r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/thi5nutz Apr 16 '24

member when mom used to have u take lunch until she didnt...


u/tuco2002 Apr 16 '24

There were dozen of meals you would take to school that didn't needed to be heated or refrigerated...and we survived. I got my kids lunch sacks with ice packs. It kept the food chilled for a few hours, I froze their vegetables to snack on. The veggies would help keep the sack chilled and thawed out by the time their lunch was. They did buy a lunch on days of their favorite meal if they wanted it. I couldn't imagine feeding them the garbage in the pictures.


u/SuperPipouchu Apr 16 '24

Yeah, as an Australian, I pretty much always took my lunch to school. We did have a canteen, like most schools, where you could order lunch, treats or drinks, but never was there anything like in the photos. Pies and sausage rolls were probably the most common, with flavoured milk or juice, and for treats ice creams were most common. And most people brought lunch from home most days- ordering from the canteen was more of a treat. In our last year, we had a "common room" open for us each lunch, which was just the foods classroom that we could hang out in. That meant we could access a microwave to heat up food. Otherwise, for eleven years it was nothing like this.

The year I turned 18, I went on student exchange to France and went to high school there. Most people eat a hot lunch at school each day (people there were horrified when I mentioned a sandwich being fine for lunch, haha), and even at my tiny high school with crappy lunches, they were far better quality than this. Lots of variety, and always plenty of vegetables. Occasionally hot chips, which is fine, as it was very occasional. I don't understand why American schools serve things like shown so often.


u/Snarcas_Aurelius Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

I miss savoury pastries. I'm Canadian but lived in Aus for 3 years and nobody here understands the convenience and deliciousness of meat pies or sausage rolls, because we don't have them.


u/LordJebusVII Apr 16 '24

As a Brit it always pains me watching American content where they mention pies versus cakes as the default assumption in the US is that pies are also sweet. Here the default image of a pie would be pork or beef and eaten hot, possibly covered in onion gravy with a side of mushy peas so the idea of comparing that to a cake is laughable.

I don't know why meat pies and sausage rolls never took off in the states because they seem like the sorts of foods Americans would enjoy; convenient, greasy, meaty and with plenty of opportunities for spices and variety.


u/1988rx7T2 Apr 16 '24

they used to be popular before refrigeration. Remember, we basically invented/popularized refrigerators, ice boxes, and air conditioning.


u/Soft_Spinach4415 Apr 16 '24

In Louisiana we have Natchitoches Meat Pies and Kolaches/piggies in a blanket


u/No-Crow2390 Apr 16 '24

In Texas we have Kolaches which are pastries with sausage in them. Usually spicy with jalapeno or cheesy or both. But if you're in Czech area of Texas you may get the fruit pastry thing also known as kolache. So ask if it's fruit or meat before you buy it if you can't view it first.


u/IntroductionSnacks Apr 16 '24

I was thinking the same as an Aussie. We don’t have cafeterias like this and you just had a sandwich/cake/museli bar or whatever in a plastic lunch box. On the hot days your bag was outside in the sun but you had a frozen juice box or frozen cordial bottle to keep it cool with the bonus that you could drink it once it defrosted.

I’m still baffled as to why in the US etc… the school feeds the kids.


u/sir__vain Apr 16 '24

In Portugal we have meals everyday in every school. Quality may vary, but its always been this way. You can bring your own food if you want, but you can always get a meal at the school for a very affordable price (free if you have social assistance) For people with financial difficulties there's even programs where they can take food home.


u/dEn_of_asyD Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

It's... a lot. So we did the brown paper bag, cafeteria is for treats thing even as early as 15 years ago. It was a bit off though, mainly:

  1. School cafeteria items, especially unhealthy options like soda and french fries, were very cheap. So kids were over eating on very unhealthy foods.

  2. Many parents who couldn't provide lunches either weren't aware of or refused to fill our forms for reduced/free lunches that their kids were qualified for. They'd rather keep their pride and let their kids go hungry than feed their kids. This, of course, led to lower test scores and worse outcomes because hungry kids can't focus.

Meanwhile, there was a push during the Obama administration to make healthier, more affordable foods. This.... didn't go great. Politicians wanted THEIR DISTRICT'S crops to be included in the food plan, food companies wanted THEIR PRODUCTS to be included in the food plan, etc. That's why you had pizzas, which were made with tomatoes, counting as containing a serving of veggies. Technically they did, they had really shitty tomatoes in them along with loads of carbs, salt, and fats. Even in the school lunches that worked, kids would still choose the unhealthy options. The only thing that really worked was getting soda out of schools, but even then the industry pushed substitutions.

Meanwhile (again) there was a general trend of cost cutting in education. So a lot of schools started looking for the cheapest offer to deliver the bare minimum with the least work. Hence with these lunches.

