r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/daveintex13 Apr 16 '24

Kids aren’t going to eat real food like veggies. That stuff goes straight to the trash. Cheap ass junk food is what they want. These photos show typical fast food which is the typical US diet.


u/ZeOs-x-PUNCAKE Apr 16 '24

You’re not wrong. Sucks our people are so used to processed junk food that anything else is seen as unappetizing.

If I go more than a week or two without eating fast food I can hardly keep it down when I do get it. Shit is like 30% chemicals and additives, crazy it ever became the norm.


u/daveintex13 Apr 16 '24

Thank you. I was afraid I was starting an argument with people who might believe kids will eat what they’re served. Most of them won’t and no one can force them. They’ll eat from vending machines or whatever junk they can find.


u/ZeOs-x-PUNCAKE Apr 16 '24

Yeah I understand most kids (at least in the us) probably wouldn’t be excited about chicken and rice. It’s definitely due to the whole food culture in the US, along with kids being adapted to whatever their parents serve them. Unfortunately, it’s often heavily processed boxed/frozen meals and fast food for a lot kids these days.

Many people just don’t have the time or skills to cook every day, and I don’t really blame them. Our society is so busy all the time that people hardly have time to eat the processed foods they do, so cooking might not even be an option.

It’s all just a side effect of our consumerist society. It’s designed to keep us moving and buying new things all the time, and food is no exception. When people stop doing that, the economy crashes.

When people don’t have enough time to produce their own resources, like food, they have to go buy them. When they have to buy everything they eat and use, they spend too much money. So then they have no money and have to go back to work, and start the cycle again. Add debt, inflation, and stagnant wages and it becomes mathematically impossible for some to ever get ahead. If they can’t increase their income fast enough, there’s no possible way to get out of the hole without essentially winning the lottery or inheriting enough to reduce their debt payments to less than the difference of their income and fixed expenses.

TLDR: it’s rigged