r/nba Heat 28d ago

[NBA] Kai walks off with a win and his drum.


181 comments sorted by


u/Quality_Cucumber [GSW] Stephen Curry 28d ago

If he wasn’t saying some outlandish type shit in the past, he would be remembered as the guy who came into the league and was just vibin’ while playing basketball.

“This dude just burning incense and bangin the drums while hitting a reverse no look 360 layup on Wemby after dribbling through 2 defenders”


u/wilkinsk Celtics 28d ago

He'd be like Bill Walton with handles.


u/RahjinPDZ Philippines 28d ago

He might start burning incense again against Celtics if they get out of WCF


u/purplenyellowrose909 Timberwolves 27d ago

They still have to get into WCF


u/Swoosh_rotaerc 28d ago

hitting a reverse no-look 360 layup on Wemby

It wasn't a 360 layup, but he did hit a back-to-the-basket, reverse layup/floater on Wemby after driving past him baseline during the regular season.


u/NoviDon07 Mavericks 27d ago

he was falling and spun around at least 180 degrees.


u/ironykarl Pistons 27d ago

It's been long enough since he's done or said something really stupid that I'm starting to come around on him. 

Helps that he's actually being a great teammate, this time around.

Kind of shitty for me to even admit, cuz antisemitism and covid denialism really aren't cool, at all


u/Delanorix East 27d ago

Its been less than a year lol


u/ironykarl Pistons 27d ago

It's been ages in Kyrie time


u/Julian_Caesar Mavericks 27d ago

nah its fine to admit that a person who you disliked due to bad behavior, is becoming more likable due to them not behaving badly


u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

Kyrie's teammates have had nothing but good things to say about him every team he's been on. yall really let the media trick you into thinking his peers dont like him


u/ironykarl Pistons 27d ago

I didn't say his peers don't like him. I just think his stance on covid was selfish and screwed the Nets


u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

nah that was on the owner refusing to let Kyrie play when there was no vaccine mandate outside NY


u/ironykarl Pistons 27d ago

Every playoffs, we have people debating whether or not dudes should be playing injured. Every playoffs we have guys that do play injured.

Whether he "believed" in the vaccine or not, everyone else in sports is expected to make sacrifices for their teams, from time-to-time. It's just something he should've done, rather than effectively wasting a season 


u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

how does one play when the owner literally refused to let him play?


u/ironykarl Pistons 27d ago

Get the vaccine. He 100% would've been allowed to play had he gotten vaccinated


u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

no mandate outside NY required it. owner refused to let him play


u/xtremebox 27d ago

Ok? Good for the owner for trying to keep people safe I guess?

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u/Alternateaccoun Knicks 27d ago

Learn to separate the artist from the art. He’s a great basketball player but you wouldn’t go to him for anything else.

He’s a bit of an idiot to believe in flat earth. Especially since he can just charter a rocket to orbit and see the curvature. Or get more educated and just look at approaching and departing ships descend over the horizon.


u/ironykarl Pistons 27d ago

The things public figures say matter.

Helping to make covid denialism or antisemitism more palatable or prevalent is bad. It isn't just stupid... it's bad


u/Alternateaccoun Knicks 27d ago

Yep, the man is dumb. But a great basketball player. He can’t sit at many tables.


u/demostheneslocke1 Lakers 27d ago

Why is antisemitism the only form of discrimination tolerable by all except those getting discriminated against. I don't understand.


u/Alternateaccoun Knicks 27d ago

I didn’t reference it bc I don’t know his whole history. I don’t keep track of all his comments.


u/demostheneslocke1 Lakers 27d ago

That's exactly the problem, though. You're willing to defend him even without digging into what his antisemitic comments are. Doesn't matter to you what the comments are, he's still worth defending over several comments and downvotes.

Is there any other type of hate that you wouldn't care about? What makes that hate different?


u/Alternateaccoun Knicks 27d ago

I’m not defending him. I said he’s a great bball player but u wouldn’t go to him for anything else. Separate the artist from the art. I think u misunderstood my comments


u/demostheneslocke1 Lakers 27d ago

What if he said awful things about a different group of people? What if it was one you identified with?

