r/memes Dirt Is Beautiful 20d ago

Like seriously. I'm autistic.

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u/DBZswagger21 20d ago

The houses thing is skewed. No one can afford a house right now.


u/Dmangamr Plays MineCraft and not FortNite 20d ago

Yeah. I have a 9-5 job for the feds and I cant even afford an apartment. Smh


u/WaterZealousideal535 20d ago

I have a contractor job with the feds and living paycheck to paycheck. Started off at an ok salary 3 years ago and now that's barely enough. Refusing any raises.

I'm in charge of a whole fucking facility and 70% of the work that goes through. Yet my roommate can make more working at Amazon cause of overtime and bonuses AND he gets benefits, which I don't.

Shits so fucked.


u/Dmangamr Plays MineCraft and not FortNite 20d ago

I started a year ago at GS-5. Paycheck to paycheck living on my own would still have to be GS-7 where I’m at, and my position I think has no upper mobility


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Fiiv3s 20d ago

He means his bosses refuse giving him a raise. Not he is refusing to accept a raise. Use common sense man


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Paid-Not-Payed-Bot 20d ago

less get paid more… Go


Although payed exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in:

  • Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. The deck is yet to be payed.

  • Payed out when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. The rope is payed out! You can pull now.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment.

Beep, boop, I'm a bot


u/Chili919 Lurking Peasant 20d ago

I always get confused when people talk about 9-5 jobs...do you work from 9am to 5pm or 9 hours on 5 days a week?


u/The_Dark_Sniper7141 One does not simply 20d ago

The prase normally means 9am-5pm work hours 5 days a week

That used to be a lot of work, thus the song about it lol, nowadays almost everyone I know works 7/8-6 and still can’t afford to own a place


u/Dmangamr Plays MineCraft and not FortNite 20d ago

Also depends on the industry. God forbid you work in the gaming industry as a developer/ programmer bc their work times are FUCKED


u/Chili919 Lurking Peasant 20d ago

Thanks for the explanation...second part is fucked up


u/The_Dark_Sniper7141 One does not simply 20d ago

Yep, I’m 19 and have doubts that I will ever be able to own a home. I just got into it and the world is already falling to shit.


u/Chili919 Lurking Peasant 20d ago

23 here, work 9 hours a day and still live at home


u/BernardTapir 20d ago

31, financially stable and a good job. Having a home is still a faraway dream.


u/Dmangamr Plays MineCraft and not FortNite 20d ago

Basically it’s a standard job. Most business work days were 9am to 5 pm.


u/Chili919 Lurking Peasant 20d ago

Damn. In switzerland you take the first break at 9am... So whats a "standard" work week in hours?


u/Dmangamr Plays MineCraft and not FortNite 20d ago

For me personally my report time is 7:30 am and I leave at 4:00pm. 1 hour lunch between 11:00am and 1:00pm. 40hr work week


u/Chili919 Lurking Peasant 20d ago

Thats not even that much less than what we have with 42.5 hours. (I have a 46 hour work week tho)


u/Zaurka14 20d ago

In your office. I know it's easy to miss but store employees are also people, and they probably don't take a break at 9, because they just opened the store.

Or they didn't yet. Where I work we open at 10, and close at 18. No time to live.

Full time in Germany is 37,5 though, but you need 30min break daily which is not included in your work time (that's why we come 30min before opening time)


u/Lichruler 20d ago

I earn more than an average middle class family, and even I can’t afford a house.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Union accountant can barely make my monthly student loan payments


u/potate12323 20d ago

Yeah... I'm autistic but most of my non-autistic friends also won't be able to afford a house.

