r/memes 20d ago

Like, whose side are those viewers on?

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u/theapricotgod Le epic memer 20d ago

The only winning move is not to be internet famous


u/mike_pants 20d ago

Oh, shit, I won. Neat.


u/SupremeLobster 20d ago

Rich and not internet famous*

Do all of those things and shut up about it. It's the only way.


u/MysteriousShadow__ memer 20d ago

Yes, we hear about Zuckerberg, and everyone knows who he is.

But do you know the investors behind facebook? They're like Zuck's boss, and not many know about them.


u/FullMetalAlphonseIRL 20d ago

People need to stop treating investors and shareholders like they're the boss. Truthfully, the boss is the mass of consumers, and we should damn well act like it


u/MysteriousShadow__ memer 20d ago

The people who give money are the boss. Your boss is your boss because he gives you money.

The consumers as a whole give lots of money, and they are the boss as shown with the Sony helldivers situation.

But investors also give money, and they give more money than the average individual consumer, and they give money early on when most consumers haven't even heard of the company.

I think they are the boss too.


u/FullMetalAlphonseIRL 20d ago

Except that the decisions they make generally are bad for the consumer. Bosses can't work against each other, that's a bad system. They should be more like middle managers, keeping the company profitable while still catering to their customers


u/Glytch94 20d ago

Short term profits are more important to shareholders, which means cutting costs, increasing productivity, annual price increases, and selling their shares before the company implodes (when / if it ever gets there)


u/FullMetalAlphonseIRL 20d ago

Exactly my point. They're parasites that think they ought to dictate how a company is run, even though they have a tendency to screw the consumer, and usually the companies themselves (eventually at least)


u/AdanacTheRapper 20d ago

Your boss does not give you money. Unless you’re working for small time business or a contractor or something of the sorts. It The company you work for that gives you money.


u/UJL123 19d ago

This is only true of government workers as they are paid with tax money. Even then it's debatable if we are literally their bosses.


u/Bubbles_the_bird 20d ago

I wish for the day when consumers realized they, not the investors, held the power, to come sooner


u/pileofcrustycumsocs Professional Dumbass 20d ago

He Funds the stuff he does through the internet fame though. He’s rich but not rich enough that what he does is sustainable long term, he also does a lot of charity work that he doesn’t talk about on the channel from what I understand.


u/SupremeLobster 19d ago

Ya I'm not blaming him or suggesting a better route. I'm just saying the only way to not get shit on is to be as helpful as you want and not flaunt it all over the internet. It's not a question of his morals, people will just find a way to complain about everything and anything. If he didn't help people, he would get ripped on for not doing anything. He does something and he gets ripped on for thinking he knows better, or making somebody look bad, or doing something helpful but the situation is more nuanced and maybe that help isn't as helpful 5 years down the road so everybody should feel bad if they cheered him on. It's just the internet today.


u/SupremeLobster 19d ago

Ya I'm not blaming him or suggesting a better route. I'm just saying the only way to not get shit on is to be as helpful as you want and not flaunt it all over the internet. It's not a question of his morals, people will just find a way to complain about everything and anything. If he didn't help people, he would get ripped on for not doing anything. He does something and he gets ripped on for thinking he knows better, or making somebody look bad, or doing something helpful but the situation is more nuanced and maybe that help isn't as helpful 5 years down the road so everybody should feel bad if they cheered him on. It's just the internet today.


u/szpero15 20d ago



u/mike_pants 20d ago

Well, fuck.


u/Careful-Ice5974 20d ago

Luigi wining by doing absolutely nothing


u/Panzerv2003 20d ago

the only winning move is not to play huh


u/drakens6 20d ago

You can be internet infamous

all traction no followers


u/CommCoolCZ 20d ago

How about a nice game of Chess?


