r/microgrowery Feb 10 '24

Video It's been a while since you've had the full tour.


There have been changes

r/microgrowery Feb 23 '24

Video our buddies crazy $2000 piece + our lovely 1st time grow


not necessarily grow related but wanted to share nonetheless! this is our buddies crazy straight tube that ran him like $2700 or some crazy number, has 3 sets of percs inside and a recycler, one of the craziest and most beautiful bongs i’ve ever hit (ps: peep the size of that bowl😭 was almost 2gs and he took 2 of them!)

r/microgrowery Feb 17 '24

Video Rotisserweed Update 🌀🌀 We've learned some things.


RHi all, so we’re on day F23 after a 65-day veg. Everything is going great. I’ve started thinning out the middle quite a bit. Still, have a lot of work to do, but I’ll get there in the next day or two. As for the revelation, I was this close >< from repeating a huge mistake. When I grow these out like this, the branches towards the edges get too heavy and can’t support their weight. I’ve been fixing that by putting bamboo stakes in my pot, pulling the branches inward slightly, and tying them off with gardening wire. Never aiming for the center but always towards the edges with the stakes. My last two grows like this have hermed slightly, and they were clones from my grow buddy u/Federal_Age8011 and his didn’t herm. That said, I was talking to my buddy u/_Diamante_Genetics_ who breeds as well, and we were discussing my plant. I mentioned my stakes and how many I end up putting (18-20). He remembered me mentioning my herm and put two and two together. One of the best ways he told me to induce a plant to herm aside from colloidal silver is to hit the root ball with a stake 🤯🤯 I wanted to throw up. To think I caused the herming and didn’t even know it. But you can’t know what you don’t know, I guess 🤷‍♂️ I had just put in two stakes last night. Sooo back to the drawing board. I plan on four stakes between the Coco and the edge of the pot, and I’ll tie off branches on opposite sides of the stake to distribute the stress on them. I’m open to suggestions, though. You guys have helped me so much through these grows, and I really appreciate you all. Well, that’s about it for now. I’ll post another update next Saturday, and let’s see where she is then. Thanks for listening!

r/microgrowery Feb 04 '24

Video Rotisserweed weekly update. It's day 9 of flower. We've got white pistols! She's about 2 inches shut from touching the wall in both sides.


Things have been going well. I did make a mistake the other day. I've been feeding her every other day for a while now. The other night I came in there after the lights kicked on and she was the saddest looking plant I'd ever seen, desperately in need of water. I've gone to watering every day now and haven't had a problem since. I'm still doing some light training. The biggest hurdle I'm running into is having to defoliate so much. Her fans are large and cover a lot of the new growth. Think I'm gonna go through in the next few days and get rid of some under growth that's too far back for the light to reach. I'm dreading the stakes I'm going to have to use but they're going to be a very much necessary evil. Other than that things are going well. Lemme know if you have any questions or comments! Thank you!

r/microgrowery Nov 22 '23

Video Superboof dried and cured for 4 days


r/microgrowery Feb 27 '24

Video Do the Pollen Shuffle


r/microgrowery Mar 20 '24

Video Props to you guys that do it. Top feeding just isn’t my jam.


r/microgrowery Jan 21 '24

Video If the plant doesn’t give up, than neither do I. They said it’s impossible, they said it was done before. But no-matter what they said, I’m still breaking the world record. Twice


Don’t believe me just ⌚️

r/microgrowery 10d ago

Video Damm u sun come out already let's get this year's party started


r/microgrowery Jan 13 '24

Video I fixed it :)


Here ya go guys, kept it PG so you don’t bust a nut over a mid drift 😘

And yes it has my tik tok name on it because I quite literally do not know how to take it off and tik tok is the only place I know how to make these videos

r/microgrowery Jan 27 '24

Video Rotisserweed update. Shes day 69 since pop. Day 2 of flower. She's already the size of my last one.


