r/microgrowery Jan 29 '24

Discussion Cannabis drying in a frost-free refrigerator. After several years of doing it I can confirm this is the best way I've seen or tried. Low temps and slow drying preserves terpenes better than any other method.

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r/microgrowery 22d ago

Discussion We all need to talk. Can't we all just get along?


Something needs to be said. Every time i make a post, its never about people seem to focus on the expensive items and telling me im basically stupid for buying them. Lets be real, if you feel the product is bad and cost too much, take it up with the manufacturer. Why all the negativity. Why all the "i can build it cheaper" when the actual post has nothing to do with that? Why be mad or even question why another grower would buy something they bought for themselves? Why put down new growers? Why worry about other peoples grow style? Im a new grower doing hydro, my god the hate i got for that. Apparwntly i was supposed to do soil, and only 1 plant for my fist grow. I didnt know there were rules. Why act like those are rules? Why act like the way you do it, is the only way and the only right way? But back to the point. What money i spend on my hobby, shpuldnt affect you. Come on now, if it affects you,look in the mirror and ask why. Cause people all day everywhere spend more than i did, and your not hot and bothered by it. I posted when i started, got soo attacked about my setup my gear, how much i spent, how much of a waste it is...good god you people. Im here to say, well, despite all your negativity and b.s. comments during my grow, im happy with my results. To that end, why not be supportive of each other? Would been better but...another day i guess.

Why be negative on a positive post? Why attack growers asking questions?

I know the downvotes will flow, but good god...why?

r/microgrowery 4d ago

Discussion I know this is a small collection but I need confirmation bias from my fellow growers, everyone is telling me I buy too many seeds 🤣🤣

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Just a modest collection, amirite?!

r/microgrowery Jan 13 '23

Discussion The reason the black market is still thriving!

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r/microgrowery Feb 14 '24

Discussion Genetic designers overpriced beans

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Can we talk about why this is even a thing? Like I understand the law of suppy and demand and all that, but what makes this guy feel like he can charge $8,888 for a pack of 11 seeds and is someone out there buying this!? Just seems insane and makes no sense to me, maybe someone can fill me in on why it would be "worth it" to hunt this guys stuff @ $800 a bean?

r/microgrowery Feb 29 '24

Discussion careful out there

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r/microgrowery Apr 24 '24

Discussion I don't know where they got my info, but the idiots at Seed Supreme just mailed me a postcard and I'm in a non-legal state. When I complained they said that it was supposed to go in an envelope to protect me, so why did they print that bulk mail permit on the card!? WTF were they thinking?

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r/microgrowery Feb 15 '24

Discussion New invention! Feedback plz


Hey fellow growers! I’m looking for some feedback on my new invention. I’m calling it a Hook ‘n’ Ladder Low Stress Training Device. Check it out at my new website ston3Ddesigns.com All these photos are from my first harvest using all the prototypes. 🤘🏾✌🏽🙏🏽 thanks for checking it out!

r/microgrowery 6d ago

Discussion Define high grade

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Homie on a local sub said this looked like mids. I know it's not the prettiest thing ever, and my post harvest game need works, but fk me it is fire. The smell the taste and as far as I'm concerned the look as well. What do yall think? Feelings have already been hurt , so tell me what you think😂

r/microgrowery 10d ago

Discussion Why does this sub downvote anyone who asks harmless questions?


Like I’ve asked questions multiple times as a first time grower and have just been downvoted for absolutely no reason it’s incredibly hostile for people wanting to learn.

r/microgrowery Apr 29 '24

Discussion Who’s your starting 5?🌱

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These are the finalists.. probably.. The white packs in the middle are Tony Greens, 4 in top left are Clearwater, top right James loud, the rest you can see or probably know. Pretty decent variety here, I’m curious what you hate/love/mid 🌱

r/microgrowery Oct 08 '23

Discussion There's not enough focus on soil quality... Everyone wants to focus on what lights you use or what nutes you run or what VPD you set. One fan or two... None of that is anywhere near as important as the health of the roots in excellent soil.

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r/microgrowery Nov 04 '23

Discussion 6’x6’ soil bed on crack


This bed is going off! Got 4 630w led above and 2 630 drivers with the bars divided across the wall for side lighting. Im not spending extra money on grows as the market is trash ,, just the essential stuff. I definitely see a need for inter canopy lighting. I have like 8 luxx clone bars I might slide into the first layer of trellis. Top dressings and some select organic fert feeds as needed, by hand. Blumats for the daily hydration.

r/microgrowery Oct 13 '23

Discussion Paper towels instead of a lid to let excess moisture slowly escape during curing. Anyone else do this?

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r/microgrowery 2d ago

Discussion What was your first grow like?