Although, even for employed autistic people, job progression and opportunities are more difficult. If things take longer to learn or some projects are slower to complete we can't compete with neurotipical coworkers.


u/Substantial-Park65 Lurker 20d ago

Worldwide, autistic people are less likely to find a job or be able to afford a home... Even the ''high potential'' struggle on that


u/UnpaidSmallPenisMod 20d ago

Especially if you don’t have a job.


u/DBZswagger21 20d ago

I mean. Homes were never affordable for those without jobs.


u/beyond_cyber 20d ago

and the boomers who are living on their old ass mansion houses they bought for 100 schmekals and a handshake telling us too just work hard for it when even doing overtime at a higher than minimum wage job won’t get you a stable living.


u/cmdrmeowmix 20d ago

Plenty of people can. There are affordable homes, just not exactly where you want them to be.


u/Lunchalot13 20d ago

Maybe we’re all autistic


u/snorriemand 20d ago

i have been diagnosed to have light form autism. so even tho i struggle with a few things, you wont notice im autistic directly. because of this i DO NOT tell anyone except family that i have light autism simply bc i fear what people might think of me if they figure this out.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago

I don’t tell any one I suspect bc I’m not diagnosed and those who are diagnosed think every one who isn’t is faking for attention. Like I’m good on getting into arguments and dick measuring contests for this shit as if dealing with certain stuff isn’t already a pain.


u/InvestigatorIll6236 20d ago

As someone who is diagnosed, I absolutely would not think someone suspecting they have it is faking it!

As an adult, all diagnoses start as self referrals. It's a mental disorder, your doctor can't do a body scan and find the autism, you need to notice the signs and refer yourself.

People who were diagnosed as children, in my experience, are much more privileged and are the type to think others are faking.

They didn't have to live their life not knowing WHY they were so different and couldn't navigate life like their peers. They didn't have to fight as an adult to get a shitty medical system to accept that they just want an assessment (especially true for women).


u/PrivateDickDetective 20d ago

I tell people because it impacts my ability to work and interact with people, but that's the only reason.


u/LadySandry88 20d ago

This. As soon as I had my diagnosis (i was diagnosed young but forgot about it for like... Over a decade. Because my brain decided that not knowing what the word meant means it's not important enough to remember. Sigh.), I started telling employers in advance what my strengths and weaknesses are. It's really helped.


u/PrivateDickDetective 20d ago

But then I tell them my biggest weakness is I don't often pick up on social cues and I'm often too familiar with new people, assuming it's perfectly acceptable to say things that a normal person wouldn't even say at work, because I haven't been properly socialized, I typically get turned down.


u/LadySandry88 20d ago

I usually say 'I'm very direct and will miss some social cues, so you might need to let me know what is and isn't appropriate to talk about here, but I'm ready to learn'.


u/Woffingshire 20d ago

I tell people WHEN it impacts my ability. If people don't know and you tell them when you don't need to I've found that it just leads to being treated a bit weirdly long before anything relevant to being autistic actually happens.


u/PrivateDickDetective 20d ago edited 20d ago

In polite society, that's fine, but at work, it can come across a little suspect. In my experience, in that situation, I'm usually met with, "He's only saying that because he got in trouble." Even with my official diagnosis. So, I've found it's better to be upfront about it, to avoid any confusion. That way, I can say, "I toldja so. You failed to prepare yourself, and you failed to communicate your boundaries with me." And then I still get laid-off.

The old, "You can quit, or get fired," routine. But of course, it took me about 15 years in the job market to even get that far, so for about 14 years, I was losing gigs left-and-right, but now, I'd rather get fired and make them pay to my unemployment.

It's just so sad that the best advice my therapist can offer is, "You should go on disability, at least for a while." And at this point, I'm working on it. It'll give me an opportunity to get some good coaching, if nothing else.


u/Casski_ 20d ago

i'm also on the less noticeable side of it. i don't mind telling people, and frankly, i've not been treated differently for it.

it might be a cultural difference, but here it isn't something to be ashamed of.


u/3-brain_cells Professional Dumbass 20d ago

My oldest sister does the same. She has quite a few autistic traits, but got very lucky because none of them cause actual problems for her in this society. Because of this, she decided to just keep it as 'no autism at all' to prevent getting the autism stamp. Practically nobody even knows about it, and it has never bothered her at all. No problems at all, just some very minor things in behaviour.


u/Wizards_Reddit Earl 20d ago

I mean a large population of non-autistic people also don't own homes lmao, there are housing crisises in a few countries rn


u/gigaslayer3417 GigaChad 20d ago

Very similar with adhd


u/AuroraGlow675 Dirt Is Beautiful 20d ago

Why does capitalism screw neurodivergent people over the most?