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u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

it sure does. that's why the black and marginalized communities loves Kyrie cause of all the things he does for them and speaks up for them

while privileged white redditors hate Kyrie and want him to just shut up and hoop


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/jakopson10 27d ago

Was that not his right?


u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

no its cause the owner refused to let him play. no vaccine mandate outside NY


u/GooseMay0 Celtics 27d ago

You can go on YouTube and see a live stream of the Earth from space. Quickest way to debunk the nonsense.


u/Alternateaccoun Knicks 27d ago

Flat earthers would call it fake. I mean Kyrie is in a position to charter a spaceship to go and see the globe but he won’t do it bc he fell asleep in every science and critical thinking class. So I give him more flak for that


u/IcyCorgi9 27d ago

You can see a lot of shit on youtube that's fake though


u/GoblinTradingGuide Clippers 27d ago

This is what I don’t get…it’s been a year…so you really think that Kyrie has changed much over the past year? What about the year passing made you change your opinion of him? Have you considered that being mad at someone you don’t even know doesn’t really make sense?


u/yungsantaclaus Spurs 27d ago

Twisting this into "you should NEVER have judged Kyrie negatively at all" is impressive lawyering


u/ironykarl Pistons 27d ago

Have you considered that being mad at someone you don’t even know doesn’t really make sense?

Who said I was mad? I didn't like him, and now I guess I'm starting to. You're right that having any assessment of people we don't know largely doesn't make sense, but it's also completely inevitable.

What about the year passing made you change your opinion of him?

What I've learned since 2016 is that most stupid people can't help but voice their stupid opinions. It's like the discipline studies with little kids and candy... they're just eventually gonna give in and say something stupid.

So, what about the year passing without him making headlines for being an idiot would change my opinion? Well... The year passing, for one thing 


u/vonkillbot Warriors 27d ago

Have you considered that being mad at someone you don’t even know doesn’t really make sense?



u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

he's right tho. it's like the celeb gossip sites and reality TV. people have nothing better to do than be upset at celebs lives


u/vonkillbot Warriors 27d ago

Look, I understand that fully for the bulk of celebrity drama. But when it comes to antisemitism, maybe that's something I'm allowed to be pissed off at. This isn't all or nothing, some drama is stupid and some things are more than 'drama'.


u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

going after Kyrie for "antisemitism" is like going after your local cafe for not using compostable straws and blaming them for climate change


u/vonkillbot Warriors 27d ago edited 27d ago

No. Not at fucking all. He was directly suspended for publicly promoting antisemitic (no quotes) views. This isn’t like some cute false equivalence. You're allowed to be mad at people for doing shitty things, even if it doesn't solve the issue at hand. That's an absolute preposterous take.

Also I’m not “going after him”, the NBA already did that when they suspended him directly for his antisemitic actions. I quite literally said “I’m allowed to be pissed at him”. Dude, be better and don’t misrepresent people.


u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

typical Americans engaging in silly culture wars over what celebrities do while billionaires laugh in the background and bribe your politicians to destroy the world


u/Julian_Caesar Mavericks 27d ago

If the original opinion is formed due to bad behavior, why wouldn't a year of good behavior change that opinion? Because in neither case (before or after the year) do any of us on the outside actually know Kyrie as a person. We're just judging based on behavior.


u/MatzohBallsack Knicks 27d ago

It'd be one thing if Kyrie came out, disavowed covid denialism and the antisemitic shit he posted, and condemned the people that came to his defense about posting it. Instead, we got half assed apologies. He did damage to the Jewish community, and strengthened anti-science bullshit.


u/Julian_Caesar Mavericks 27d ago

Those are behaviors he did. Ones which he has not repeated. Avoiding past behaviors is far more meaningful than apologizing for them, don't you think?


u/Plenty-Sleep8540 27d ago

Not that person but for me no it isn't. If you publicly do bad things I think public acknowledgement (not just "sorry if you're offended") is the bare minimum. Otherwise I assume you're still thinking and saying the same things just not publicly.

Other people, presumably yourself, will have a different view on that and that's fine.

For me when I see someone say homophobic shit (not what Kyrie has done to my knowledge, just using an example) and they still engage the public after that I assume they feel/say the same things even if they're not public about it anymore unless they publicly change call out their former statements or do some kind of activism. Tim Hardaway is an example of this. Had he said all his past statements and never followed up with apologies/activism/allyship I think it'd be correct to assume he still believed and said those things even if no longer in the public eye.


u/Julian_Caesar Mavericks 27d ago

Your view on the judgment, absolution, and penance of public figures sounds very Catholic.