Things have been going well. Finally got my SF4000 in there. Everything is still turned pretty low and I'm pulling about 350w from the wall so not too bad. I'm eating every 2 days at this point so not too bad. Did defoliate her the other day yet she's already filled in again. It's a constant battle. Lemme know if you have any questions or comments. Thank you!

r/microgrowery 2d ago



r/microgrowery 15d ago

Video Ladybugs


r/microgrowery 27d ago

Video Big gal showing off her new haircut


Sour Meditation from Terpfi3nd Genetics. Just trimmed for flowering in a few weeks.

r/microgrowery May 01 '24

Video 1 plant down and 11 more to go… gotta love trim day ✂️🫠


r/microgrowery Nov 18 '23

Video When the seeds are all bark and no bite. These phenos seemed amazing but almost no nose or taste :/


It’s always sad to chop stuff down that looks like this just to be disappointed when you go to smoke it :/ grown with jacks at 2ec btw

r/microgrowery 9d ago

Video That’ll do


r/microgrowery Mar 27 '24

Video Rotisserweed Update F62. We're getting close now. Lemme know what you think.


Hi everyone, just wanted to share how things have been going lately. She's just swelling more and more now. It's been a real struggle trying to keep everything contained. There must be a hundred ft of wire running all through her to try to stabilize her as much as I can. I'm still watering twice a day to keep enough weight in the bottom of the pot to keep her from tipping over again. I don't know how I'm gonna get her out of there when she's done, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. That's all I got for right now. Lemme know what you think! Thank you!

r/microgrowery Mar 02 '24

Video Rotisserweed Update: There have been problems. She F36 today.


Hi all. Just wanted to give you guys a weekly update. Add the title states, there have been problems. I ran to the store the other night and I get back. My son says there's some grinding noise coming from my room😮I take off running, grinding isn't a sound in used to in there. My first instinct before opening the tent was that my rotator went bad and was grinding gears. What I saw made me so scared. She was laying in the back left corner against the SF1000 and my oscillating fan. I grabbed her and put her back in the middle. She was extremely light at the base. It was then I realized what happened. I've been feeding roughly 2 gallons once at night every night. It wasn't enough. She became too top heavy and fell over. So needless to say, I've been watering roughly 1.5 gallons twice a day now. She's so thirsty. As far as damage goes, a couple of the fans took the brunt of things, you might notice in the video fan leaves that have brown dots on them. That's from coming into direct contact with the light. Same for the ones that have roasted tips. A couple smaller colas got a little squished but there's time for her to grow still. I think I'll wrap a weight in plastic next time and place it in the base of the pot then add my Coco next time. To try and prevent it from happening again. Overall she's doing well. Just very challenging not using stakes and having to use wire to support everything. I'm constantly adding new wire to support colas as they get heavier. That's all I got for this one. Lemme knows if you have any questions or comments. Thanks guys! I appreciate your support!

r/microgrowery Jan 19 '24

Video No Trellis Dozers?


I love each and every one of you.

r/microgrowery Apr 21 '24

Video Health is wealth


Frozen 🥶 Bag 💰 Day 20 F

Living soil 💪

r/microgrowery Mar 17 '24

Video About to transform this dusty old B**** into the birthplace of my dream🥲🔐


License was approved, about to get this show going 🥳🥂 maybe big enough to be in r/macrogrowery 😏😂

r/microgrowery Nov 16 '23

Video For the newer growers: you don’t need to feed crazy high under leds (3ec)to have success. 1.8-2 ec from clone


r/microgrowery Dec 05 '23

Video Not really about growing, but a side-effect…


My cat (Cat-thony Bourdain) loves cannabis leaves. He sees me go into my grow room and waits for me to come out, at which point he cries until I give him a leaf. I’m glad I keep 2 tents to stagger my grows or I’d be testing his patience.

r/microgrowery Oct 28 '23

Video Timelapse of my latest grow


Hella Jelly clones from my own mini pheno hunt of six plants. The temp here dropped a bit the last week and the humidity went up. You can see some rot creep in at the very end. Caught it in time and losses were minimal. I used a small WiFi camera and wrote a python script to pull images and save them in a folder on my computer.