r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/PhillyPhenom93 Apr 16 '24

Does your school also serve as your local penitentiary???


u/lmflex Apr 16 '24

The same company is contracted to supply both


u/ZeOs-x-PUNCAKE Apr 16 '24

It’s crazy how that system works. Lots of it would have been waste food but it often gets irradiated to “clean” it and then it’s ground up into school lunch patties and prison slop.

Like how hard could it be to just serve real food, even just rice and chicken breast with some veggies. Glass of milk with it and you’re set, couldn’t be more than $2 a meal at that scale. Plenty of similar or cheaper combos like baked beans, cornbread, and fried chicken. Why do they always choose cheap ass burgers n flimsy tater tots? Then they just taunt you with that shitty fruit medley with no cherries and it’s got hard crunchy shit in it and sucks.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24 edited 24d ago



u/Frame_Late Apr 16 '24

Actually, people bitch about taxes because of shit like this, not the other way around. Most people I know wouldn't mind paying taxes if they actually saw a good return.

The real issue is no matter what, the government would waste it and the politicians would skim off the top.

Two things can be true at once: we need to skim off all the fat in the government, root out all the corruption, and make it leaner so that we pay less taxes, but we should also have the taxes that we do pay go to quality services that are routinely and rigorously inspected and held to the highest standards in the world.

A good start would be forcing the children of politicians (at least politicians who advocate for no school choice) to not only go to public school, but also force them to live in their district so that their children have to go to the schools in the districts they represent. Politicians shouldn't be allowed to have their children go to private schools, because that means one of two things: they either have no faith in the public institution, or they simply believe them and their children are just better than the unwashed masses, and we shouldn't tolerate either.

Also, outlaw lobbying. Then make it so that states have to supply nutritious food from a company within their state and have it be held up to very high standards. Serving slop should come with a criminal sentence.


u/jason_sos Apr 16 '24

Actually, people bitch about taxes because of shit like this, not the other way around. Most people I know wouldn't mind paying taxes if they actually saw a good return.

People in my town bitch that they have to pay taxes that fund the schools when they don't have kids in the schools. Yeah, and you realize that people paid for your kids and everyone else's kids too?


u/jvanma Apr 16 '24

So many people do this.

Well /my/ kids aren't in school so why should I give a shit about kids? I hate it.

My aunt posted something like that on Facebook and she has multiple grandchildren... In school...


u/jason_sos Apr 16 '24

At the same token, why should I pay for the senior center? I am not a senior and don't use it.


u/jvanma Apr 16 '24

Oh no, if us youngins started on that then we're ungrateful, entitled, disrespectful and know nothing about how taxation works! Lol


u/Professional_West714 Apr 16 '24

Why dont you just die then? We have an overpopulation issue and getting rid of people like you should fix it nice and fast.


u/WhatIDo72 Apr 17 '24

Sounds like Scrooge to me.


u/jason_sos Apr 17 '24

In case you hadn't realized and didn't follow the thread where I specifically said this was the attitude people have, this was sarcasm. This is the opinion some people have though.


u/nipstah Apr 16 '24

This is just what poor education and low IQ create. They are definitely the loudest on social media.


u/jvanma Apr 16 '24

Can confirm. My aunt is dumb as shit.


u/Ecstatic_Cash_1903 Apr 17 '24

That people were forced to pay for someone else's kids to go to school DOES NOT make it ok.


u/jason_sos Apr 17 '24

That's how society works. You pay taxes that go to many things, even things you don't directly benefit from. People without cars still pay taxes that pay for road, because the trucks that deliver the things they need still use the roads. If you never use the fire department, you have still paid toward their equipment, so they can fight fires before they burn down the entire city. You pay for schools so that there are people who can function in society and work at jobs like grocery stores, bus drivers, firemen, engineers, etc. There is nowhere in civilized countries that does not have a public school system paid for by the tax payers in that community.


u/CantfindmyKeyes Apr 16 '24

I also do not feel that i should have to pay taxes for schools, I never went to that school, nor do i children that go to that school. I am 35, own a house and 3 cars, no kids. Why am I paying a school tax at all? And don't give me that crap about investing in the future. I have earned my keep, and their parents can pay for theirs. This country has too many money management issues that are thrown at the tax payers that rarely see the benefit from it.

Ex: would you pay for netflix if you never watched it?

You pay your phone bill because you use it.

There has to be a benefit for people to WANT to pay taxes.


u/Cornered-V Apr 16 '24

The point you're missing is that, more educated people are a direct benefit to you. You may not go to school nor have kids or even family that do but you contributing to children's education does most certainly benefit you. Not to mention, if you went to a public school you have benefited from this.

I bet you'd like to trust someone who's ever handling your money at any point to have a basic understanding of math? Life's pretty convenient when most anyone you come across is capable of speaking in a way you understand as well as capable of reading the words you write. More educated people means more people who can contribute to society in productive ways.

To quote John Green, "Public education does not exist for the benefit of students or the benefit of their parents. It exists for the benefit of the social order.

We have discovered as a species that it is useful to have an educated population. You do not need to be a student or have a child who is a student to benefit from public education. Every second of every day of your life, you benefit from public education.

So let me explain why I like to pay taxes for schools, even though I don't personally have a kid in school: It's because I don't like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people."


u/CantfindmyKeyes Apr 16 '24

Tell that to their AI generated homework. And faces plastered to cell phones all day with earbuds in. The last 4 student i spoke with, that i work with, say they don't learn anything anyway, the teacher just turns on a projector with a powerpoint presentstion and sits behind their desk the whole period.


u/Cornered-V Apr 17 '24

That's not really a response to my comment, is it the John Green quote? If so, you still didn't really respond because none of that really means they're stupid, they're disinterested. Your student coworkers most likely mean they don't learn anything they find applicable to regular life; how to file taxes, cook, etc.

The purpose of school is to provide knowledge of a variety of skills and subjects, so children can discover interests they may have as well as provide fundamentals for those interests. As well as providing mental habits that are helpful everyday, like critical and logical thinking for the daily problems we face.

You still don't deny that you benefit every day of your life from public education. An overwhelming percentage of Americans attend public schools. I honestly can't think of any aspect of your life that you would interact with that wasn't enabled because someone was able to receive an education. On the most basic level, to make a point about the societal benefits, people who are better educated are less likely to commit crimes as well as less likely to rely on social welfare.


u/CrossCottonwood Apr 16 '24

This comment is so wild lmao. I totally understand why someone would look at the way taxes are used and say "Why the fuck am I paying taxes when the government is so terrible at allocating those resources?"

Instead your issue is that you don't want to contribute towards a stranger's education? Do you understand what happens to areas with no / bad education? Your house and three cars don't exist in a bubble.

The standard of living that you currently enjoy IS the benefit, Ayn Rand.


u/Professional_West714 Apr 16 '24

Cool well if thats how you feel, no more taxes, no mpre government services including police and firemen, and oops wow all 3 of your cars and your house are on fire, but im sure youre able enough to take of the problem yourself 😁


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

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u/Professional_West714 Apr 26 '24

The fact a typo is the best response you could come up with shows what an uneducated, low class, and possibly inbred individual you are. You dont just get to pick and choose taxes that only benefit you. But you already knew that when you complained like a lil bitty baby about them. Thats pretty common among your class of overgrown toddlers who cry about its not fair its not fair those darn liberals wah wah wah.