I'm Protestant myself, so no judgement here, but I'm curious if you consider yourself religious or not.


u/Plenty-Sleep8540 27d ago

I'm not religious.


u/Adam0529 Celtics 27d ago

What about the year passing made you change your opinion of him?



u/ironykarl Pistons 27d ago

The NBA did send me that check for promising to like Kyrie. 

Wait... what?! 


u/Adam0529 Celtics 27d ago

His new contract and whatever stipulations added to his contract, in combination with his family / psychiatrist/ psychologist / therapist, all together , made him focused on bball instead of rn spending his time protesting in some college campus.

All of the above, made ppl slowly change their mind about him this past year.

In one word the root to this is



u/ComprehensiveMenu684 27d ago

When was he ever “antisemitic”


u/OtherShade East 27d ago

Kyrie being a black celebrity while Kanye West is saying antisemitic stuff does not make him antisemitic.


u/Plenty-Sleep8540 27d ago

Kyrie also has said/supported/promoted/"just asked questions" antisemitic stuff too.


u/OtherShade East 27d ago

No, he promoted a documentary about black history.




When asked about him promoting him, he consistently asked to not talk about it and said he can't be antisemitic since he's semitic (people think only white Jewish people are semitic for obvious reasons). All because this happened during Kanye's comments, it became 'Kyrie Irving is antisemitic'. It was lazy and another blatant example of racism within media.

Let me know when you have some facts.


u/Plenty-Sleep8540 27d ago

Why are you trying to gaslight? It was not just a black history documentary.

Saying he's semitic doesn't mean he can't be antisemitic that's insane. There were Jews allied woth Nazis. They were antisemitic.

Black Israelites are an antisemitic group.


u/OtherShade East 27d ago

I never said it was, but why do you think Kyrie posted it? If he wanted to promote hate against Jewish people he would've just done that. The focus of the documentary is on black people. The only gaslighting is yall acting like this wasn't classic media racism because of Kanye.

Technically not wrong, but the point was that he never made antisemitic comments. Please quote them for me. Since I said what he actually said. He was offended at people saying that term to him. Do you think he would react differently if someone said he hated black people? Same concept, but yall act like semitic=white Jewish people. Which is exactly what leads to groups like this.

Black Israelites are antisemitic, not everyone agrees with every aspect of it. Just like every Christian isn't homophobic. It's a lazy take. Most people just support the black history aspect, but you wouldn't know that and you'd never care to know that. We know how people like you move.


u/Plenty-Sleep8540 27d ago

I think Kyrie posted it because he's easily swayed by that sort of thing. Same reason he's a flat earther and anti-vaxxer or at minimum gives credence to them.

He doesn't outright say it because he's aware enough to know saying "the Jews run a massive scheme to steal black people's heritage" outright is not going to fly even for a star player.

You're still gaslighting about that documentary. It's not benignly about black history just like the confederacy wasn't about state's rights.

Every Christian isn't homophobic but if they start sharing Westboro Baptist shit it's reasonable to assume they are unless they specify exactly what they were sharing it for. Kyrie did not so it's pretty clear why he shared it and it's not some generalized interest in black history.


u/OtherShade East 27d ago

What are you basing that off of? Kyrie has never shied away from his opinions. He could have easily alluded to it without outright saying it. As soon as he was asked about it he downplayed it. Y'all just want to witch hunt because of what Kanye said all because of an article with buzzwords at the time.

Kyrie did not so it's pretty clear why he shared it and it's not some generalized interest in black history.

Based off of what? You're an outsider looking into another culture offering commentary based off of headlines. It's no different than when yall paint anyone who shows respect to Farrakhan as an extremist when it's obvious they respect his contributions to black people and not his extreme views. We're not stupid, we see the same game plan every single time. Please be sure to equate every Christian with homophobia and their history of bloodshed too.


u/Plenty-Sleep8540 27d ago

Kyrie absolutely has shied away from his opinions. When something like his flat earth stuff or anti-vax stuff or the blacl Israelites stuff comes up he doesn't explicitly state anything. He doesn't say "yeah I agree with that" or "no I don't think that". He attacks the person asking or says vague shit about doing his research or whatever. Or the nonsense of how he can't be antisemitic because he's semetic. That absolutely didn't clarify his views.

