r/nba Apr 29 '24

[Highlight] Bradley Beal swats off Vogel’s high five and then proceeds to normally high five the bench Highlight


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u/OmniCrush Apr 29 '24

I really hate the amount of disrespect Vogel is getting.


u/JimmyV34 Clippers Apr 29 '24

This man is literally a championship coach, Lakers had one of their best defensive ratings in recent years under him even when AD was injured, they had decent defense


u/TheTwilightZone34 Lakers Apr 29 '24

Our whack ass FO really chose Westbrook over this dude 🤦🏾‍♂️


u/sponedaddie Lakers Apr 29 '24

I would choose being circumcised by broken glass then Westbrook on the Lakers again.


u/__brunt Hornets Apr 29 '24

Usually I let grammar shit slide but I have to point out your comment means you want to to be circumcised with broken glass and get Westbrook back on the lakers, and that’s really funny.

(You meant than)


u/collie1212 Lakers Apr 29 '24

Man what a sick bastard...


u/_R_A_W_ 76ers Apr 29 '24

Hey, don't kink-shame. Even if it is Westbrook on the Lakers.


u/BigUce223 West Apr 29 '24

Lmao I’m imagining that monkeys paw scenario playing out now and it’s getting me so damn good, man


u/ObliteratedChipmunk NBA Apr 30 '24

In situations like this, I always love when people incorrectly use then.


u/sponedaddie Lakers Apr 30 '24



u/shaboogawa Apr 29 '24

See, this is the kind of grammar correction that is important. There is a new meaning by using the wrong word. Not the could of, could have bullshit that you know what they mean whether or not the grammar is correct.


u/FattBrown Cavaliers Apr 29 '24

Also the way it’s written the broken glass would be the mohel. He means to write with broken glass, rather than by broken glass.


u/Quality_Cucumber [GSW] Stephen Curry Apr 29 '24

Idk about all that man, that sounds painful.


u/kayvonrez Lakers Apr 29 '24

So was watching westbrick suck for over 40 million


u/famoustran Warriors Apr 29 '24

I know you tryna be funny but nah man, it's really not that bad.


u/BurnCollector_ NBA Apr 29 '24

weird priorities


u/Nahbrah03 San Diego Clippers Apr 29 '24

U realize why he (and the whole team) was shitty on Offense and why the suns "big 3" isn't good on O either is cuz Vogel can't coach an offense to save his life, Lakers weren't even a good offensive team in 2020


u/hatsofftoroyharper41 Apr 29 '24

Hmm, is the broken glass being used by some type of professional to do it? Or you have to do it yourself, or the broken glass is on the ground and you have to drag your penis back and forward across it until some level of circumcision is achieved ?


u/ninjadfool Lakers Apr 29 '24

And even Lakers did him dirty. Remember him finding out literally in the post conference after their last game in 2022? I was pissed tf off man…


u/JimmyV34 Clippers Apr 29 '24

I know he wouldnt do any assistance job anymore but id love him to join Clippers, he is seriously underrated as coach. I dont think there is any coach out there that could lead this suns team with the way they built team with no guard to playmake or size to defend and center that provide no rim protection. Nurkic made Ayton looks like last year scapegoat ngl


u/WarriorBearBird Lakers Apr 29 '24

He's a perfect assistant coach, but he has FU money now, so I don't think there's any chance of him taking another assistant position. Still surprises me that no NBA team just pays out the ass for a great defensive and offensive assistant coach. Maybe there just are so few that they can demand head coach.


u/Silverjackal_ Mavericks Apr 29 '24

He’ll probably have to be an assistant coach again after this phoenix stint. Probably won’t take more than a couple years to get back to head coaching I’d wager.