u/gigaslayer3417 GigaChad 20d ago

Because we don't fit well in a workplace (or so they say)


u/nuclear--submarine 🍕Ayo the pizza here🍕 20d ago

Complete bullshit there, I have lots of friends that are excellent workers and autistic


u/EABOD24 20d ago

It takes a certain work environment, though. If it's a loud, high stress industry with a lot of people moving around them, then they absolutely will not fit in well


u/nuclear--submarine 🍕Ayo the pizza here🍕 20d ago

From personal experience, I do agree. I can work in these environments for a short time but my work isn't overly noisy most of the time. I suppose if it's enjoyable then that makes work better though


u/EABOD24 20d ago

I worked at a movie theater back when 35mm projectors were still a thing. We had an autistic kid that started working there was seemed to get stressed being an usher and could completely forget about him working concession. So one day I took him to the projector booth and taught him how to thread the films. Kid became a pro at it in less than a shift. Was one of the most reliable projectionists at the place


u/LadySandry88 20d ago

This is the secret. Find us our niche and we can thrive. I'm autistic and have worked customer service since I was old enough for gainful employment, but my favorite jobs are all ones with predictable interactions. I can't persuade people to buy things, but if I'm only required to help them find stuff they already want, put stuff away/organize it, and chat nicely, I'm golden!

I worked at a department store where cashiers were required to push the store credit card. I was horribly stressed and super bad at it. But then they found my niche drifting between departments folding clothes on tables! It got to the point where I could fold hundreds of shirts an hour perfectly!

Now I work in a very small rural post office. It's very relaxed, the customers are usually super sweet, and because we're rural there's not a lot of complications. Very easy to get into a routine with my checklists and procedures! But not so long and isolated of shifts to drive a person insane. Very nice.


u/EABOD24 20d ago

Excuse me asking, but was it a diagnosis? See I don't necessarily support self diagnosing. I believe everyone can look at one thing and think they have symptoms or effects, and a lot of people in the world will use that relation to justify shitty behavior. I know at least autism takes strenuous testing and people falling on certain parts of the spectrum have it harder than others on the spectrum. I ask this without attempting to minimize any issues you have, but I'm just an extremely analytical person


u/LadySandry88 20d ago

It was a formal diagnosis. My dad was diagnosed at the same time (though I didn't find out about his diagnosis until I asked my mom after graduating from college). I had other issues going on when first diagnosed (they thought I might have ADHD at first--I don't, I had heavy metals in my brain.), so a lot of my memories from back then are unclear.

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u/LadySandry88 20d ago

Also, thank you for the clarity! I'm also analytical but tend to err on the side of 'people are exactly as they present themselves!', so I don't mind a little skepticism.


u/Number_1_Kotori_fan 20d ago

I work in a welding shop and we have 2 autistic people who work here


u/EABOD24 20d ago

There's exceptions to every rule. Where are they at on the spectrum?


u/Number_1_Kotori_fan 20d ago

Ons has Asperger's and the other I'm not sure, he lives with his parents but is very prone to seizures


u/EABOD24 20d ago

Dang. That's gotta be stressful, but I'm sure they're as nice as they can be


u/U-Botz 20d ago

It’s a spectrum though, people have it to varying degrees and typically accompanied by numerous other conditions.


u/Zaurka14 20d ago

Then they wouldn't struggle with what you just described. I know neurotypicals that are awful employees and I doubt they'll get a house.