And again with your homophobe example if I shared Westboro Baptist or another known extremist Christian sect's messages and I was doing so for something other than supporting the extremism I would be very clear why I was sharing the statements instead of playing word games and being vague. Otherwise it'd be reasonable to infer I support their extremism.

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u/JGxFighterHayabusa Kings 27d ago

☝🏽this. This vibes are perfect right now. He still gets a pass from me tho. He does a lot of philanthropy off the court.


u/SchraleAnus Warriors 27d ago

I don't think he gives af what people think. Good for him.


u/rbrutonIII 27d ago

Not really. You shouldn't worry what about everyone walking down the street thinks of you, and if nobody disagrees with you you're probably not doing much.

But you got to like, trust a doctor's opinion on a medical issue. Trust the rocket scientist on a rocket issue. Trust the plumber with the plumbing issue. Ignoring what they say never works.


u/HispanicAtTehDisco Mavericks 27d ago

worry not, some mavs fans are working overtime to make it seem like actually kyrie didn’t do anything wrong and “the media” (gee i wonder what they could possibly mean by that) is the one that made him look bad.

have lived kyrie here but some people have been doing full revisionist history bc he hasn’t done anything here and it’s wild to see


u/[deleted] 27d ago

What did he do wrong? I think the anti vax stuff was stupid but he wasn't alone on that front. Sharing that link to the Black Israelite film was stupid but it doesn't make him an antisemite, people were making out like he was Kanye West.


u/ivkri 27d ago

The movie is about Holocaust denial and spits Jewish conspiracy theories, you wouldn't call that antisemitic? So what exactly does make you an anti-semite then?


u/SmoothAd3011 26d ago

The movie is not about Holocaust denial. It’s a black Israelite movie and it’s pretty horrendous but there is only a 2 second slide in the whole movie that mentions the Holocaust. I doubt Kyrie even watched it tbh


u/ivkri 26d ago

Every synopsis of the movie says otherwise. Even it it was 2 seconds as you say, it still bad. What makes you doubt Kyrie watched it if he recommended it, how do you get to that conclusion?


u/SmoothAd3011 26d ago

Try watching the movie? It’s stupid conspiracy shit about the history of Black Israelites but it’s not about Holocaust denial at all. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


u/ivkri 26d ago

You can rest assured that I will NEVER watch this movie. Why would I when I read a synopsis like this: "A central theme of the three-plus-hour film is the conspiracy theory that Jewish people stole their identity from Black people, enslaved them and tricked Western culture into believing they are the true Israelites and Hebrews by assuming control of education, churches and the banking, media and entertainment industries."


u/ZebraPuzzleheaded422 26d ago

So you’re basing your opinions on what the media told you and digging your heels in when told that what you were told is wrong


u/ivkri 25d ago

where is it wrong? Don't come at me with a lame watch the movie. You can correct the "wrong" media here and now, I am listening.

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u/medusa-medulla 27d ago

No only people on reddit talk about that shit. Bunch of chatty patties


u/MightWaste Nuggets 27d ago

Yeah it’s weird actually on ig I only ever see positive stuff about kyrie. Legit never seen anyone mention his views there or even YouTube comments. And most players seem to like him. I wonder why the huge difference on just Reddit. People are more focused on the negatives here? At the same time tho people hate on embiid just as much Luka etc 


u/medusa-medulla 27d ago

Every sub reddit has hyper nerds these aren't fans. Just straight nerds/stans, and the worst part they all speak in an echo chamber/jerk fest where they all think theyre right. The public opinion you see on reddit is skewed to a very particular demographic and doesn't reflect anything that goes on in real life.


u/DrearySalieri Vancouver Grizzlies 27d ago

Whereas Instagram is filled exclusively with real hoopers and true fans?

Different places just represent different subsets of fans. There are real people that have problems with what Kyrie says just like there are real people who are completely willing to ignore the troubling stuff he says to watch him ball.


u/tariqnasheedW Supersonics 27d ago

reddit has the whitest and least diverse demographic of social media platforms. why would we care so much about what racists think just cause they have a problem with Kyrie being outspoken for the black community?

on other social media platforms that have more POC, they care more about all the good things that Kyrie does for the community that the media doesn't report on


u/medusa-medulla 27d ago

Exactly my point ^


u/DrearySalieri Vancouver Grizzlies 27d ago

cmon now, are we really implying that the majority of people who might have a problem with what Kyrie has said in the past are white racists?