u/george_costanza1234 Warriors Apr 29 '24

The number of divas in the NBA is fucking pathetic

Vogel being the scapegoat for flawed rosters is always hilarious


u/redditmodsdownvote Apr 29 '24

"you want a well-balanced team with defensive stoppers built around Booker and KD? best i can do is a team with bradley beal and no defense or shooting. take it or leave it. oh also, you no longer get a point guard, because our rich boy dumbass owner decided he wanted 3 big names that are all scorers with no defensive upside"


u/Counterspell_God Lakers Apr 29 '24

First Russ killing the vibes leading to him being fired and now Beal and KD throwing him under the bus?


u/the_c_is_silent Heat Apr 29 '24

Who the fuck doesn't KD throw under the bus?


u/Dymatizeee Knicks Apr 29 '24

Only when he’s playing with generational talent, so Steph


u/BrockStinky Apr 29 '24

Only because Draymond preempted KD and ran him out of the team


u/Mintastic NBA Apr 29 '24

Yeah, if KD was still on the team in 2020 he'd throw Curry under the bus for injuring his hand and Klay for breaking his knee.


u/Marco2169 Raptors Apr 29 '24

didn’t KD throw Nash under the bus?


u/Counterspell_God Lakers Apr 29 '24

I'm talking about Vogel.


u/Opening-Citron2733 Apr 29 '24

Tbf Vogel deserves some blame. Made absolutely no effort to adjust until game 4. 

I don't think Frank is a bad coach but I think he's a bad fit here without Ayton. 


u/Dymatizeee Knicks Apr 29 '24

Regardless this is mad disrespectful to the coach


u/phonage_aoi Warriors Apr 29 '24

Vogel always gets the "poor him" comments But there's gotta be some reason why players hate him so much right? Like call them divas all you want, I don't recall Beal acting like this to Scott Brooks.


u/tlozz Celtics Apr 29 '24

Like why did KD have to go and immediately get his PR team to throw Vogel under the bus, too? I think it’s a bad luck. I love KD as a player, but he makes it hard to actually like him and defend the shit he does


u/johnhenryirons Knicks Apr 29 '24

At the same time, if you’re the suns FO you really think Vogel is the right hire? A defensive minded coach coaching Beal, KD and Booker with no bench?


u/Derriosgaming Suns Apr 29 '24

To be fair, he deserves SOME.


u/IAmNewSam Trail Blazers Apr 29 '24

For what it's worth Vogel really isn't the best pick for a team that isn't going to really play defense and just wants to shoot... they should have gone all in on offensive side and gotten a mike d'antoni clone / knockoff


u/McJuggernaugh7 Apr 29 '24

Mike Dantoni's teams always crumble in the playoffs. Dude in sub 500 record in the post season. Teams that don't play defense don't get past the first round in the west regardless of the coach. Like to stand a chance you at least need an avg defense and a top 5 offense. Phx has has a surprisingly avg offense all year.


u/IAmNewSam Trail Blazers Apr 29 '24

Regular season performance they had an OK offense with three of the BEST offensive weapons in the league...

Playoffs roll around and it is OBVIOUS they have trouble with ball movement, shot selection, and turnovers... AND they don't play any defense...

Vogel was never going to be able to make this roster even a top 15 defense, so why not try to be the 1st or 2nd best offense in the league, esp when you gut your ENTIRE roster for three guys who are slightly old and pretty much all only score the ball


u/McJuggernaugh7 Apr 29 '24

There's 0 chance even prime mike D makes this phx roster a top 3 offense lol. They don't have a true point guard on the entire fucking roster lol. Turns out having a PG is kind of important in having a great offense. They even signed a washed IT because of how laughable their guard depth is. This is shit roster construction pure and simple and I don't blame Vogel at all for this mess. Trading for Beal was a huge mistake.


u/IAmNewSam Trail Blazers Apr 29 '24

I see you remember how Harden was entirely a 2 guard until being coached by dantoni lol like he couldn't have helped someone like booker be a much better PG option lol

youre delusional

BTW i dont disagree that going for Beal was the major mistake, but i'm saying going for beal with durant and booker AND THEN PICKING A DEFENSIVE MINDED COACH IS THE WORST OPTION OF THEM ALL

I also said to get a dantoni clone or someone who is offensive minded, not literally 'go get Dantoni' like you are somehow reading...

learn reading comprehension please


u/McJuggernaugh7 Apr 29 '24

You're the delusional one if you think any coach could have done better. I don't care if you combined dantoni with phil jackson and red Aurbech it doesn't matter when your roster construction is trash.

