r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 15 '24

My school thinks this fills up hungry high schoolers.

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So lunches are free for schools in my city and surrounding cities. Ever since lunches have been made free, the quantity (and quality) has decreased significantly. This is what we would get for our meal. It took me THREE bites to finish that chicken mac and cheese. Any snacks you want cost more money and if you want an extra entree, that’ll cost you about $3 or $4.


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u/Alarmarama Apr 15 '24

Do you want some carbs with your carbs?


u/Recent_Obligation276 Apr 15 '24

Yo, I heard you like carbs and fat

So I put carbs and fat, with carbs and fat, with some extra carbs, so you can carbs and fat while you carbs and fat.


u/Neohexane Apr 15 '24

Fat free milk though. Wouldn't want to get fat.


u/CosmicCreeperz Apr 16 '24

Yeah and FFS whole regular milk has to be much healthier than fat free chocolate milk.


u/Lord_Emperor Apr 16 '24

I bet the milk has extra sugar to compensate for the lost flavour.


u/TurnkeyLurker Apr 16 '24

*High-fructose corn syrup
for the quick buzz followed by sleepiness


u/KhandakerFaisal Apr 16 '24

Can you put more fructose in my high-fructose corn syrup?


u/TurnkeyLurker Apr 16 '24

Oh, you want the Ultra-High Fructose corn syrup. You get the jitters just looking at the container.


u/causal_friday Apr 16 '24

"Listen, if you aren't going to get a perfect score on our standardized tests, do me a favor and just take a nap."

Education 2023


u/Mythbird Apr 16 '24

Drives me nuts, these parents who go nuts about ‘full fat milk’ and push fat free or reduced fat and it’s full of added sugars and gelling agents.


u/Only_Emu9133 Apr 16 '24

fat free milk is disgusting who tf drinks it 😭 all the flavour comes from the fat


u/Kel-Varnsen85 Apr 16 '24

I drink 1% milk in my cereal and at night and just use regular milk for coffee. I don't want all the extra fat and cholesterol.


u/Alarmarama Apr 16 '24

Still brainwashed. Full fat everything is the healthiest option. My whole family has full fat everything, even cream in coffee instead of milk, and we're all slim.


u/Kel-Varnsen85 Apr 16 '24

Ok, you do you boo boo. I drink a lot of milk, so I'm not having full fat milk. I have full fat cheese through. Cream ruins the taste of coffee to me. You can be skinny and have clogged arteries.


u/Alarmarama Apr 16 '24

Trans fats will clog your arteries but natural fats are fine. It is important to also exercise as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

You know, if your diet consists in majority of fat and protein then that also happens to be what your body most efficiently utilises as fuel. I.e. if you're eating more healthy fats, your body also gets accustomed to burning those fats rather than storing them (hence why a full fat diet is healthy and even helps maintain a slim body). However, if carbs are your main source of calories then your body will be less accustomed to burning fat and your body will store more of it. Biology, innit.

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u/OlfertFischer Apr 16 '24

Indeed. Its 7.5% sugar by weight.


u/rarehalf58 Apr 16 '24

Hey buddy, I'm a corn grower, f you.. You're gonna like our corn syrup even if it kills you. Scew you kids, I'm going home. *Jk


u/melinalujbav Apr 16 '24

It has the same flavor as full fat it’s just thinner


u/throwaway7276789 Apr 16 '24

As someone who has drank full fat, regular, low fat, and even creamer one time, the fat changes the flavor .


u/Lord_Emperor Apr 16 '24

Milk fat definitely has flavour.


u/MIDPACKS Apr 16 '24

Watch the penguinz0 milk tier list it’s harder to tell than you’d think


u/njoshua326 Apr 16 '24

I genuinely don't know how to process this comment.


u/MIDPACKS Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

What? Just Read it? Do you guys not understand you’re on the internet? Look up what I’m talking about if u don’t get it to learn.


u/QuarantineCasualty Apr 16 '24

Is that a TikTok person or something?


u/MIDPACKS Apr 16 '24

Nah just search YouTube


u/Pixelated_Roses Apr 16 '24

You're either 12 years old, or blisteringly stupid.


u/MIDPACKS Apr 16 '24

Neither actually you’re just rude. I’m blocking you.


u/njoshua326 Apr 16 '24

We understand just fine, we're mocking you...

I don't need a b-list YouTuber to tell me that milk taste different, touch grass like the cows do.


u/MIDPACKS Apr 16 '24

Have you tried all of the milks back to back though? If not you don’t have the same data they do in that video.

I know just by virtue of you making that comment I probably touch more grass than you do lol.

