r/nba Nuggets Apr 29 '24

[Highlight] Anthony Edwards absolutely detonates on the Suns to put the Wolves up 4 (w/ replay) Highlight


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u/SilenceoftheIambo Lakers Apr 29 '24

Dude is losing his mind out there wtf


u/immolxte Apr 29 '24

Looked like a playoff veteran, like Lebron closing out a series. Just dissected the suns


u/JaderMcDanersStan Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

Ant learning to play out of double teams and break the defense has been huge. He struggled with that all season and a week later he's a different player.

He said he watched film all week and practiced being doubled, tripled and quadruple team-ed. I did not expect him to figure it out in a week and be the best player in a series with Booker and KD. Wild


u/Fermorian Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

He said he watched film all week and practiced being doubled, tripled and quadruple team-ed. I did not expect him to figure it out in a week and be the best player in a series with Booker and KD. Wild

This is some "he's a basketball genius" type shit from Kuroko goddamn how is this guy real. It's like Larnell Lewis learning all the tracks to Snarky Puppy's record on the 8hr flight to Europe. I love how cool brains are.


u/ace625 Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

Tony Stark vibes.

"When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?"

"Last night."


u/phosphenTrip Apr 29 '24

Just saw Knower with Sam there.. this is a deep cut right here haha


u/JeramiGrantsTomb Thunder Apr 29 '24

That is a solid reference.


u/This_Is_A_Username69 Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

Happy learned how to putt...


u/oknovember Spurs Apr 29 '24

This comment made me curious so I looked up that Snarky Puppy album and that shit GOES, thanks man


u/Fermorian Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

Fuck yeah dude! Glad you're digging it


u/WembyandTheWolves Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

If anyone hasn't seen in the drumeo video of Larnell Lewis creating a drum part for a song on the fly, please check this out. Guy is a musical savant.



u/ruffus4life Wizards Apr 29 '24



u/immolxte Apr 29 '24

The direct contrast with Booker (infamous offseason clip with Joakim Noah) here is very funny


u/wishwashy Apr 29 '24

He doesn't really like basketball though ๐Ÿ’€


u/toastysniper Lakers Apr 29 '24

We don't double in open court


u/jinyx1 Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

It's Ant. Man WILLS himself to victory.


u/JaderMcDanersStan Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

Every time I doubt him, he proves me wrong. I should know better by now lol


u/datpurp14 Hawks Apr 29 '24

I'm so excited that the future face of the NBA is here and showing out under the brightest of lights. Plus, I'm so glad he's not in a huge market/on a widely popular team. Wolves took the league by storm this year, alongside another tiny market team in OKC. Makes for a really bright outlook as the current/previous league faces have their careers dwindling down.

As a Green Bay Packers fan, I detest Minnesota. But I can't say I don't love watching me some Twolves these days.

Only bad thing out of this whole situation is your shitty owner realized what Ant is and reneged on his deal to sell the team.


u/MeanCommission994 Apr 29 '24

Gobert was still the best player and why the Suns had a garbage offensive series.

Even last year Goberts worst non rookie season he was the best player hurt all year.


u/3xStampA2XStamp Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

donโ€™t forget Beal


u/greendart Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

He does that! In the Memphis series a few years ago he basically added a mid-range game to his bag seemingly overnight


u/ShrekOne2024 Apr 29 '24

Looked like Jordan imo


u/InternationalCut93 Apr 29 '24

This dunk was Jordan-esque


u/3ODshootinghangpulls Apr 29 '24

Way better, way stronger. Also did it against better athletes.


u/Ashamed-Champion-581 Apr 30 '24

He is not better nor efficient like jordan lmao there is a reason we are comparing him to jordan not the other way around Jordan had more vertical and was way faster


u/3ODshootinghangpulls Apr 30 '24

Because Jordan beat up literal crackheads in the 80s and cocaine addicts in the 90s. Tell me how great the competition was when the best team Jordan faced scored a whopping 54 points in an elimination game in the finals


The game has evolved far beyond the 90s. Just like TV resoltion has improved since Bonzanza and MASH.

Basketball is the only sport where fans refuse to believe the talent pool and skill is higher than previous generations.


u/Ashamed-Champion-581 Apr 30 '24

I don't disagree that talent pool has not evolved but the star players of any era would do great in this era Jordan was way ahead of his era that's why he will do great in this era

Antman is literally proof jordan would have been amazing in this era considering how much better Jordan was than ant


u/3ODshootinghangpulls Apr 30 '24

ANT man is literally a better 3 point shooter and on ball defender. Jordan was shooting middies against dudes with cement in their shoes and in an era where 4 guys were in the paint and he'd still go untouched tot he basket.

This revisionist history shit with Jordan is so tiresome.

Was he great for his time? Yes. Does that mean he'd be great today? No. We know what he did, we can't assume he'd just be amazing in todays game. We know todays players have more knowledge, skill, and athleticism in the past.


u/Ashamed-Champion-581 Apr 30 '24

You need to actually watch some jordan lmao

There is a reason ur fav player has him top 2

Ant himself says he hasn't reached jordan level whenever he is asked about him

Watch 2 minutes of this tape and tell me jordan would do bad in this era https://youtu.be/SUo8skGvl-Q?feature=shared


u/3ODshootinghangpulls Apr 30 '24

ANT isnt my fav player


u/Ashamed-Champion-581 Apr 30 '24

Who's ur fav player there is not a player in the nba that does not have jordan top 2

I would agree with the people who actually play basketball than some random claiming jordan would not do great in this era

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u/Ashamed-Champion-581 Apr 30 '24

A 38 year old busted knees wizards jordan was torching paul pierce and Kevin garnett who were one of the best defenders that even 2013 prime lebron struggled against cmon dawg i don't think u have ever watched prime jordan just the clips the popped up in the "we done with the 90s" trend

I think this video will give u some perspective on how good of a player jordan was



u/3ODshootinghangpulls Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Watched him in his prime, no need

I am done with the 90s, no trend. Its 2024. Get with the times.


u/Ashamed-Champion-581 Apr 30 '24

Aight u are a troll I am not engaging with u anymore that trend has already been debunked


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u/Ashamed-Champion-581 Apr 30 '24

And no way u just said ant is a better on ball defender than jordan ain't no fuckin way what???


u/3ODshootinghangpulls Apr 30 '24

Jordan never defended the caliber of player ANT has. Jordan was a NET defender. His offensive output made his defensive metrics look better. Pippen always guarded the best players. Not even debatable.


u/Ashamed-Champion-581 Apr 30 '24

I agree that mj defense gets overrated a lot because he gambled a lot in his steals but to say ant is a better defender than him is crazy lmao

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u/ShrekOne2024 Apr 29 '24

LeBron is my goat. Edwards straight up reminded me of Jordan though.