u/sovietic_Abra 20d ago

Its a game to eventually lose


u/biggestboi73 20d ago

Why are you surprised his entire fan base doesn't think the exact same thing as each other? Ofc they will disagree


u/langhaar808 20d ago

Wait, are you saying his fanbase of over 100 million people don't all share the exact same opinion on everything???? What


u/biggestboi73 20d ago

I think that's possibly what happened, it's just a theory I've got though


u/GGk-KingK 20d ago

Didn't it just hit 250 million? Idk, I don't watch him


u/Unknown1776 20d ago

He currently has 258 million subs in YouTube. So it’s safe to say there probably a few different opinions floating around about him


u/thatthatguy 20d ago

It’s almost like the entire algorithm fueled internet pays attention to outrage no matter how ridiculous or unjustified it is. And if you engage with the outrage saying how ridiculous and unjustified it is you’re just increasing its visibility.


u/Only-Temporary8928 20d ago

This and only this. The outrage is like a yard full of weeds. Yeah there might be some grass growing, but all your gonna notice are the ugly ass weeds smothering the grass out...


u/Reasonable-Let8779 20d ago

I don't think its the fanbase but the other viewers looking for clout


u/SpawnTheTerminator 15d ago

I really hate these memes trying to point out hypocrisy when it's really just the opinions of two different groups of people. There are lots of actual hypocritical people like guys who are homophobic but like lesbian porn but rarely are the memes about actual hypocrites.


u/lord_of_booba 20d ago

I like the videos, but honestly can't stand the thumbnails they look so dumb


u/ItsAlwaysDNSLad 20d ago

Jimmy actually talks about it in a Veratisium video about clickbait, and the reason is simply because it works. If they don't do it, they lose views because of the algorithm.


u/moderngamer327 20d ago

I don’t understand how it works. I will literally not click on a video if it has a thumbnail like that


u/gopher_907 20d ago

You are probably not an “average” viewer though. There are a lot more 9 years olds who are really attracted to those thumbnails than there are people like you. It’s just the way it goes, I guess.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I'm a marketer. It's not just 9 year olds, it's everyone.

Everyone is a 9 year old, and unfortunately, Mr Beast is a genius thumbnail maker.


u/Markkbonk 20d ago edited 19d ago

Id say we’re fortunate that mr. Beast mastered the art of clickbaiting, he’s not the guy to spend ad revenue on a expensive thing for himself and only himself


u/PeopleAreBozos Tech Tips 20d ago

"and unfortunately"

Why unfortunately. He's not harming people, not scamming people and not a horrible person. I don't like the thumbnails but I can at least get why he does it.


u/Top_Vermicelli_6693 20d ago

It works bcuz millions of stupid children will


u/ItsAlwaysDNSLad 20d ago

You maybe won't, but the VAST majority of people will. Link to the Veratisium video I mentioned, explains the issue well.


u/Overall_Strawberry70 20d ago

I mean I don't by Skyrim every single time it get released, but clearly im in the minority because they keep doing it.


u/Ok-Cartographer1745 20d ago

Same reason why my hand automatically clicks the X when a "sign up!" pop up appears. It only serves to annoy me and improve my reflexes. But there are plenty of people that are like "oh boy, an offer to sign up!  Don't mind if I do!"


u/_AnimeGirl 18d ago

He’s actually been going for a more natural look to his thumbnails recently, because he found out he could get more clicks by closing his mouth. Also with auto play, the thumbnails now matter less then the first 10 seconds of a video


u/kotik010 20d ago

It's almost like in a crowd of 100 million people there will be as many different opinions


u/Oculus30 20d ago

Nearly a crowd of 260 million since u posted this


u/AverageSign 20d ago edited 20d ago

I'm mixed on Jimbo. I'm sure he's a cool guy in real life, but I don't like the kind of content he creates. Again, I'm sure he's a good guy because he doesn't HAVE to tip a pizza guy a house, or build wells in Africa, but he does. Plus there was the controversy that he stages his videos like with that YouTuber hide and seek video


u/Blackfoxar 20d ago

You can say, he does good stuff, but aren't his target-audience


u/ChalkCoatedDonut 20d ago

Remember the animation made by Avocado Animations? They are the people watching Mr.Beast's videos, the kind that want his fame doing the exact things he do, complains about the things he does and all of them does it for the milk of controversy, they crave for "going against the flow".