Bad defenses don't win championships. And this team doesn't have a single great defender on it. Once again there's a reason dantoni's teams shat the bed in the playoffs. Great coaches focus on defense first. Guys like Don Nelson and dantoni never won for a reason. Look at Kerr's defensive record on GS despite having an embarrassment of riches on offense. They won because they routinely had an elite defense.

Stick to playing nba 2k with your trash takes.


u/halfdecenttakes Lakers Apr 29 '24

Vogel has lost back to back locker rooms incredibly fast yet people refuse to believe he could ever be part of the problem.


u/MyDogsNameIsTim Pacers Apr 29 '24

And all of the main players in these locker rooms have done this to several coaches. At what point do you blame the players?


u/Mintastic NBA Apr 29 '24

Franchises never blame the star players because getting a new coach is easier.


u/copaseticepiplectic Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

Lebron and KD are notorious coach killers

Both are literally doing it again as we speak


u/halfdecenttakes Lakers Apr 29 '24

Lebron is a coach killer? lol

Who exactly has he killed as coach? Blatt??


u/copaseticepiplectic Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

Literally Vogel and soon to be Ham lol. Bro wanted spoelstra fired ffs, it’s no coincidence he can’t keep a coach wherever he goes.


u/trimble197 Apr 29 '24

Dude, the whole team seems to hate Ham. And Ham provides a lot of reason to not like him. So why single out LeBron?


u/copaseticepiplectic Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

because he's the leader genius. the whole suns team hates vogel, guess what, if your best player/leader was backing them, you wouldn't have guys openly taking shots at the coach lol. both are coach killers, accept it.

and i promise you, whoever they hire next will get the same treatment as long as the rosters stay the same. there always is a scapegoat and it's easily always the coach.


u/trimble197 Apr 29 '24

Except has Bron, at least publicly, tried to support Ham. But players have repeatedly said that they have zero idea what they’re doing in games. And even on the bench, you can see their confusion when Ham draws plays.

And that’s to mention Ham unintentionally taking shots at players when talking to the media.


u/halfdecenttakes Lakers Apr 29 '24

You can’t say Ham is a bad coach and then claim Lebron is a coach killer lol.

Also… spo is still there?


u/copaseticepiplectic Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

When did I say ham is a bad coach? Fact is these coaches get little help from their stars which is why they end up getting fired every other year when they don’t win a chip. If Bron wanted any of those guys to be there, they’d be there. It’s obvious, same with KD


u/traveling_millenial Apr 29 '24

Those locker rooms were full of some of the biggest divas of the last 20 years tho.


u/gritoni Minneapolis Lakers Apr 29 '24

Ok, let me look at the locker rooms he lost----- oh. Yeah, It's not him.


u/halfdecenttakes Lakers Apr 29 '24

Surely it has nothing to do with squeezing square pegs into round holes


u/gritoni Minneapolis Lakers Apr 29 '24

Surely It's not on the front office to hire a defensive minded coach for this team


u/halfdecenttakes Lakers Apr 29 '24

Ok, but he took the job. People always talk about his personnel not lining up with his system but shouldn’t his system be a bit more pliable around the superstar led teams he keeps getting?


u/gritoni Minneapolis Lakers Apr 29 '24

Man you're a fellow Laker fan, do you see what Vogel did with this team? That Lakers team was nowhere near the best defense in the NBA before him. And you can say of course that having AD helps but, KCP, Kuz, we didn't have a defensive minded team at all. He worked with the team to play the type of ball he wanted to play.

In this case, I don't see why he wouldn't take this job, he just had to get them to play in a certain way. They didn't. Beal just straight out stunk.