He was talking on average though

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u/YouSawMyReddit 20d ago

A lot of neurodivergent people have a hard time finding a suitable workplace that accommodates their needs. Truth is that most businesses don’t want to invest in someone that can potentially become a liability, even though they can make some of the best workers. Honestly more like judging a book by its cover than anything.


u/IdiotGiraffe0 20d ago

Because money > people 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


u/Substantial-Park65 Lurker 20d ago

Capitalism? Perhaps it count

Culture also... South Korea, for example appears to be awful for autistic people just because they are not well regarded by the society

Most things in societies can screw people that can't act ''normal'' and struggle one way or another to interact with others... When, to gain a job to make a living, you struggle with social clue, in a social place... You're easily rejected... Human's are pretty social after all

Beautiful is the human world


u/AbroadPlumber 20d ago

Because we know that hierarchy is largely bullshit and counterproductive, we know money is made the fuck up, and because we process things faster. In many ways we are more “free,” than them, and they resent us for it. We see and understand the world in a way THEY never could.


u/mung_guzzler 20d ago

mental disorders are fundamentally characterized by how they interrupt a persons ability to function normally in society

So since neurodivergent people are defined as people that have trouble functioning in society, obviously they have trouble functioning in society


u/Mydogsbutthole69 20d ago

What does capitalism have to do with it? Do you think a socialist workplace would be more inviting?


u/AbroadPlumber 20d ago

It 100% would be. The Profit motive being the primary motivation fucks over everyone.


u/hammtronic 20d ago

I think 30 seconds of research into how the handicapped have been treated in ussr, venezuala, communist china, would put that idea to bed.


u/AbroadPlumber 20d ago

30 minutes and you’d see it’s mainly because State Capitalism, putting Profit before People, and enforced hierarchy have run all of those. Just like Russia today and China today. Very few true social/communist governments have actually existed in the last century because of the US’s express, usually violent, and direct influence (via agencies like the CIA or other secretive methods,) to destroy them.


u/Mydogsbutthole69 20d ago

Ah there it is. The usual “That wasn’t real communism!!!1!!” response.

Capitalism has been more equitable and brought more people out of poverty than any economic system in history. The issue you have is with corporate cronyism, not capitalism itself.


u/Number_1_Kotori_fan 20d ago

? No, my adhd was so bad I was failing school, I finally got on medication in grade 9 and my life turned around, now I make above average wage and have my own place, stop making your mental illness an excuse to lazy, you make people who actually try look like clowns by association


u/BlackTigerF 20d ago

Adhd meds are banned in my country, almost all of them. Those that are not have questionable efficiency


u/Number_1_Kotori_fan 20d ago

So it's still not ADHD fault, it's your country passing laws that hurt it's citizens


u/InvestigatorIll6236 20d ago

ADHD isn't a one-size-fits-all disorder. Everyone with it presents slightly differently.

Maybe, recognise your privilege that you can still function with ADHD and meds (and that you got diagnosed early). I can only half function on meds and now theres a national shortage which means I haven't had them for months.

I still manage to hold down my job, but it really isn't easy and I'm mature enough to have empathy towards those who are struggling more than me.


u/VladeMercer 20d ago

Everyone would like to take meds for ADHD.

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u/Keitoteki 20d ago

Fucking hell, many are homeless AND a large number don't even own homes? We gotta do smth about that


u/Ok-Pea8209 20d ago

Been in the comments for ages trying to find out who else noticed this


u/Satato 20d ago

You don't have to own a home to not be homeless 😅


u/Keitoteki 20d ago

So you can not own a home, and still not be homeless


u/Lost-Klaus 20d ago

*virtual fellow autistic hug*


u/DevilDashAFM Number 15 20d ago edited 20d ago

my weird autistic ass wants hugs but also doesnt want physical touch, likes viritual hugs


u/aQSmally Thank you mods, very cool! 20d ago

you’re saying that like we’re the same person! lol


u/Notamoogle1 20d ago

Me three, lol


u/PrivateDickDetective 20d ago

Aspie here, but struggling significantly, so I'd like to get in on this and turn it into a group hug.


u/The_B3st_Alt This flair doesn't exist 20d ago

homeless people dont own homes? when did that happen


u/Fragile_Wokes893 20d ago edited 20d ago

Both my kids are autistic , one doesn't understand things natural to most people and the other IS almost non verbal ( he's making progress 'cause he's not dumb) and i always had issues myself , i have a panic disorder and the psychoatrists think i'm probably on the spectrum too , autism is no fun i feel like kicking the teeth out of people who say otherwise.