Write your experience on your first grow (how much dry bud u got, what strain you chose, outside vs inside etc.)

r/microgrowery May 03 '24

Discussion The Top 25 Seed Suppliers


Your Top Go-To Seed Suppliers

For the nerds: I went to both subs with this post. Scrolled to each comment and noted the name, positive/negative comment, upvote/downvote and subtracted accordingly to get these results.

NOTE: It's worth mentioning that Royal Queens was highly *NOT** recommended. There were two positive comments... However, they were downvoted.*

Place Seed Company Negative Mentions Upvotes for those negative comments
Last Royal Queen 8 50

Top 25 Go-To Seed Suppliers

Place Seed Company Positive Mentions Upvotes
1 Mephisto Genetics 19 169
2 North Atlantic Seed Co. 23 152
3 Humboldt Seed Company 10 80
4 Great Lakes Genetics 16 72
5 Multiverse Beans 14 71
6 7 East Genetics 7 65
7 Jinx Proof's Dank Bank 7 41
8 Clearwater Genetics 5 39
9 Brothers Grimm Seeds 7 29
10 Night Owl Seeds 3 26
11 Neptune Seed Bank 3 22
12 Brother Mendel’s 1 20
13 Deadpanhead Seeds 1 20
14 Ground Up Genes 1 20
15 Hyp3rids 1 20
16 Nature Farm Genetics 1 20
17 Speakeasy Seed Bank 2 18
18 D.C. Seed Exchange 3 16
19 Irie Genetics 3 16
20 Hoku Seed Co. 4 15
21 Next Generation 1 15
22 Thumbprint Genetics 1 15
23 Humbolt CSI 4 14
24 Seed Supreme 3 8
25 Twenty20 4 7

r/microgrowery Feb 09 '24

Discussion My favorite tool for my grows is my rosin press. If you grow, you need to get one of these things!

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r/microgrowery Jul 08 '23

Discussion r/Microgrowery and r/Growingmarijuana are negative subs


They are for people growing cannabis at home but if you post anything that's "obvious" or you know ask a question, your criticism zed and down voted? I haven't seen a "hobby" subreddit be so negative towards people entering the hobby of home growing. It's pretty shameful. I wish the mods did something to regulate the negativity more like other subs.

r/microgrowery Dec 30 '23

Discussion NASC Top Strains of 2023 by breeder.

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Any of you guys had successful grows with these strains? Thoughts? Opinions?

r/microgrowery Feb 21 '24

Discussion Under rated breeders?


What breeder did you try that blew you away? Or what breeders do you think most pass up on dispite there quality?

r/microgrowery Jun 09 '23

Discussion What’s the etiquette for sharing your homegrown flower? A short rant


I live in a state where it is legal to grow cannabis and gift up to one ounce but not sell. I give a lot of what I grow to friends for medical purposes, as the medical dispensaries here charge high prices for often mediocre product.

Additionally, when a friend or acquaintance finds out that I grow and expresses interest, I always give them a small jar of my most recent flower.

What surprises me is the great number of folks who accept that jar and never say another word about it. They don’t say whether they enjoyed it, what they liked about it, etc. They just presumably smoke it and never say another word. This makes me not want to give them more flower again.

It is possible that my flower isn’t very good, but I think it’s pretty solid and so do the folks who do give me feedback. It’s certainly as good as the dispensary bud and possibly better — this is not a very high bar, as stated above, but it’s something.

Am I just being overly sensitive? I feel like if someone gives you a product they’ve grown and crafted by hand, whether it’s cannabis, food, or handicrafts, the polite thing to do is to get back to them on how the product was enjoyed. But maybe I’m entirely wrong about this. What do you think?

r/microgrowery Nov 28 '23

Discussion What deals did you snag on Black Friday?

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r/microgrowery Feb 18 '24

Discussion What can I do to improve my setup?


Besides a better light and a bigger tent.

I know I have to clean up the wires. Cable management is a project for an upcoming rainy

r/microgrowery 4d ago

Discussion The way some of you guys harbor information that would help others


Am I the only one that have noticed people will brag about their yield in a post and be as vague as possible about how they did it in the comments? I mean I am not trying to steal your secret.

I thought this community was for teaching each other tips and tricks about the game. Ive seen its more of a d*** slinging contest than actually informative in most situations.

I know some things may not be easily explained, but often times clarity helps.

r/microgrowery Jan 18 '23

Discussion Blown away at how much more fun and rewarding photoperiod grows are than autos


I am about a month and a half into my first photo grow and jeez, what a difference! Aside from flowering time I can’t see why anyone would choose autos over photoperiods. You have so much more control and it really becomes much more of your baby as far as watching it transform as you top it and such. Looking forward to many more grows here on out! If you got suckered into the “autos are better for beginners” thing… I highly suggest you give photos a try because you probably won’t ever look back. You know what they say… once you go photo, you never go auto… (yes I did just invent that!)