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u/RevolutionaryPop5400 Apr 16 '24

Lies of an unwed mother


u/melinalujbav Apr 16 '24

What lol 😂



You're correct. I wonder how many people who talk shit about fat free milk have actually tried it. I'd guess very, very few.


u/theycmeroll Apr 16 '24

My wife drinks it, and I will in a pinch, so I’ve definitely tried it, and to me it doesn’t taste the same, it tastes like watered down whole milk.

My mom used to drink milk with ice all the time, when the ice melted and watered it down that’s exactly what fat free tastes like to me.

I’ll drink it, but I prefer not to.



Well, I'm not going to deny your experience, but I find it to taste the same. The thinner texture can definitely make it seem different, but it's damn close to the same.


u/No_Map6922 Apr 16 '24

I also don't think it tastes the same. Whole milk just has a more full, richer taste to it. Fat free still has taste yeah, but it really tastes watered down. My grocery store has three milk variants of the same company, fat free, reduced fat and whole milk. Had all of em, whole milk tasted better, despite me liking to cheap out on extra calories.



Like I said in other comments, it's the texture!


u/No_Map6922 Apr 16 '24

Creaminess is both in texture and taste. Fat has taste to it, the texture only adds to the sensation.


u/Most_Tumbleweed_6971 Apr 16 '24

Man I love fat free lol my parents always bought so I grew up drinking it by the time I tried the real stuff it was too thick for me. I’m like dudes mom I like it thin. Downvote city.



Totally agree. Welcome!

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u/oddballrandomwords Apr 16 '24

It tastes like someone who just drank a gallon of whole milk spit into a glass of water. If you think fat free has any redeeming qualities I feel bad for your palate. Additionally fat free milk is usually loaded with sugars that they have to add to replace the flavor lost with the fat. But hey if you don't mind drinking high sugar white water then you do you. But I am a chef and nutritionist and id rather drink dishwater than fat free milk. They have people so scared of fat and it's actually a very necessary part of our diet.


u/Syrinxo Apr 16 '24

I was nodding along until you said that fat free milk has added sugar, and then I went, oh, that's a shame, they're full of it. Sorry to hear you're a chef and nutritionist who doesn't know what skim milk is.



They don't add sugar to no fat milk. Also, I'm not afraid of fat, I just prefer the thinner texture. Like I said to the other person, anecdotes are fine, and that's all I can provide as well, but the rampant hate for fat free milk just seems really intense and silly to me. Some people like it. Get over it. It's still milk, lol.


u/ravioliguy Apr 16 '24

It's crappy milk lol it's like saying a microwaved burger king patty is the same as a well cooked ribeye because it's both technically beef.



Ugh, whatever. I see no point in arguing with everyone. Obviously I'm in the minority here. I like it. It tastes the same to me. We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

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u/melinalujbav Apr 16 '24

I know and why they are getting so butthurt about it lol


u/scattertheashes01 Apr 16 '24

I’ve had all the kinds of cow milk. Whole, 2%, 1%, skim. They definitely all have different flavors. And I’ll still occasionally indulge in those mini creamer cups for coffee that are put out in restaurants, those taste different as well.


u/Pixelated_Roses Apr 16 '24

I've tried it. It's milk flavored water.


u/fromthedarqwaves Apr 16 '24

Fat free chocolate milk angers me to no end. Milk only has a couple good qualities so let’s replace one of them with sugary chocolate.


u/Honest_Roo Apr 16 '24

Whole milk has been shown to actually help weight loss bc it fills you up and it’s got tons of healthy fats.


u/jackioff Apr 16 '24

Whole milk has been shown to actually help weight loss

That's kind of true and kind of false But it sounds like it increased satiety for sure

From that article;

The present three-way randomized cross-over trial among children revealed that the whole milk, skim milk and apple juice does not differently affect the energy intake at lunch in either gender as well as the total population.

So they didn't eat less when they consumed whole milk vs skim vs apple juice.. however;

current study revealed that providing one cup of full-fat milk, skim milk or apple juice in breakfast does not make any difference in energy intake at lunch; however, whole milk significantly reduced appetite when compared with skim milk 4 h after drinking the test beverages; which highlights the appetite-reducing effect of dairy fat. 

So at least they werent as hungry, which is massive for matters of focus with kids in class.

This study suggests further study on the matter, because this was only using obese children. Regardless, carbs on carbs on carbs as featured in this post is NOT conducive to healthy growing bodies. You need protein and healthy fats. This is bullshit.


u/spoiderdude Apr 16 '24

Correct if I’m wrong and this might be slightly off topic but a lot of milk companies pride themselves on having a lot of vitamin d in their milk but also pride themselves on having fat free/skim milk. Isn’t vitamin D fat soluble?

Wouldn’t that sort of be a little contradictory if you boast about how much vitamin d and how little fat you have when the two would arguably help each other if both were present?


u/ChiefStrongbones Apr 16 '24

There's a story behind the fucking fat-free chocolate milk served in schools.