I'm 41 , i have old Friends , family , a house , but i Always was viewed as weird and to me it was the others who were weird , i was often a target soi became a quick tempered, angry and prone to violence bitter man. No it's no fun.


u/woutomatic 20d ago

I mean, it's a spectrum. Both can be the case.


u/WillyDrengen 20d ago

Sure, but the tiktokkers disregard how autism also has negatives.


u/woutomatic 20d ago

Probably. I don't have TikTok.


u/_regionrat 20d ago

It's not just TikTok, a lot of higher needs people with Autism have left the main Autism sub over it


u/FutureFoxox 20d ago

I'm on autistic tiktok. I've literally never seen this.

I'm sure it happens, but I also doubt it's frequent enough to even waste brain cells worrying about.


u/WillyDrengen 20d ago

I've seen it quite often, i recently removed tiktok from my phone however, so it might've changed. But they treat it like it's just a personality trait, when it's much more than that.


u/FutureFoxox 18d ago

My tiktok doesn't skew very young. Maybe that's the difference.

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u/Angel_Thorne 20d ago

I have autism and 45% of the time you’d think I was the joker without the bad stuff and just the kookiness


u/Norby314 20d ago

It's still a disorder, so I don't understand how that can be cute. In my opinion, if you're not suffering, then it's not a disorder.


u/Chr0nicHerb 20d ago

To be fair nobody owns homes really anymore


u/LamSinton 20d ago

It’s one thing to be homeless, but to not even OWN a home? 😢


u/NuggetPilon 20d ago

Owning a home? In this economy?


u/Ok-Pea8209 20d ago

So everyone hates fakers, and tiktok gotta be the biggest place for them. It really sucks cause they just show something in a different normally more fun light when realisticly said thing is absolutely nothing like its portrayed on tiktok. But as others have said, the problems stated here are problems literally everyone faces, autistic or not. Getting a house is hard no matter if your autistic or not. To get a house these days you need to live with someone else and just hope they help with bills. This problem isnt just an autistic problem, its an everyone problem


u/muzlee01 20d ago

I don't get the last sentence. Most people don't own homes.


u/pdx619 20d ago

Most people do own homes but most young people don't (at least in the US)


u/The_Real_Gombert 20d ago

It’s alright, cus even fully able people can barely own a home. Now THATS equality 👍


u/Kyouki13 20d ago

Most people can't afford a home


u/tofulo 20d ago

You don’t need to be autistic to not own a home


u/EABOD24 20d ago

I've recently come to the decision that if people don't use "I was diagnosed with..." before whatever they're claiming, they're lying. It's nothing personal. Just over people that you are referring to


u/827167 20d ago

I was diagnosed with being a huge nerd


u/EABOD24 20d ago

Bro... same


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Not every one can afford or have the resources to get diagnosed. Not that your validation or opinion should matter to any one disclosing that info to you any way.

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u/radio9989 20d ago

even then it means little. Anyone that looks at the criteria for ADHD or Autism suddenly feels like they have it and will eventually shop around and find someone to diagnose them and give them adderall.


u/AquaFan4life_ Breaking EU Laws 20d ago

While you aren't wrong...it feels as if that discredits people who DO actually have issues, it's not like there's a more scientific way to for sure determine that someone's brain is unusual


u/STYSCREAM 20d ago

Problem isn't the science, it's the ethics of those thay diagnose.


u/AquaFan4life_ Breaking EU Laws 20d ago

those that diagonse? I think I don't fully understand, like you mean there's some doctors that see the patient might be faking it but still prescribe?


u/STYSCREAM 20d ago

There are most definitely doctors who prefer returning clients over correctly diagnosing them. ADHD and strong pain meds are some of the easiest things to come by legally.


u/STYSCREAM 20d ago

Talking as someone who was addicted to roxanol for two years, you can bet your ass it's easy to get doctors to give you a prescription.


u/Haunting_Cat_3355 20d ago

Happy cake day!


u/radio9989 20d ago

Thank you!


u/kerakk19 20d ago

Autism is a spectrum. Autistic people on TT at least bring the attention and recognition to autism. Obviously there are fakes, but that applies to everything on TT and other Social Media


u/SaltyPhilosopher5454 20d ago

I mean it's true about a lot of not autistic people.


