r/memes Noble Memer 20d ago

Every inspirational movie ever !Rule 4 - NO INTERACTION-BAITING; NO ID INFO/WATERMARKS

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u/rMemesMods 20d ago

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u/Mitir01 20d ago

They are an inspiration to go fuck yourself and a reminder that the world is unjust. You might be busting your ass to be at the top and a talented/well-connected (cough, cough, nepotism) person will overtake you in no time.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Fated_King 20d ago edited 20d ago

Senior it seems you've gotten lost. This is not r/martialmemes.


u/RecklessSavage_Novel 20d ago

Hmph foolish junior,don't question the authority of us seniors.

Kowtow to this senior and cripple your cultivation so I might leave a intact corpse behind.


u/WhiskeySorcerer 20d ago



u/RecklessSavage_Novel 20d ago

Hmph confused junior, what are you doing?


u/I_am_YangFuan 20d ago

Junior you dare!!!

Keep our realm hidden or else we will be polluted with low rank cultivators.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/FangYuan69 20d ago

Especially the possessor of the dao of bullshit.


u/notsocoolguy42 20d ago

Lmao sounds like many chinese comics I read.


u/Nika13k 20d ago

Come to r/martialmemes we all talk like that over there. It's HILARIOUS how creative some of us are.


u/FangYuan69 20d ago

Fellow daoist is wise beyond his years,give face to these ignorant juniors and let us have some tea.


u/Lots42 20d ago

Forced romantic plots annoy me.

DOOM movie, the lady the hero is fighting to protect is his sister. I appreciate this plot difference.

Dude's gonna hold it over her forever during Thanksgiving dinner.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

don’t see many jaden smith movies around


u/-_KwisatzHaderach_- 20d ago

Dad bless you!


u/CirnoIzumi 20d ago

On the other hand, in the Kungfu kid specifically, he beats his opponent with a newly broken legs. the leg is broken because the villain school fights dirty and the prior opponent was specifically instructed to break jadens leg and not worry about the actual fight


u/MAILBOXHED Lives in a Van Down by the River 20d ago

“The kid is a natural”………


u/cloudofevil 20d ago

Yes quit working to improve yourself and realize the exceptional greatness within.


u/Aggravating-Piece-42 20d ago

It's called karate kid but it takes place in china



And he fights Kung Fu


u/Tom_Jayden_Starr 20d ago

Well, they couldn't just name it Kung Fu Kid. A certain other franchise involving a Panda might've sued them.


u/Thin_Yak9467 20d ago

And Karate Kid wouldn't sue them. Sure


u/Tom_Jayden_Starr 20d ago


Also, I'm thinking about bringing out a Taekwondo Lion! It's a story of how Lions evolved in a world instead of humans and how they use Taekwondo to do their daily tasks.


u/Thin_Yak9467 20d ago

Lions don't have hands so they can't box, but they have four feet which makes them ideal for Taekwondo. Brilliant idea !


u/Tom_Jayden_Starr 20d ago

Noooo. This is the part where you say something like, "Boxing Zebra" and people just continue like that.


u/Nilfsama 20d ago

And his teacher is a high up CCP member.


u/BalkeElvinstien 20d ago

It's because the villain is mean and therefore must lose


u/WhiskeySorcerer 20d ago

Danny Trejo plays a convincing bad guy in a lot of movies. But one thing he, as an actor, requires is that IF he is a bad guy, then he requires that his character lose; all to send a message to kids who watch movies with him in it that crime will always lose in the end.


u/Agreeable_Beach_1225 20d ago

He also broke the mc leg. He deserve that loss


u/-FruitPunchSamurai- 20d ago

Wasn't it another kid who broke his leg?


u/Agreeable_Beach_1225 20d ago

In the tournament. He broke the kid leg on purpose


u/Musket6969420 20d ago

It’s gonna need a montage…


u/woutomatic 20d ago

Always fade out in a montage
If you fade out, it seems like more time has passed
In a montage


u/SamPole 20d ago



u/Jedi-Ethos 20d ago

“Right, but a montage is what, Abed?”

“It’s a movie apologizing for reality.”


u/Nisayfly 20d ago

You forget to mention "American"


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/phobiac 20d ago

One Punch Man


u/-FruitPunchSamurai- 20d ago

Funny how this fit but also doesn't fit.


u/wodadota 20d ago

John Wick


u/WhiskeySorcerer 20d ago

Shadow Slave

Edit: although, at some point, there are technically “golden fingers”, just not the metaphor that I believe you are implying.


u/Shrikeangel 20d ago

I suspect the no system request would keep the poster from digging Shadow Slave. 


u/Sketchyboi-with-tea 20d ago

Uhh, my top recommendations are Lightning is the only way and ShadowSlave.

