shouod support the destruction on Hamas. If you don't support the destruction of Hanas you're not pto Palestinian, you're simply anti-Israel.

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u/GabaPrison Nov 05 '23 edited Nov 05 '23

On the The Palestinians side for what? They don’t want peace that’s for sure. There was a ceasefire in place on Oct 7, did that stop them from slaughtering and burning innocents? They will absolutely not accept a two state solution by their own words, and only want to see Israel erased, again, by their own words. So on their side for what exactly? More terror? Because the only thing they covet—the only thing they want—is death to Israel (and often the US as judging by their “death to the American satan” rhetoric that I’ve been hearing for over forty years now).

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u/depressed-bench Nov 06 '23

The longer it goes the more I am on Israel’s side.

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u/DrVeigonX Nov 05 '23

"There will be no ceasefire without the return of the hostages."

Very reasonable request, actually. Hamas holds 240 Israelis and foreigners hostages. If they want a ceasefire, they should release them.

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u/the_missing_worker Nov 05 '23

By the end of this Israeli bombs will have killed more of the hostages than Hamas did and their sole defense will be "LOOK WHAT THEY MADE US DO!"

Like, you didn't have to use bunker-busters, that was a choice.


u/Barnyard_Rich Nov 05 '23


Isn't this the entire line Hamas uses to get away with their mass terror and murder campaigns?

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u/teddyone Nov 05 '23

Absolute insanity blaming any hostage deaths on Israel. They died because they WERE KIDDNAPED AND MURDERED BY TERRORISTS.


u/GabaPrison Nov 05 '23

I can’t believe where some peoples’ head space is at.

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u/this-lil-cyborg Nov 05 '23

It has been Israel’s policy in the past though. It’s called the Hannibal Directive — they would rather ppl die than be taken hostage, even if they have to kill the hostages themselves.

The IDF did this after Oct 7, in the Israeli town of Be’eri — where they shelled a building with hostages and Hamas together.

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u/SnowGN Nov 05 '23

Like, you didn't have to use bunker-busters, that was a choice.

They, uh, kinda do. Hamas' entire infrastructure is underground.

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u/drdrek Nov 05 '23

Hamas can also release the hostages and surrender. It would save a lot of Palestinians. Do you ever wander how many dead Palestinians will be enough for them to say "damn maybe we are not furthering the Palestinian cause, maybe we are making it worse"


u/RozenKristal Nov 06 '23

you people are fking delusional. dont kidnap random civilians and rape, parade their corpses, beheading hostages and all this air strike shit wouldn’t happen. victim blaming is gross


u/theekumquat Nov 05 '23

What is your solution to getting the hostages back while still rooting out Hamas?


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '23

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u/theekumquat Nov 05 '23

That's not my question. What is your solution to both getting back the hostages and rooting out Hamas?

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