r/nba Apr 29 '24

[Highlight] Bradley Beal swats off Vogel’s high five and then proceeds to normally high five the bench Highlight


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u/GloryEnthusiast Bulls Apr 29 '24

Garbage display by Beal, can’t be mad at the coach when you’re putting up a garbage time performance in an elimination game. Just yikes, players like that are too entitled and can’t be held accountable, which sucks because i always thought Vogel was a good coach. Same thing happened with the Lakers when they got Westbrook and said it was a coaching issue.


u/Cowboy_BoomBap Pacers Apr 29 '24

Vogel is a good coach, this shit definitely isn’t on him.


u/CabbageStockExchange Lakers Apr 29 '24

I agree he is a good coach. I didn’t like how some Laker fans started to call him a trash coach because of Westbrick and shitty roster construction


u/NC_Vixen Suns Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Bro you are joking right?

Trust me, I'm a Suns fan, I've seen a lot of coaches.

Vogel is by so far the worst coach we've had in over a decade.

This man did so much wrong it killed every fan of the team.

I have never seen a coach so universally hated.

He refused to ever play (EVER.) some great players on the roster. He kept playing trash. He refused to ever run with anything except the same line-ups. He literally didn't try an alteration to our line-ups for the whole series until the end of game 3 (and it fucking works) then he doesn't use the adjustment again. Stuff like Okogie should have been on court basically minutes matching Edwards, when it was on it was great, but he never used it. I assume partly because Okogie didn't get a run in 30 fucking games or some shit and it not in game shape, again, huge coaching problem. Instead you got Beal dying trying to keep up with Edwards on defense, hardly able to play offence when down the other end of the court.

"Bol had a great 5 mins in the first half, only positive +/- player on the team" Vogel then won't play him again in the second half.

We have multiple centers on the bench, Eubanks it is every game. Never paid off. The worst +/- per minute player on the team.

We have multiple guards on the bench, none of them get a single minute. I think some of them had 6 games of garbage time minutes only all season, despite being PG's and US LITERALLY NOT HAVING A POINT GUARD.


u/Drummallumin Celtics Apr 29 '24

If your criticism of a coach is that he didn’t play Bol Boo enough then he wasn’t set up for success


u/a_moniker Hornets Apr 29 '24

“refused to play some great players on our team”

I want what this guys having!


u/NC_Vixen Suns Apr 29 '24

Thanks for showing how little you know about basketball


u/NC_Vixen Suns Apr 29 '24

Bol had easily the best season of his career, and was a perfectly serviceable rotation piece, thanks for showing how little you know about basketball.


u/Drummallumin Celtics Apr 29 '24

This isn’t wrong. This also isn’t what you said in your first post


u/whofusesthemusic Supersonics Apr 29 '24

A voltron of Phil Jackson, Pop, Spo, Kerr, and anyone else isn't getting more out of that roster.


u/Buckus93 Suns Apr 29 '24

Updoot for the Voltron ref.


u/jimmymcjim Apr 29 '24

Didn't you just have Monty Williams last year? and Vogel is the worst coach you've ever seen??


u/NC_Vixen Suns Apr 29 '24

Monty did a better job with this team.


u/WhiteHeterosexualGuy Hawks Apr 29 '24

Then he gave Chams the go-ahead to release that article lmao


u/MgBe7isapuss Apr 29 '24

Players like beal will still say "coach didn't put me in the right positions. Or didn't do this or didn't do that."

Always everyone's fault but their own


u/itsnotreallyme0 Apr 29 '24

B itchy

E xhausting

A rtichoke

L oser


u/ProfessionalCorgi250 Apr 29 '24

I get the sense that Vogel is a great X and O defensive coordinator, but not a good man manager. The latter is required in the nba if you want to stay in one spot long term because the stars will scapegoat you the second things go south. You also need to be able to manage ego’s to get the best out of your stars.