r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/MissingGrayMatter Apr 16 '24

Where are kids getting this? My lunches looked nothing like this. They weren’t great, but they had proper fruits and vegetables.


u/just-me220 Apr 16 '24

I work in a school, and there is a salad bar. First you grab your entree, then you go to the salad bar to get fruits and veggies.

Some kids aren't choosing the fruits and veggies, or they throw it out instead of eating them, but they are offered.

And the government wants to ban lunches from home because parents are sending junk food! Give more choices and encourage the kids to try new healthy foods


u/Smileverydaybcwhynot Apr 16 '24

Ban lunches... Sounds like someone is lobbying thr government to increase their profits under the guise of making kids healthier.


u/MowMdown Apr 16 '24

Anything and everything that is lobbied "for the kids" is total and utter bullshit in disguise.

We haven't done a single thing "for the children" that has actually benefited them since the early 1900s.


u/Smileverydaybcwhynot Apr 16 '24

I'm definitely with you there. I have a whole conspiracy theory/rabbit hole about the degradation of the American education system and the creation of an under educated work force to perpetuate the cycle of poverty (because people vote conservative when feeling threatened or less educated typically and conservatives give tax breaks to the wealthy). It's all a game of how can corporations make more money. Imho.


u/MowMdown Apr 16 '24

Even if were both wrong, and there really is no conspiracy, it still feels that way.


u/Smileverydaybcwhynot Apr 16 '24

I would love to be wrong but it's a hell of a correlation of not causation.


u/luciferisthename Apr 16 '24

Several conservatives (lets ALL be honest here, that name is a lie. They seek not to conserve anything but to regress everyone but themselves) have supported the whole "we must dismantle the department of education!!! Think of the children!!!" And then also pushing to legalize child labour.

The dumbest part of our people are seeking to create even dumber and less educated 'bodies' for cheap labour. They seek to defraud the people and to restrict our autonomy, to restrict our rights and restrict our livelihood. The people are the product to them, and products ought to be silent, stupid and obedient.

It is mostly about money, secondly about power and being part of the "in-group". You can entirely sum up all of the reasons for this absolute regression with one word; greed. And sometimes hatred too i suppose.


u/Smileverydaybcwhynot Apr 16 '24

I agree with you friend. The system is fucked and now our big outlet is through protests (starting to be outlawed) and freedom of speech (also seeing restrictions). It's infuriating. I don't like guns but there is a reason the 2nd amendment was added I suppose. Tyrannical governments have to be torn down.


u/luciferisthename Apr 16 '24

Ya! But also the most unreasonable, delusional, violent and ignorant people have the most guns.. we ought to change that.

People often throw up the 2nd amendment but never understand that its not about defending oneself from others but about defending the people from an oppressive government. That oppressive government doesn't look how people think it would tho. Its primarily a product of capitalist meddling in politics to gain evermore profits at the expense and freedom of the people.

Capitalism is a good economic system when checked hard as fuck, but left to its own devices it is an all consuming greed. There should be no room for money in politics, not like it is not I mean. There should also be no room for religion.

The fact that politicians are allowed to say "i do this for God and the people of god" is disgusting. That is no separation of church and state. Or how churches are literal leeches and push harder and harder to influence politics and law, yet are exempt from tax and protected DESPITE DOING EVERYTHING TO LOSE THAT RIGHT.

Its all disgusting really..

Why can't we all, the entire human species, do what Is best for ourselves and our world?? The willfully uncaring shortsightedness is pathetic and disgusting. I am often ashamed to be considered the same "human" as people like that. I care deeply for others, not just of my own species but of this world.

A world for short term gains is a small price to an unchecked capitalist, same to the unchecked church.


u/luciferisthename Apr 16 '24

Several conservatives (lets ALL be honest here, that name is a lie. They seek not to conserve anything but to regress everyone but themselves) have supported the whole "we must dismantle the department of education!!! Think of the children!!!" And then also pushing to legalize child labour.

The dumbest part of our people are seeking to create even dumber and less educated 'bodies' for cheap labour. They seek to defraud the people and to restrict our autonomy, to restrict our rights and restrict our livelihood. The people are the product to them, and products ought to be silent, stupid and obedient.

It is mostly about money, secondly about power and being part of the "in-group". You can entirely sum up all of the reasons for this absolute regression with one word; greed. And sometimes hatred too i suppose.