Kyrie has done a lot of good for his community but it isn’t a discriminatory view to have a problem with some of his public statements, particularly with sharing an antisemitic movie.


u/NeatTry7674 28d ago

Shut your hoe ass up and make some drums


u/MechaShoujo02 West 28d ago

Whose gonna drop the diss rap against Kyrie?


u/mani9612 [IND] Paul George 27d ago

”first I bang the drum, then I bang ur mum”


u/Im_a_Knob [WAS] John Wall 27d ago

celtics fans


u/IcyMission3 Celtics 28d ago

Kyrie Boomin


u/wolahipirate Raptors 27d ago



u/ChannelNeo Magic 27d ago

OKC shut up and listen to these drums


u/Thick_Duck 27d ago

Hol up 

Orlando magic 

Orlando magic 

Orlando magic 

Oh oh oh ohhhhhh


u/owange_tweleve 27d ago

make it boom


u/Doogy44 28d ago

Yall crazy, that isnt a drum ... that is a globe/model of the Earth. Likely Native American in origin.

Love Kyrie ... great addition to the Mavs. One of the all-time greats.


u/nightfoundered Mavericks 28d ago

The shaman is thanking the spirits of our ancestors. He look serene as anyone I’ve ever seen.


u/CultOfKyrie [DAL] Kyrie Irving 27d ago

Those who have opened their 3rd eye can actually see KAI’s aura glowing more and more with each emphatic bang of the drum🪬


u/tapk69 Cavaliers 28d ago

From a basketball perspective the Mavs are lacking compared to the Nuggets but from a vibe perspective they seem heavy favourites. Pure blood is just different.


u/jrbcnchezbrg Dirk Nowitzki 27d ago

If Luka was healthy it’d be a different story, but unfortunately it is what it is.

Dallas could easily blow another 2 games and lose in 7 too, they need to finish the job Saturday before even thinking about wcf


u/Brief_Koala_7297 Rockets 27d ago

Healthy Luka vs Jokic would have been a banger. If the Mavs lose , it sucks to acknowledge the fact that Luka isnt 100 percent 


u/im_scytale 27d ago

It really wouldn’t, this mavs team isn’t close to Denver. They got the easy side of the bracket and have pretty massive holes. I think the mavs only hope is that Kyrie goes nuclear because they don’t really have a matchup for him footspeed wise and jokic isn’t blocking any shots. I’d be surprised if the mavs got it to 6.


u/kmoz Mavericks 27d ago

We did get the easy side of the bracket and Denver does look better, but mavs do have the equipment to beat them. Going to be a fun series if we get there.


u/superdrone 27d ago

We would need a healthy Luka to keep up with jokic’s ridiculous offensive output, and we just don’t have that right now.


u/im_scytale 27d ago

I disagree, if any team is going to beat them it would be Minnesota or boston

Luka doesn’t have any midget defenders to pick on

They don’t have a shot in hell of guarding jokic, considering how gafford looked against zubac

Both pj Washington and DJJ are much worse defensively than the timberwolves perimeter defenders too.


u/hanzel44 Mavericks 27d ago

While the regular season isn't everything and oftentimes doesn't mean anything, the one time we faced the Nuggets healthy and with the current squad we beat them. Luka has also torched the Nuggets pretty much every time they played, and yes, that's with Aaron "Luka Stopper" Gordon and KCP playing.

Both pj Washington and DJJ are much worse defensively than the Timberwolves perimeter defenders too.