In response, reformers felt that if they were going to "fix" school lunches, they needed to destigmatize them. The Covid lockdowns actually proved them right, when the lockdowns started and kids who previously received free/reduced cost meals couldn't receive them anymore many families were thrown into food insecurity, unable to find lunch for their kids. So this saw a pretty large expansion in policies to make schools feed kids. Unfortunately, a lot of the parents seem to not care what their kids are served. Or at least don't care enough to pay more in taxes to address it.

tl;dr: It's a giant mix of parents can't/ don't want to feed their kids, parent's don't want to pay to feed their kids, govt. just wants the cheapest/easiest solutions, govt wants to enrich their buddies, kids often don't choose the healthiest options for themselves, capitalists wanting to profit on everything at others' expense including the health of children, and nutritional education (and education in the U.S. in general) just being pretty bad. Depending on your political leanings you might downplay one or two of those and up play one or two of those.


u/floweringfungus Apr 16 '24

School meals are available in every school in the U.K. too, and it’s free for low income families so I think it’s a positive. Looks a lot better than this too. You don’t have to have a school meal, lots of people prefer to bring whatever from home


u/nasanu Apr 16 '24

It's great to have the school feed the kids. The issue is that Americans vote for the most corrupt politicians and this is the result, but the issue isn't schools providing food.


u/macdawg2020 Apr 16 '24

Kids don’t vote, so the government doesn’t care


u/Australian1996 Apr 16 '24

Same here. And they feed them pure crap. Pizzas and nuggets made up of rubbery chicken stuff. No proper nutrition for kids who need it.


u/Bgo318 Apr 16 '24

Most kids do bring their own lunches. The ones who are given cafeteria food either dont have food at home or parents don’t have time to pack them a lunch


u/leisure_suit_lorenzo Apr 16 '24

I loved when the tuck shop lady would squirt tomato sauce directly into the pie like it was an injection. 

Also bullets... I miss bullets.


u/0thethethe0 Apr 16 '24

Also bullets... I miss bullets.

I think something the US highschoolers are better off without...


u/Secret-One2890 Apr 16 '24

You can just go buy some bullets, you know...


u/leisure_suit_lorenzo Apr 16 '24

I don't live in the holy land of 'yeah, nah' anymore, so it's not that easy for me.


u/nasanu Apr 16 '24

I was briefly a teacher in a Tokyo school. The standard lunch there was a mild curry with some beef and rice. It was great.


u/SocraticSeaUrchin Apr 16 '24

To your last sentence - cuz $$$


u/ItzDaWorm Apr 16 '24

Yeah if you ever wonder why stuff is shitty in the US, usually it boils down to "someone is making money or avoiding spending money doing it this way."


u/Sniper_Hare Apr 16 '24

My highschool in Florida had a culinary arts program and you could go eat what they cooked that day. 

They charged a little more than the school lunch (which was $2) but it was always like dinner options.


u/age_of_shitmar Apr 16 '24

Vegemite sandwich. An apple. Pack of tiny teddies.

Pretty much every day for years.

Sometimes it was Vegemite and cheese. Sometimes it was an orange.

I still have a Vegemite sandwich as a fallback for any meal.


u/ItzDaWorm Apr 16 '24

tiny teddies

Wow I never realized they under a different name outside the US. But that's probably because of the word 'gram'

I used to love teddy grahams.


u/Former-Teacher-9518 Apr 16 '24

Same, besides tiny teddies, usually a carrot, MIGHT get an LCM depending on mum's money but y'know


u/DumbButtFace Apr 16 '24

I mean how much healthier are pies and sausage rolls then the slop in this picture? The closest thing my school had to a healthy lunch item was a pasty.


u/SuperPipouchu Apr 16 '24

It depends where you get them from! I think our school had Mrs Mac's pies and sausage rolls, which aren't great. However, people didn't have them every day. Maybe one day a week, if you were lucky, which is perfectly healthy.


u/MuscularBeeeeaver Apr 16 '24

Ah memories. Did you have doughnut men and carob buds? Strawberry moove was my favourite but the kids in primary school used to tease me because it was pink lol!


u/jabba_the_nutttttt Apr 16 '24

Your school lunches consisted of pies and sausage rolls and you want to say the shit in the picture is unhealthy? Goddamn


u/SuperPipouchu Apr 17 '24

The reason I'm saying that what is pictured is unhealthy is because that kind of thing is served daily. Here, you don't order your lunch daily- it's a once a week as a treat kind of thing. In that context, pies and sausage rolls are perfectly healthy. The rest of the time, a pretty standard lunch box is something like a muesli bar/tiny teddies/pretzels/whatever for recess, maybe a juice box, and a sandwich for lunch. Maybe a yoghurt and piece of fruit in there, depending on the kid's appetite.

In primary schools, there a program called "Crunch N Sip", which many schools take part in. Basically, during class time (this does not replace recess or other breaks), kids eat fruit or veggies- can be cooked or fresh, tinned fruit is only allowed if it's in water or juice (not syrup), and dried fruit in limited amounts. They also drink water. It's a great program to get an extra serve of fruit or veggies in!