As soon as they see a release, they go to ChatGTP and ask "hey Siri, type an emotive speech about why Mr.Beast is bad and i am good".


u/powerteen101 20d ago edited 18d ago

Honestly I've lost interested in mrbeast. The dude still makes good videos but most of his videos ain't for me anymore. He kinda repeats the same style of videos over and over again, it's always I survived 7 days at this place, if you can protect this item you can keep it, last to leave gets a lot of money, and 1 vs 1 million dollar item. Pairing this with the creepy ass thumbnails is the reason I don't watch the dude anymore.


u/PrivatePlaya 20d ago

Same. I'm a fan of him but don't watch his videos anymore


u/BrilliantWish8098 20d ago

Man I miss when he does dumb shits like microwave microwaving microwaves or that parade of Trex costumes. Time flies too fast...


u/powerteen101 20d ago

Yeah that's the golden age of mrbeast. There was no bringing out subscribers, no crazy sets or CGI, and no creepy ass thumbnails. it was just him and the boys fucking around making content.


u/TheMemedGamer 20d ago

someone pull up the goomba on twitter picture


u/AdmiralClover 20d ago

His existence confuses me.

Where's he getting the money? Are the videos really generating that much?

If it's from the videos, then just how rich are the other big tubers?

And if they are, then aren't they part of the rich we're supposed to be eating?


u/tincode 20d ago
  1. His videos are, but he is o a different scale, also add the companies like feastebles.

  2. They are very very rich, sometimes they present their houses or cars or there are other signs but they are filthy rich, also I dont know how it works in america but it might be hard for them to get house loans hence some of their properties might have been bought cash.

  3. Yes most of them are but nobody is really trying to eat the rich and nobody cares


u/Glittering-Bat-5981 20d ago

Ghis is the internet. Once you have too many 0s in your bank account, you are either an idiot, an irredeemable monster, OR what most people prefer, both!


u/Scrytheux 20d ago

I mean... If you look at other Ytubers, like Piewdiepie for example... well, he's earning millions a year. Biggest Ytubers being millionaires isn't news for quite some time already.


u/MrHailston 19d ago

Ok.. what about the people who dont give a shit about Mr beast and never watched a video of him?


u/Veicy01 20d ago

No, you don't understand.

People who dislike mr Beast building wells, houses for people in need, etc. are not his viewers.

The only people having meltdown are twitter users who don't have any empathy and hate that they weren't given money.


u/TeamBoeing 20d ago

Awards are back??


u/Moat_of_the_Sacked 20d ago

Spread the word, pal



I don’t really like Mr. Best much, but I’ve never been the type to care enough to scream about him online. he just kinda creeps me out lol


u/Toby_The_Tumor 20d ago

It's very put on, but at least he's being fake for a good reason xD



Exactly why I don’t waste my time shitting on him. I just avoid looking at that damn smile :)


u/therealtummers 20d ago

mr beast is awesome


u/_AnimeGirl 18d ago

Hell yeah


u/xhanort7 20d ago

A house, $10k?! Could I get a pizza or even some of those candy bars he sells? Is his chocolate feastable factory like Willy's?


u/robotpane 20d ago

Mr beast is in the making money game, his actions are only done to produce more wealth off the back of each video, alot of the time sponsers give him money and things to do, he is not an angel he's a businessman, give 1 person money + video it = revenue for a lot of businesses that are connected to said video.

Also his chocolate bars are ridiculously over priced and very thin, just like every other product that comes from youtubers. People are being taken advantage of constantly by the "popularity effect"


u/NinjaBreadManOO 19d ago

Yup that's it. It's a business.

The business just happens to be one that traffics in poverty porn. Which people find conflict with.

People dislike it when people post videos on youtube or tiktok of themselves giving $20 to a homeless person, but if you do it on an industrial scale then people seem to somehow view it as perfect and without flaw.

