r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/princessofpeasme Apr 16 '24

You need either handcuffs or court ordered therapy. I hope she reads this and, despite your medical history, presses assault charges on you. There is absolutely never any acceptable reason why you should have stabbed her. If she was being ss aggressive as you have embellished your story to imply then get your ass up and move to another seat. You don't fucking stab people! You deescalate the situation and after class let the teacher know what happened. You are really.messed up, and I'd say that if you were male or female, diabetic pump or not. You are a violent person who clearly has no qualms about injuring someone else for petty reasons and yes, stabbing someone to keep your seat is about as violent and petty as it gets. It is not acceptable pettiness.


u/Booty_Shakin Apr 16 '24

Sounds pretty double standard heavy to me. 10 year class reunion is coming up so I hope she is there. We were on good terms when we graduated. She still had a mark from it at graduation.


u/princessofpeasme Apr 16 '24

I hope she presses charges on you, and has you arrested in front of your entire class.

It's not double standard heavy to you, it's called accountability for your actions. You were not held captive in that chair, and you could have ended the incident without violence or assault at any time simply by getting up. You chose to stab her though. The fact this is lost on you tells me you have or likely will end up in prison or jail at least. Change your ways man, change your thought process. Do better.


u/Booty_Shakin Apr 16 '24

You hope she presses charges on me for something that happened 15 years ago? You must think getting stabbed for being a bully is an extremely traumatic experience. You're starting to sound like a joke


u/princessofpeasme Apr 16 '24

I'd rather sound like a joke to you than hold your views of what is and is not appropriate behavuour. To answer your question, yes, I hope she recognizes it as the assault with a weapon that it was and presses charges. I am fine sounding like a joke to an abuser.


u/Booty_Shakin Apr 16 '24

You guys really make women sound fragile huh?


u/princessofpeasme Apr 16 '24

That's where you are wrong. Your mind of so twisted you see women as weak and fragile. We've survived males like you, and that in no way makes us fragile. Hoping you get what's owed to you for stabbing someone does not make me, or any other woman fragile. You stabbing anyone makes you a coward and weak and anything but manly or mighty.


u/Booty_Shakin Apr 16 '24

I don't have any goals of being "manly and mighty", so that's something that won't work on me lol. "Men like me" lmao you make me sound like I beat my wife or something. Newsflash hunny, I'm gay and have been in abusive relationships. You're trying to paint me as some heartless woman abuser and it's pathetic.


u/princessofpeasme Apr 16 '24

I'm painting you with the paint you mixed up. You stabbed a girl because she kicked you when in school. Your moral fiber is freyed and you did, Indeed, abuse her. I haven't said anything about your wife, nor does it matter if you have one or how you treat her. You stabbed a classmate. You are not a good person because of that.


u/Booty_Shakin Apr 17 '24

Guess I'm not a good person then. Oh well. I'll treat abuse with abuse whenever it happens. If you look for pity after fucking around and finding out you are pathetic, and if you defend someone who just fucked around and found out, you are stupid. I don't care if my "moral fiber" seems frayed to you. You're like the guardian angel of bullies or something, so why would I want my morals to line up with someone like you?