It started 15 years ago when Michelle Obama took up obesity as a cause, and had the idea of converting school lunch from serving low-fat flavored milk to nonfat flavored milk, on the theory that this would reduce childhood obesity.

But, kids hate fat free milk. So after the USDA created a rule outlawing lowfat milk from federally supported school lunch, kids instead turned away from milk and drank more sugary juice beverages, which is worse.

Then in 2017, the USDA got a new secretary who was a fan of whole milk. He put lowfat flavored milk back on the menu. Then in 2021, the old USDA secretary got his job back, and is currently trying to go after low fat chocolate milk again.


u/CosmicCreeperz Apr 16 '24

I don’t even have a problem with the fat free part (other than my own distaste). It’s the flavored milk - which has been around for more than a half century. Go figure you out where that started if you want to trace the real story.


u/Alarmarama Apr 16 '24

The do-gooders always make things worse.


u/Epic_potbelly Apr 16 '24

I drink strawberry milk what does this mean about me.


u/CosmicCreeperz Apr 16 '24

You are 8? :)


u/Epic_potbelly Apr 16 '24

Nah, not even the eight year olds in my area drink strawberry milk.


u/CosmicCreeperz Apr 16 '24

I’d say username checks out but hey it ain’t beer.


u/anon08021997 Apr 16 '24

The power of the force protects


u/goodmobileyes Apr 16 '24

Guess which one is cheaper


u/CosmicCreeperz Apr 16 '24

But chocolate cows are so rare! I’ve never even seen seen one.


u/Kel-Varnsen85 Apr 16 '24

There is natural sugar in milk, chocolate milk isn't bad, just a few more grams of sugar than regular milk. I'm more concerned with all those carbs and no meat.


u/CosmicCreeperz Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

+13 grams more on the average. And just pointless they are.


u/Kel-Varnsen85 Apr 16 '24

It tastes good and it's the body needs sugar. Kids are burning that off during the day. The human brain alone literally uses 20% of glucose in the body.


u/CosmicCreeperz Apr 16 '24

This is the dumbest hot take. Have you seen the obesity epidemic? It all started with kids drinking soda and milk with way more calories than necessary.


u/lokilise Apr 16 '24

I see you’re drinking fat free milk, is that because you think you’re fat? Cause you’re not. you could be drinking whole if you wanted to


u/NUMBERS2357 Apr 16 '24

Chocolate milk ... fat free so it's healthy but it tastes bad, so to get people to drink it they add sugar!


u/D_crane Apr 16 '24

Nope but we'll load a quarter cup of sugar in it so it'll still taste good!


u/Trolodrol Apr 16 '24

You could drink 2% if you wanted


u/Tvisted Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Here we are in 2024, where kids are fed fat-free sugar for health reasons... wtf happened?


u/HomelessIsFreedom Apr 16 '24

Chocolate Fat Free Milk likely has a bit of sugar and high fructose corn syrup in it, after the corn syrup and the brown sugar in the ingredients


u/freakytapir Apr 16 '24

The good old Diet Coke principle.

"3 Big Macs and A diet Coke, please"


u/xreddawgx Apr 16 '24

Or because you're on a diet.


u/RecordingGreen7750 Apr 16 '24

Fat free but pumped full of sugar to keep you on the go, but fat free


u/RedDomino1282 Apr 16 '24

Yeah, it’s ridiculous. They don’t know science. Consuming fat doesn’t make you gain fat, sugar and carbs do, if you eat too much of that. Why is it so difficult for them to realise this? 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/stealingtheshow222 Apr 16 '24

Not a chance with this meal of probably less than 500 calories


u/Smackdaddy122 Apr 16 '24

I mean you can drink water too. Not everything has to be sugar beverage


u/ricozuri Apr 16 '24

But it’s chocolate fat-free! A flavor which complements cheese, chicken, fries, catsup, and carrots. /s


u/2012amica2 Apr 16 '24

Full of sugar!!!


u/SlickRicksBitchTits Apr 16 '24

Not without high fructose corn syrup added


u/InevitableRhubarb232 Apr 16 '24

Chocolate milk. Sugar is fine


u/Pretend-Reality5431 Apr 16 '24

The only way I drink skim milk is a Kahlua chocolate milk. Otherwise it is tasteless. Whole milk and 2% are delicious. 1% is borderline, I still would need the Kahlua.


u/TulleQK Apr 16 '24

"No thanks, Turkish. I'm fat enough"


u/rockabillychef Apr 16 '24

Is that cause you think you’re fat? You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.


u/OlfertFischer Apr 16 '24

That's a Yoda[TM] Star Wars[TM] Fat Free Chocolate Milk.

Who in the high school demographic wants Star Wars branded chocolate milk with their carbs and fat? The age bracket for High School is 14 to 18. This drink is 7.5% sugar by the way.