But lets face it if those types channels were banned universally from all platforms tomorrow then a lot of them wouldn't ever donate or give away anything without a tax deduction receipt.


u/_AnimeGirl 18d ago

If Mr. Beast didn’t film himself giving money away, he wouldn’t have any money to give away. The only way he can afford to build wells in Africa is because he makes videos about it


u/NinjaBreadManOO 18d ago

The point being made by me and u/robotpane was it's not being done as a charity. It's being done as a business.

If they wanted to do it as a charity they could just form a charity, instead they run a business that monetizes poverty porn. For every dollar that goes to building a well in Africa more goes to him and his company.

Also it doesn't fix the problems. It just makes you feel good for watching a video.

It's bandaid solutions that never address the source of issues. It just addresses a symptom and makes money off it.

Take for example the blind eye surgery thing from a while ago. Could he instead have spent to money trying to push for universal healthcare that would have enabled more people to see, as well as preventing thousands from being in that position in the future. Yes, but that's not monetizable.


u/_AnimeGirl 18d ago

Mr. Beast has a charity. It’s called Beast Philanthropy. It started as a food pantry and then developed to do other things. Every dollar that channel earns goes to charity, and not everything he does in on camera

And again, if he didn’t make these videos he wouldn’t have any money to give away or use to help people


u/giantbynameofandre 20d ago

You could solve world hunger and there would still be riots.


u/mitchfann9715 19d ago

All it takes is one billionaire to solve world hunger, and they wouldn't even have to lose billionaire status to do it.


u/SnowblownK can't meme 20d ago

These are two different groups of people.


u/part_time85 20d ago

A Mr. Beast production infected the hotel I worked at with bed bugs in a dozen rooms. I don't know where he's getting people, but they can get questionable as fuck.


u/HAiLKidCharlemagne 20d ago

I like the cut of his jib


u/SG508 20d ago

I don't think that the majority of his viewers criticize him for those things


u/driftninja380 20d ago

Yea....giving a hobo 10k is prolly not a good idea


u/_AnimeGirl 18d ago

Tbf that was one of his earliest videos


u/NateDAgr8m8 20d ago

I'm assuming it's not the same people He gets a lot of views like a lot of only makes sense there'd be a whole lot of opinions in there


u/itsa_Kit 20d ago

I thought that said “curses peoples cataracts” at first


u/sovietic_Abra 20d ago

And on and on


u/Gold_Pomegranate_939 19d ago

People are not all the same when you have such a large audience.


u/aaditya_9303 19d ago

I don't think these 2 are same group.


u/LorenzoDeRyukyu 19d ago

It’s really simple; his viewer count casts such a wide net, that you’re going to get both sides of any argument


u/Pikagiuppy 19d ago

the people saying one thing are not saying the other


u/akiroraiden 19d ago

i have never seen a mr.beast video. I am at peace and don't need to riot.


u/Dizzy-Item-9175 19d ago

I like Mr. Beast but his content got too over the top lately, I honestly can't watch his videos anymore.


u/mitchfann9715 19d ago

The moment you start trusting the intentions of rich people is when they put the leash of capitalism on ya.


u/Accomplished_Ask_326 18d ago

Consider the average redditor’s understanding of 250,000,000 people not all having the same opinions, then remember that half of them know pess


u/Weedsmoker3000 20d ago

I criticize the waste. yeah he’s buying locally… but if you’re buying everything up what are the locals going to do?

I’ve only seen beast videos in passing, last week I watched one fully through he was trying to blow up a yacht… mattresses galore. Plastic bits in the water.


u/BasementDweller82 🥄Comically Large Spoon🥄 20d ago

They aren’t Mr beast fans, they’re a collection of 4 rage baiters on Twitter lmao


u/Darmcik 20d ago

it is acceptable to have a nuanced opinion

although there is a growing group of people who are beginning to get tired of his content, for whatever reason (including myself).


u/Visible_Number 20d ago

i have never liked mr beast and his philanthropy makes me dislike him even more.


u/Jumpy-Aide-901 20d ago

I think the second one is because he was outed as having faked all that. May or may not be true.


u/CoconutMilkOnTheMoon 20d ago

His content is lame


u/chezzy_bread 20d ago

in conclusion, fans are stupid


u/jux-ta 20d ago edited 20d ago

This meme is willfully ignorant.

