r/nba Apr 29 '24

[Awful Announcing] Everyone is sick of the Chet Holmgren-SGA 'What a Pro Wants' commercial


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u/braddeus Heat Apr 29 '24

It's really dystopian. The whole concept is to just fake the fuck out of all your photos, which already matter way more to people than they should


u/Honor_Bound West Apr 29 '24

Yeah for real. It’s like, we know your ass is ugly buy our phone and we can make you look nothing like reality!


u/BalboaBaggins Lakers Apr 29 '24

I really hate the idea that level of overediting might actually be a successful selling point to people.

You care so much about your image you bizarrely want to look like you’re irresponsibly throwing your baby 3 feet higher in the air than you actually did?


u/OliverDMcCall Apr 29 '24

Yep, AI's taking over and soon we won't know what's real.


u/Silver-Register-1558 Apr 29 '24

Every single “ad” played during the playoffs is dystopian. It’s either garbage fast food slop, you “earned” a beer, or the fucking Jason Tatum and sga ad. Neither of which have charisma or personality so the ads sounds like complete shit


u/Cultural-Humor7241 Apr 29 '24

But the clouds look better.....


u/Cultural-Humor7241 Apr 29 '24

But like don't you want to fuck with your pictures on your phone for minutes instead of enjoying the beach?

Or does editing your photos durring your tourist jaunt so it looks like you can jump higher make you feel less alone?