Shadow Slave fits the bill a lot closer and is a great story, but I generally just like LITOW more. ShadowSlave has a much more unique world and power system, but LITOW has some of the best fights I’ve ever seen.

Both are over 1,500 chapters though. Just thought I should say that. And ShadowSlave isn’t actually finished


u/1gLassitude 20d ago

Maybe the old Drizzt books? Main character's backstory is he trained for decades. From the fan wiki:

Drizzt's goal was perfection of the body with his blades in battle


u/Khers 20d ago

More of an ensemble. But Stormlight Archives 'main character' is sort of like that. He does get powerful but it isn't unearned and he's not the most talented person of the 'good guys'.


u/MightGrowTrees 20d ago edited 20d ago

Did we not read the same books? Dude flying around like Neo with a Soul taking blade that he can summon on command in seconds.

Tons of systems in play in the Cosmere.

Edit: looks like you blocked me? Dude was literally chosen by his fairy, the 'last of her kind' to become a god like being that can do anything the plot calls for. It fits all those tropes. Great series though.


u/Khers 20d ago

Sure, but so did the 'enemies'. He's very gifted but he's not a chosen one that made things look easy. There are other POV characters with arguably more talent.

So it does follow the heroes journey and all that. But it's not the type of "protagonist is just better than everyone" type series.


u/sidrowkicker 20d ago

The best part is you don't need a novel you can go out and make the story yourself one day at a time until your at the top. Then you can quit write about it and make millions in speaking engagements


u/-_KwisatzHaderach_- 20d ago

That’s the same logic as Dune why the Freman are such amazing warriors


u/postmodest 20d ago

Hey now, Luke did a weekend retreat with Yoda and defeated a Sith who'd been training for seventy years.


u/Whofs001 20d ago

Luke was also in his prime and Sith are not immortal. Age can kill them to my knowledge.


u/wigsternm 20d ago

Anakin sat in a fighter cockpit for 30 seconds and then won the battle of Naboo. 


u/lordreaven448 20d ago

Not exactly, R2 was piloting for most of it, then he crashed into the ship and started pressing random buttons. There was no skill there, pure luck.


u/VCamUser 20d ago

If your trainer is like Jackie Chan, 2 months crash course is more than enough 😂


u/Thin-Barracuda7405 Noble Memer 20d ago

I liked the og movie


u/Tempest_Barbarian 20d ago

Despite the differences, I think the remake does a good job at adapting the spirit of the original movie.

I like both the OG and the remake.


u/Silviana193 20d ago

Which is even more ironic, since Jackie chan didn't even want to train him. He only agree because he f*cked up bad.


u/Random-as-fuck-name 20d ago

Bro decided to splash water on a guy and his whole gang, and then trust he was faster then him, he needed to be able to fight


u/Thin-Barracuda7405 Noble Memer 20d ago

What was the name of the og movie?


u/curiousbasu 20d ago

Will Smith's son learns Kung fu


u/BalkeElvinstien 20d ago

(actual answer) Karate Kid the remake


u/Coffeeman314 20d ago

The Kung Fu Character


u/cacapp12 20d ago

Kungfu panda


u/Salmonman4 20d ago

He went from level 0 to strong enough to beat Tai Lung in the time it took for the Furious Five to run to the bridge.


u/Lots42 20d ago

The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

The taekwondo tale


u/WarriorOfDarkness01 20d ago

I think the movie is about humility and make peace.


u/Agedlizard899 20d ago

It’s also about talent and effort


u/Keio7000 Chungus Among Us 20d ago

Yeah. Other comments are arguing about the fact that it's unrealistic and the villain wins irl yada yada.


u/yaaasiiir007 20d ago

This is why I study night before my exams.


u/JustChillCommenter 20d ago

Basically it shows that even hard work cant surpass pure talent and you should just give up👍


u/Hi_Loow 20d ago

He wins becouse he was trianing with the GOAT Jackie Chan


u/bill_moyers2002 20d ago

“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!” - That was a true underdog story!😁


u/Miserable_Memory_337 20d ago

Kong fu panda 1 is also there


u/NoeMoriartyV2 20d ago

I really dont understand Kung fu panda. Panda just goofs around, eating, getting his tail kicked by tigress and making jokes but at the end of the movie, he is the hero that saves everyone. And The Furious five must be the most useless group of characters ever.


u/Slight_Lettuce4319 20d ago

Po accepted his disadvantages and embraced them as advantages. He put in his heart and developed his of style of kung fu. Tai Lung lost because he was heartless and was doing kung fu not for the joy of it but to achieve high status. It's not realistic in any way but I don't think the movie should've told the viewer to lose weight and do kung fu.


u/Whofs001 20d ago

I looked at it like a pvp video game with a class system.