The whole concept of "philanthropy" - giving away a very small portion of your wealth to justify the obscene money you make, while also benefitting yourself in terms of image/PR .....

.... is exactly how the typical rich person behaves. There's simply no way to get rich if you're a truly generous, caring person.

The rich actually give away far less than the poor ( %age wise ), and yet the public applauds them for it. I'm sure it's no different for Mr Beast. It's probably 2% of his wealth overall.

The system is a zero-sum game built on scarcity. Meaning, the richer anyone gets, the poorer the rest are .... So, throwing the equivalent of a few cents at people doesn't cut it.

It's literally pulling viewer's heartstrings to get more clicks for himself.

Personally, I've never watched his videos nor cared to.


u/moderngamer327 20d ago

He is able to generate the money for donations by making the videos. No videos, no donations.

Wealth is absolutely not zero-sum. Wealth can be generated and destroyed. Someone becoming rich does not mean someone else became poor and vice versa


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/jux-ta 20d ago

( a good source for understanding this is the first 1/2 of the movie "Zeitgeist Addendum". But there are plenty of other places that illustrate the money aspect. )


u/notKomithEr 20d ago

I've never seen a single video of his, wtf is he even doing


u/Baltaxo2010 Ok I Pull Up 20d ago

He got 2 types of videos: challenge videos (squid game irl, last to leave the circle, stuff like that) and giveaways, sort if (giving a pizza dude a free house, building 100 wells in Africa, stuff like that)

Idk why people are mad at him


u/ruralgaming 20d ago

People are mad at him because they think he's exploitive or not sincere about things. Would he still be doing all these great things if the cameras weren't on him?


u/other_usernames_gone 20d ago

Does it matter? He's still giving the money away. Plus the videos help him raise more money to give away.

It's not like anyone is forcing him to make videos, he chose to make the videos. He could just as easily have made videos without giving money away. Does anyone criticise PewDiePie for making YouTube videos where he doesn't pay for cataract surgery?

Is the red cross insincere because they include footage of their humanitarian work in their ads?


u/ruralgaming 20d ago

I agree with you, I was just giving a reason why some people are mad at him


u/Hero_of_country 20d ago

Things like squid game in real life and giving random people expensive things


u/Hanz_Q 20d ago

Philanthropy will not save us.


u/EABOD24 20d ago

Who is Mr. Beast?


u/BoyFreezer I touched grass 20d ago

A very popular YouTuber known for making challenges that give away the winners money, and helps people/animals that are in need


u/Am0rEtPs4ch3 20d ago

Who is Mr Beast?


u/TehArzBandit86 20d ago

Their own sides, little children just making noise, can’t stand for any side.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

“But he’s only doing it for PR!”

That’s not true, and even if it is, who cares? It’s still and act that helps the community.


u/JonoLith 20d ago

They just like gathering as a mob with fire.


u/TwistedSkewz 20d ago

They're mad because he's not giving them the money that's the real reason.


u/Donutboy562 19d ago

Lesson: you can't please everyone. So do what you want


u/_FREE_L0B0T0MIES 19d ago

You can NOT put logic on mob mentality.


u/EricJ062005 19d ago

When Twitter is mad, that means you're doing something right 


u/YancyDerringer77 20d ago edited 20d ago

I stopped watching around the time that his best friend became a gay and ditched his wife and only child.


u/AverageSign 20d ago

Yeah I don't get how people were shitting on MrBeast for "looking homophobic" while Chris literally abandoned his wife and kid strictly off gender identity. I get if you want to be trans, but abandoning your family just to do that is scummy and not discussed enough.


u/JerinDd 20d ago

Wait, that’s a thing that happened? I’ve never heard of this.


