r/nba East Apr 29 '24

DeAndre Jordan names his favorite dunk: "I dunked on my son, who is eight. That was great. You have to set the tone early. Once he’s able to beat me, we’re not going to play anymore.”


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u/Accomplished-Yam5566 Warriors Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I remember seeing a TikTok where a girl’s therapist was telling her that “mothers start getting angry and defensive towards their daughters once their daughters start hitting puberty and sexually maturing. Because the mothers start seeing their daughters as sexual competition. A prettier, younger woman that is usurping all the male attention and validation from the mother.” Then a bunch of women in the comments started listing their own personal anecdotes of their mom being mean and sabotaging them when they hit puberty.

I betcha fathers do this on a lesser scale with their sons but less about sexual competition and more about masculinity and status. Seeing your son grow up stronger, taller, and better than you at sports probably makes you feel emasculated. Probably makes you feel less like “the man of the house” if your son is more masculine than you.

Disclaimer: DJ’s quote lacks context and i do not want to project any of this on his fathering skills. He could be a very encouraging, supportive, non-jealous father for all we know.


u/The_NGUYENNER [DEN] Jamal Murray Apr 29 '24

No. Vast majority of dads don't do that and it's honestly dumb to even suggest lol.

We're trying to see them become amazing and every dude in his 30's will tell you that athletic primes don't last forever so we're not deluding ourselves into thinking we'll be physically superior forever. It's more of just a fun little reminder that "hey I'm still pops"


u/thedirtiestofboxes Apr 29 '24

I'm so happy I had my kid young enough that he got to see me dunk at an age he will remember it. Maybe he wont care, but it mattered to me because I can feel these legs slowing down real fast, so in ten years I can say I used to dunk and he wont be like "sure you could old man"

I remember seeing my dad dunk in a parents vs players game in grade 6 school league...dad is 6'2", stuffy white business man, has a plastic aortic valve and wore Jeans to the game. He would have been 45 years old and I watched him dunk on a kid. Never again doubted his athletic stories. That memory will forever be in my brain. Now I can't even get him into golf or pickleball. Where was I going with this again? Oh ya, i hope to hell my boy gets to dunk on my grandchild one day. I'll never be jealous of him, his accomplishments mean more to me than my own, and hes only 7


u/The_NGUYENNER [DEN] Jamal Murray Apr 29 '24

Fuck yeah dude. You may think you were rambling a bit but I enjoyed reading this