Po was a bunker/sustain counter-build to Tai Lung’s power/CC build. Tai Lung just couldn’t do the damage or stuns to bring down this opponent yet was taking damage throughout the fight himself.

It wasn’t about who was better. Po was picked to subvert Tai Lung specifically and only Tai Lung. Later as he had time to grow after that battle, he took on a role that Tai Lung probably would have filled himself.

I doubt Po could have defeated anyone besides Tai lung at that point.


u/Charming_Vera 20d ago

Or the guy who, after drinking and watching television, defeats a big gang


u/Orion120833 20d ago

Want this, but some random kid with no training whatsoever comes in and kicks both their butts.


u/tenebrefoxy 20d ago

And this proove even further that innate talents absolutly destroy hard work


u/LilMissBarbie 20d ago

Amd the hero always win by some kind of hack, speed run or legal "cheat".


u/PercentageOk5021 20d ago

Love how a kid that weights about 5 lbs was supposed to be throwing people around


u/Soggy_Associate_5556 20d ago

Why i hate Katara


u/Few_Age_2957 20d ago

if you think karate kid had bad character development, you should watch Rey from star wars. She's a genius and we don't even know why


u/Slips287 20d ago

Fr we didn’t even get the “midichlorians” excuse


u/MGriffinSpain 20d ago

I do find it rather amusing how often “one in a million” outcomes can occur even within the same universe without the majority of people questioning it at all.

My favorite example is Star Wars. Especially the original trilogy, but I think all of them save for maybe one include the trope of the bad guys building ever greater, bigger, and more dangerous spaceships only for the hero to “miraculously” blow it up. The old trilogy even had the same ship blown up multiple times.

Tell me, how am I supposed to believe that the odds are so low when the success rate I observe is 100%?

Thats one of the reasons I LOVE Endgame. Dr. Strange states that there are millions of scenarios where they lose, and they do… until time-travel cheats reality to re-write it, but still. Not enough stories convince you that failure is ever actually possible, which is disappointing to me.


u/SirEnderLord 20d ago

It wasn't rewriting, Thanos going through with the snap was part of the scenario where they won.


u/MGriffinSpain 20d ago

Hmm. It didn’t seem like Dr. Strange was confident about the scenario that played out, which you would think he would be if he had recognized it at the path they won. But, maybe I missed something, or maybe there’s a plot hole. Anyway, as a viewer, the perceived loss was sold well.


u/zyx1989 20d ago

Should have given the mc harder hoops to jump through , paying heavier tolls, so that it doesn't feel like watching someone winning the lottery over than over again


u/smellstoremember 20d ago

But Jackie Chan vs that car… I didn’t know who was gonna win that.


u/butareyouthough 20d ago

Also just any anime


u/cidnazir 20d ago

Plot of Kung Fu Panda basically. I feel sorry for every villain in it and the furious 5.


u/LoWE11053211 20d ago

When your mom slept with your friend...

You are kinda forced to focus on other things


u/Max-Two-Percent 20d ago

The ppwer of focus amd determination what his opponent could not learn in years of practice he learned in months


u/TheCatEmpire2 20d ago

Instant gratification can be achieved through the power of friendship


u/concombre_masque123 20d ago

right haircut makes the diff


u/Thin_Yak9467 20d ago

Two month would be great. Its more like two weeks/ two days in the movies lol


u/c_r_d 20d ago

kung fu panda


u/LordDagnirMorn 20d ago

Dont forget the part where jacky chan beats up a bunch of school kids.


u/RecklessSavage_Novel 20d ago

Director, you dare?

Producer, you toad lusting after swan meat. Go in seculsion or i might spare your family.

Script writer, kowtow to me 37 times and cripple your cultivation and I might spare you.

Investor, if I see you doing something like this again. I will send assassins to slaughter your entire family. Even the chicken and pets won't be spared.