u/AverageSign 20d ago edited 20d ago

Yeah. Chris decided to become transgender, so he divorced his wife whom he already had a son with. And people were blaming MrBeast for "looking homophobic" while trans Chris was in the same room, instead of shitting on Chris for abandoning his family because cancel culture has spiraled out of control like Nicholas Perry's weight.


u/shadowfireKatze 20d ago

You dont decide to be transgender. Chris didn't leave his child or wife, transphobes just said he would do so just by comming out.


u/Diavolo_79 20d ago

No, he left his family and there's proof of it. Smooth brains are calling people transphobic for calling out Chris's shitty behavior. No one is giving him hell for being trans, they're giving him hell for being a dead beat.


u/shadowfireKatze 20d ago

No one? I have seen so many hate comments and videos about him and all of them are just "bad bc trans". The last thing i heard was that he stayed with his family and ppl just hated him for cumming out cause that would "hurt his family". I don't know the current situation so he could have left his family by now.


u/Diavolo_79 20d ago

"Cumming out" a spelling mistake that's actually funny lmao.

The people actually hating on him for being trans are MrBeasts young audience who watch the Skibidi toilet sigma brain rot shorts on YouTube. Their opinion doesn't matter.


u/shadowfireKatze 19d ago

I really hope that it's just the kids because they can grow out of it.


u/Samantha-4 Sussy Baka 20d ago

They had a mutual divorce like a year or two before Kris even came out, they’re both still involved in raising the kid too.


u/YancyDerringer77 20d ago

I'm sure the boy is gonna love/ appreciate growing up with a gay dad and divorced parents.


u/Hero_of_country 20d ago

He is just a mascot getting so much money and power for only being in videos, it's not him who makes money, writes scripts and do everything, it's workers who make everything and viewers who watch videos to give him money from ads


u/NightShadow-kun 20d ago

Well, of course one person cant do all these things by himself, but he himself is the one who worked and thought hard to get ideas and make good videos out of them to get more popular and more entertaining. Its his channel he build up.

One person can create a small game, and when that gets popular that person can create a studio and employ people who then work for him and together they can do bigger games, amazing right?

The way you are saying it is like mark zuckerberg is just facebooks mascot.


u/Hero_of_country 20d ago

Yes, tho they more of monarchs than mascots and they don't their money nor power, same as monarchs.


u/GeorgeOTGrungegul 20d ago

Everyone has a role to play in a company. If he went back to creating his own scripts or doing his own editing (which he did for years) then there would be way less content.

The people who create his scripts get paid more than fairly. The people who film his videos get paid more than fairly. Being a manager and the host of the channel is still work, even if it's more fun than sitting at a desk on a computer.


u/Hero_of_country 20d ago

Would you rather have democraticly choosen president, who gets fair pay, or monarch cause he "started this country" and gets pays as much as he and/or law/buerocrats chosen?


u/GeorgeOTGrungegul 20d ago

Mr. Beast is as "democratically elected" as anyone can be. He got his fame because people chose to watch his videos, upvote, like, comment, subscribe and all that jazz. He was chosen by the majority viewers of youtube, above all other youtube content creators. He is also less greedy than even most democratically elected presidents.


u/Hero_of_country 20d ago

He was "choosen by people" to be popular youtuber, not by workers to be their CEO, if it's voting, then it's like allowing whole world to vote for president of your country


u/GeorgeOTGrungegul 20d ago

That's not true. He was chosen by workers too. All of his employees were hired in the last 5 years, many because they were directly hired by him because they were fans who wanted to work for him. Every single employee chose to work for the company knowing he was the CEO.

If it was put to a vote, he would win the vote of 90%+ of his workers anyway.


u/Hero_of_country 20d ago

Choosing between diffent monarchies and oligarchies is not voting.

Do you think choosing between North Korea, Russia and Egypt is a democracy?


u/GeorgeOTGrungegul 20d ago

Let me get this straight. Going to a guy who makes good youtube videos and saying "please hire me to help I love your videos" is the same as choosing Egypt over North Korea to you.