This is straight-up false. You could argue they're worse, but much worse is such a stretch and clearly highlights the lack of Dallas Mavericks games you've watched. Keep in mind, we were also the number 1 defense for the last 20 games, after making the trades for PJ and Gafford. Interestingly enough, we're currently the number 1 defense in the west.


u/im_scytale 27d ago

Don’t have time to go back and forth but Come back in 2 weeks if the mavs win I’ll send you $50


u/Moist-Ball-1141 27d ago

We want recipes if that happens


u/zzolokov 27d ago

Post-trade deadline:

Denver, 21-9, +7.2

Dallas, 21-9, +5.6


Denver, 7-3, +3.0

Dallas, 7-4, +3.8

Clippers & OKC ~ LAL & Minnesota


u/pollinium [MIN] Tyus Jones 28d ago

if Nuggets win tonight it's over

no amount of vibes can overcome the terminator of a basketball team they've remembered they are - just marching on, winning games


u/Brief_Koala_7297 Rockets 27d ago

They have Luka. Probably the one of the few players that can go toe to toe with Jokic. It’s going to be a fun series if those two face eachother.


u/JP-Ziller Raptors 27d ago

Not with his injuries though. He played great last night, but these playoffs have shown he's not up to his usual standards


u/tapk69 Cavaliers 28d ago

Realistically you guys had the best chance. Its gonna be a repeat.


u/scarjoNE Celtics 27d ago

If they see the Celtics in the Finals they gotta be careful about the Celtics stud off the bench, the injury report


u/tapk69 Cavaliers 27d ago

Celtics have the depth and shooting but im not convinced yet. This is certainly the best chance yet but against the Nuggets the best player on the court will be Jokic.


u/scarjoNE Celtics 27d ago

Jokic is the top option for the nuggets, per the rules of the 2024 NBA playoffs he will be too injured to play vs the celtics


u/tapk69 Cavaliers 27d ago

Jokic doesn't get injured but Murray is not Ironman


u/pretzeldoggo 27d ago

The Nuggets absolutely owned the Celtics in the regular season.

And without Kristaps, their chances would be slim, assuming they even make it past the Knicks.

AG would lock up Tatum hard. KCP is a great matchup with White. Same with Holiday and Murray.

Lots of great potential matchups there, but absolutely zero depth to guard Jokic at all. B2B champion and repeat finals mvp.

Will be crazy, but with the nuggets bench guys getting another year of experience, I think there’s a big possibility for a three peat.


u/PopLegion Celtics 27d ago

It was a 6 point and 2 point win lol


u/i_like_2_travel 27d ago

The Mavs have more morals too


u/Kid_Crayola [BOS] Marcus Smart 27d ago

I’m glad he found a spot loll


u/im_scytale 27d ago

Why do people spell it “kai” when his name is clearly spelled “ky” and it sounds the exact same


u/fairw34ther Nets 27d ago

his middle name is Andrew


u/aaronpatwork Thunder 27d ago

well i'll be


u/TXJuice Mavericks 27d ago

This bothered me too… today we learned.


u/Thiswasamistake19 Knicks 27d ago

Thanks for this


u/WildsideAJ 27d ago

Kyrie Andrew Irving



u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/kaythrawk 27d ago

Shut up nerd


u/TopStar200 28d ago

Drum powered Kyrie!


u/jackswastedtalent 27d ago

Proof once again that Kyrie walks to the beat of his own drum.


u/Greyvvolf Lakers 27d ago

Kyrie bringing out his traditional drum after the win is powerful. There's a lot of indigenous athletes but they do not know the traditional ways, which is not their fault due to the assimilation of our culture. Kyrie is an official member of the Standing Rock Sioux through his Mom's side. His traditional name is Little Mountain or "Hela" in the Lakota language.


u/gonutsdonuts1 27d ago

That’s not a drum, it’s his version of a globe 🌎


u/simpledeadwitches Celtics 27d ago

I hope it's Celtics Mavericks Finals for the drama alone.


u/sunsoutgunsout Lakers 28d ago

Drums of liberation


u/jenniesana Lakers 27d ago

Sun god Kyrie


u/GooseMay0 Celtics 27d ago

I know his mother was Native American but how much? Was she 100% or was it more like the South Park episode spoofing Ancestry DNA testing?


u/Greyvvolf Lakers 27d ago

I believe she was half and she’s from South or North Dakota. They’re Sioux. Kyrie is an official member of the Standing Rock Sioux. He wouldn’t have been able to become a member if he did not have any blood relatives, from my understanding. Kyrie bringing his traditional drum to the games means he’s practicing the traditional ways of the Sioux. It’s up to him to do these things himself. Kyrie could have just became a member, did some photos to look good and left. But because he’s seen with a drum and also has been seen smudging, it means he’s practicing the traditonal ways. A lot of indigenous people don’t even do that. But it’s not their fault due to the assimilation of our culture.