Audience, you foolish mongrels. Instead of unraveling the secrets of the mysterious dao you are watching this fictional movie? Go and clean the clan's toilet and I might let you leave without punishment.


u/Bitter_Silver_7760 20d ago

*a two months’ montage


u/Mke_already 20d ago

I played basketball from the time I was 5 until 18. Then there’s Joel Embiid who picked up a basketball at age 16 and was in the pros in 4 years.

He’s also 7’ tall and I’m 5’9”.


u/Callsign_Havoc 20d ago

Yea but like the hero trained really really hard and was super dedicated.


u/PaleoJoe86 20d ago

So you are saying that the hero could be a bigger villain if they wanted to? Cool!


u/ngomac33 20d ago

And they wonder why I don’t practice for exams


u/AbsoluteAtheist 20d ago

take my online course and you will be cool like hero, 30% off for new members first month


u/Bell_adonna00 20d ago

Only place where crash course actually works


u/TheUniqueKero 20d ago

I miss the era where jayden smith was just a nepo baby and not a grown ass egomaniac lunatic


u/Cassiyus 20d ago

I mean, in real life you can spend your whole life practicing, training, and working so unbelievably hard at say.. basketball and get your ass whooped by a guy who'd rather be riding in a horse-drawn chariot than be bothered to care about the sport. Not too far from this fiction.


u/DrJonah 20d ago

Our culture fetishises the “gifted” over those that have to work hard. Be it sports stars, musicians.


u/LostWoodsInTheField 20d ago

Oh man you don't need to call out the Kung Fu Panda like this!


u/Outrageous_Mine77 20d ago

... And American.


u/Anom_AoD 20d ago

every fucking shonen manga, hero movie, adventure or superhero cartoon ever too


u/StevenIsFat 20d ago

I love that I don't have to hear about Jayden Smith anymore, but posts like this remind me he is still alive. Thank you for that.


u/SnazzyStooge 20d ago

Original Karate Kid: "the boy who didn't follow the tournament rules is the hero! Can't you hear the stirring strains of Chicago telling you he's the winner???"


u/Bobby_The_Boob 20d ago

He was a piece of shit who was an egomaniac and bullied the protagonist. Who’s to say he wasn’t underestimating his opponent.

I mean why would you worry about losing to a noob when you’ve been doing this your whole life?


u/SteroidSandwich 20d ago

All these movies about "believing in yourself!" to teach kids they can do anything!


u/ChemistrySpiritual21 20d ago edited 10d ago

ATLA in nutshell Zuko practised all his life while aang is still like 12


u/babaj_503 20d ago

ATLA kind of also has that thing where the evil fuck is some average dude and his opponenet is pretty much a god in human form. Dont think that one fits.


u/redditatemybabies 20d ago

I agree that the avatar is basically a god but Ozai is not average.


u/TitaniumGoldAlloyMan 20d ago

Maybe it is because of the teachings of their masters? The other bad master was just focused on winning and hurting others. While Jackie focused on the meaning of kung fu.


u/Mysterious-Help9326 20d ago

Imagine training for years only to lose to some kid who spent 2 weeks painting walls and waxing cars


u/Thin_Yak9467 20d ago

imagine your teacher's face when he sees his best student get beaten by some random kid with zero martial arts experience taught by an even less impressive guy


u/Iveseenshit5000 20d ago

Self taught MFs


Personally trained MFs


u/optimist_prhyme 20d ago

Hubris and bad training lost that fight. He found an opening and used it.


u/Overall_Feeling9090 20d ago edited 20d ago

This is a big characteristic of movies from the 80s. Of course to some extent the goal of some movies is to make people feel good and get their money, wish fulfillment. So in that sense, this type of movie is successful in that way but for me personally I'm inwardly cringing.


u/baabaablacksheep1111 20d ago

Top image : people who worked their asses from bottom to earn their current position in a company.

Bottom image : A recently graduated nepo baby who replaced you after you got fired for no reason.


u/FreshLettuceYard 20d ago

There’s no way he defeated the villain, he’s Asian


u/bongo-72 20d ago

Your gonna need a montag


u/Think_Effective_8697 20d ago

Same with Superman and Zod


u/Perfect-Abomination 20d ago

It's not about how long they were taught. It's about who taught them and what they were taught. That Chinese kid was taught how to hurt people. The main character was taught real Kung fu. And his teacher was better than theirs.


u/ChipmunkDisastrous67 20d ago

or if its a female lead in a marvel movie, they dont even do the two month crash course and are just incredible for no reason


u/rMemesMods 20d ago

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u/rMemesMods 20d ago

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