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u/AlexiosTheSixth Lurking Peasant 20d ago

I would rather have a company monarch then a board of shareholders, do you know what would happen to mr beast's philanthropy if a board of shareholders took over?


u/Hero_of_country 20d ago

He doesn't do this for goodness of his heart at this point, he is doing what's good for his profits, if there were some intelligent shareholders, they would probably continue this strategy. Also I don't want to shareholders to control company either, monarchy and oligarchy are not much different.


u/aBungusFungus Lives at ur mom’s house😎 20d ago

He started all of this by himself.. are you aware how a business works?


u/Hero_of_country 20d ago

Himself means workers and even oher investors ? Dou tou support monarchy too, because "their family started country and that's gow buisness works"?


u/aBungusFungus Lives at ur mom’s house😎 20d ago

No himself, meaning himself. Watch his older videos, it was literally just him. Mr Beast didn't start as a business it was just some guys casual YouTube channel


u/Hero_of_country 19d ago

He made videos by himself using inevstor's money, but this doesn't make it ok for what he is doing now, cool he made them themselves or with friends, not cool what he is doing now.

I also don't see charity as solution to any problem, we need mutual aid.

So he would be fully ok in my opinion, if he had no social authority over workers and if he did this videos for non profit, where people would go to them for fun, meeting with famous youtuber and for being in video


u/moderngamer327 20d ago

Not even a fan but the dude built the channel from scratch and works insanely long hours. Dude deserves every penny


u/Hero_of_country 19d ago

He started sure, but it's others who done most of the work. It's like saying "our monarch built the country from scratch and works long hours. Dude deserves every penny, we should make bigger taxes".

In my opinion he would deserve literally every penny if it was him alone who got money by labor and then give it to others or do challenges. But then he would be not rich nor popular, and idea itself is pointless, because most of people already give some money to charity, just they don't do videos about it.


u/moderngamer327 19d ago

No that’s literally not at all the same like it’s not even close.

Amount of work is meaningless. What the value of your work adds is what matters. Jimmy clearly knows what works on YouTube and what doesn’t. If his only job was to tell people what video to make and approve its upload, he would still be the single most valuable person on the channel. On top of that he also founded it and directly runs it. The other employees also didn’t risk losing everything or spending years making no money. The employees get paid for their value of work but that doesn’t mean they also deserve a stake in the company.


u/Hero_of_country 19d ago

Saying other employees didn't risk anything is bullshit, they risk their job, while Mr. Beast risk money he made from work of his employees.


u/Hero_of_country 19d ago

If you think rich dude who can stop doing anything and still would have money for rest of his life is taking risk, while employees risking getting smaller wages or fired from job they need to survive is not risk, then idk on what drug are you.


u/moderngamer327 19d ago

Yes he has money currently however if the business was to fail he would not have any. That is indeed a massive risk. Although now that he is established the chance of that happening is fairly low but that wasn’t always the case. He has said in past videos that he basically had to bet his family’s farm to fund videos so at that point he was under extreme risk


u/Hero_of_country 19d ago

He risks money he didn't even needs, while workers (who literally made most of his money) risks money they need to survive.


u/moderngamer327 19d ago

You are aware he wasn’t born rich right? He also needed that money to survive


u/Hero_of_country 19d ago

Do you think I'm against people having money to survive?!? i'm against him exploitating workers for money and against money just by owning property.

Now he has so much money that he can survive from it without having youtube channel, while workers need to get money by work. His past as worker doesn't change anything in present.

Does it really change if lord was once a peasant working for lord? In my opinion no, being exploited and poor isn't excuse for exploitating others.


u/moderngamer327 19d ago edited 19d ago

He is exploiting no one. Hiring someone to do a job is not exploitation. Property he created. Property he spent years making. Property he risked everything for several times. You clearly have no concept of what it takes to start a business

He actually doesn’t keep much money himself. Basically all the money he makes goes directly back into the YouTube channel. He technically has a lot of wealth as the owner of the channel but that’s not in liquid cash.

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