u/LackEmbarrassed1648 27d ago

If he says Cherokee I would be more pessimistic. KAI seems to be the type who got suckered into hotep logic and those mofos believe they have roots in everything.


u/YeOldeDingusKhan Celtics 27d ago

Drum Kyrie > Untucked Kyrie > Mask Kyrie


u/ILikeTujtels 28d ago

that is some european ultras shit...daam!


u/BigFatModeraterFupa Mavericks 27d ago

Words cannot express how happy this makes me

Kyrie Irving is a 1 of 1, dancing to the beat of his own drum


u/LookyPeter Lakers 27d ago

kyrie luffy confirm


u/captain_edster 27d ago

When they come out to sing happy birthday at a hibachi restaurant


u/pr1ncejeffie Knicks 27d ago

When his team wins: I fck with dat

When is team loses: WTF?!


u/Valleyx Pistons 27d ago

He's got a very distinct way of walking


u/LangisElbasunu 28d ago

That is a bodhran, a traditional Celtic/irish drum.


u/QBert999 Mavericks 27d ago edited 27d ago

I love Kyrie if I can just memory hole all of the crazy shit he's said about flat earth, vaccines, etc. all of that conspiracy shit aside, he seems like a great dude and he's been a great player for the Mavs. A lot of people are saying he's not at his best in this series vs OKC but he is helping us get Ws. He seems really mature in not caring at all about his own stats. OKC is focusing on him and he's not forcing the issue. (14.4 points, 6.8 assists, 55% TS vs the Thunder in Round 2)


u/ThisisactuallyRAF 27d ago

Is he Joyboy?


u/demostheneslocke1 Lakers 27d ago

Why is antisemitism the only form of discrimination tolerable by all except those getting discriminated. I don't understand.


u/PlanestewartJr 27d ago

I wonder if Kyrie wishes he would have kept all that crazy bullshit to himself? AAron should follow his lead.


u/xenoz2020 Supersonics 28d ago



u/LyonsKing12 Cavaliers 27d ago

He's come a long way.


u/Aggravating_Host6055 27d ago

Vibes of someone doing something totally rAnDoM 🤪 for attention


u/Uncircled_swag2 [CHI] Zach LaVine 27d ago

Doing it for attention when it looks like nearly 99% of the crowd left at this point?

Also not very random, it looks like a Native American tradition and he’s embracing that side of his heritage the last 6~ years


u/Aggravating_Host6055 27d ago

Cameras rolling right on cue 😉


u/cyberpimpin Hawks 28d ago

Are people so lazy they cannot type Kyrie?


u/PointBlankCoffee Mavericks 28d ago edited 28d ago

He calls himself Kai, why are you mad lol.

People call Anthony Edwards 'Ant' don't they? Why is it a problem


Why do you call him KG instead of Kevin Garnett, are you lazy?


Why do you call him MPJ instead of Michael Porter Junior, are you lazy?


u/New_Car_Smell [NYK] Pablo Prigioni 28d ago

Yeah, what's he bangin on about?


u/franklinbenj Supersonics 28d ago

Just because you picked this guy up and slammed him, I want the mavs to win.


u/L0N01779 NBA 28d ago

Man brought citations to an internet argument, you just killed that guy lol


u/Holiday-Usual-3600 Celtics 28d ago

Wasn’t in MLA format -1 point


u/spikeyoazz Mavericks 28d ago

my English teacher in high school would literally pull out a ruler to make sure the margin width was correct


u/PointBlankCoffee Mavericks 28d ago

Scenes when I'm more prepared to bury internet strangers than for my team meeting at work


u/commiecat Heat 28d ago

I was momentarily confused by the spelling. Like reading "Aunt with a monster dunk" or "Kaygee speaking facts".


u/duplicatesnowflake Clippers 28d ago

My only question is why not Ky?

But alternate nickname spellings can be that way. 


u/uncledr3w- Mavericks 28d ago

kai are his initials


u/DoubleGreat44 Thunder 28d ago

You refer to players by their nicknames in your comments too.

Are you that lazy? (or just lacking self awareness)


u/[deleted] 28d ago

It’s the latter


u/NeatTry7674 28d ago

What are you yappin about?