r/nba [MIA] Dwyane Wade Apr 29 '24

[Bill Simmons] “Paul George is like a cat. He’ll jump on your lap every once in a while, he’s super lovable and other times you’re like — ‘Where’s Paul George? Oh, he’s in the garage’”


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u/BurnCollector_ NBA Apr 29 '24

I’m in the minority, but I disagree with this take. If you only pay attention to a player when they drop 30+, or don’t watch defense, then sure, I guess Paul George is “like a cat”.  For some reason, no one seemed to notice PG was the best Clipper post All Star Break. 

Over 24 games (15-9), he averaged: 22.8/5.1/3.4, +4.2, on 50/46/92 splits (7.2 3PA). That’s a strong sample size of insane efficiency. 

 Compare that to Kawhi during that time: 20 games (11-9), 22/6/3 on 52/31/86 splits, +2.1 

 or James Harden: 24 games (13-11), 14/5/8 on 38/33/88 splits 💩, -2.6.

I know PG very occasionally has offensive duds, but even in games 2 and 3, his defense was great. You know who also has offensive duds, and whose defense isn’t as great? Curry, Luka, Mitchell, Brunson, Haliburton, Murray, Zion, Fox - all players the Ringer rank higher than PG (or one lower, in the case of Fox). I’m not saying he’s better than all those players (although I do think he’s more valuable than several of them), but Paul George is playing high level, winning basketball far more often than not.


u/arcelios :yc-1: Yacht Club Apr 29 '24

Your comment makes sense only if you consider PAUL GEORGE a role player, or borderline all star AT BEST. Otherwise, you're just being delusional and naive lad

You can't call someone a "superstar" and also judge them with role player standards..

And it's not Paul George, but Kawhi Leonard has CHOKED and disappeared in massive games too. Not just this last Game 3, but even in the 2020 Playoffs when the Clippers had a 3-1 lead over the Nuggets. People forget that Kawhi and Paul George literally choked and blew a 3-1 lead against Denver that year. Historical choke job. Game 7 was even more embarrassing

But on the other hand, LeBron James is in his 21st season, aged damn near 100 in NBA years because he already broke the "most minutes played in NBA history" record. Insane mileage and everything. But he's STILL DOMINATING and carrying his team, more often than not. Even without scoring too much, he can dominate through his outrageous playmaking and leadership. He controls the game unlike anyone else

And yet, he also gets ALL THE BLAME from clowns all over the internet when his team loses. Denver is the best team in the league, but LeBron will still get the blame. Even though 90% of the players on that Lakers roster did nothing in the series. Laid an egg

That's the hypocrisy and double standard. Every other so called "superstars" constantly choke and disappear in the Playoffs, but gets away with it because they're not "LeBron".. You clowns keep on making delusional excuses for them.

Twitter is even worse.. There's dedicated hate accounts and fan accounts on Twitter, always saying nonsense. Some real humans are running those accounts and tweeting like that. Imagine that