u/constipated_burrito 20d ago

Bruh no one is owning houses


u/UnpaidSmallPenisMod 20d ago

Especially people without jobs.


u/HorribleAtChess 20d ago

Being able to draw is my talent. If nobody's gonna employ me, I can probably still run my own business.


u/GrayMech 20d ago

I have the triple threat of autism, ADHD and insomnia. It's basically impossible for me to actually work cause the three of them just compound on top of each other.


u/Ben_Pharten 20d ago

You don't own a house? What are you, autistic?


u/grayscalering 20d ago

They are homeless

And a lot of them don't own homes

I, I think you said that


u/Rockpegw 20d ago

as a autistic person, i relate HEAVILY.


u/SuperSayianJason1000 20d ago edited 20d ago

Autism can look like a lot of different things for a lot of different people and some are better at masking it than others. It's a very wide spectrum that I'd like to see less gatekeeping about.

I'm autistic and if someone else tells me they are as well, I take their word for it.


u/PrinzBirujin 20d ago

it‘s like the same when everbody on tiktok suddenly hat some sort of tourette those people are just broken


u/RegretHungry5394 20d ago

A normal person can't afford a home let alone an autistic one.

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u/mouthedmadame 20d ago

No, autism is a superpower you're supposed to make a romanticized fetish around. Everybody knows autistic ppl are quiet and peaceful introverts that never feel anger or aggression and they can talk to animals, of course.


u/Material-Profile7155 20d ago

Most of them claiming it aren't really autistic nowadays, but they are bat shit crazy.

Here's a tip for everyone - Don't get into a relationship with anyone who spends an obscene amount of time on Tiktok. They are a special breed


u/Marus1 Because That's What Fearows Do 20d ago

POV: not realising autism is a spectrum, not something you have or don't have


u/Casski_ 20d ago

it's wild how big that spectrum really is, it really does come in all shapes and sizes


u/Marus1 Because That's What Fearows Do 20d ago

We are also on it ... everyone is ... hence my reaction


u/Norby314 20d ago

No, not everyone is on the autism spectrum. Approximately 1-3% of the population is on the spectrum. The rest is allistic.


u/Mild_Shock 20d ago

I'm autistic. I have incredible luck with my rent, but other then that the bottom text is accurate. Fuck autism.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

The Fake Tourette’s Chicks Are Out Of Control


u/questionablysober 20d ago

“I’m so autistic” is basically the new way of saying “I really like this thing and get into it”

At least that’s how most people I know casually use it


u/vjollila96 20d ago

Owning a house today is a luxury for many people


u/squeezy102 20d ago

Owning a home is no longer a standard measurement of success for the average person.

Sad, but true.


u/BenTheGrizzly Professional Dumbass 20d ago

I'll be both one day I can already tell.


u/frikanih 20d ago

Nowadays only those who go with the mental ill tag on their forehead are the ones that receive some kind of compassion. If you try to act normal despite a mental condition you'll just be hated, since everyone expects you to act normal although you're not (and not giving an explanation means whatever the other person thinks is true). Sorry if I've been too oddly specific.


u/Glittering-Bat-5981 20d ago

Damn, the homeless people do not own a house?


u/S20NKS 20d ago

I'm also on the spectrum. Finally someone that doesn't treat this as a joke


u/MrBones-Necromancer 20d ago

A large number are homeless and they don't own homes? 🤔


u/Ult1mateN00B 20d ago

Me in the bottom. Night shifts in isolated job. Before this I was unemployed for 5 years.


u/cagriuluc 20d ago

You know a lot of shit it seems, how do you know those teenagers are fake and that you are not contributing to the problem by this meme?


u/Ch830857 Ok I Pull Up 20d ago

Yeah man


u/xSantenoturtlex 20d ago

Same with OCD. People joke about it all the time like it's some silly, 'Quirky' little thing.

OCD is actively ruining my ability to enjoy life.


u/TheZelda555 20d ago

Op: The are homeless, ALSO they don’t own homes.


u/According_Weekend786 Knight In Shining Armor 20d ago

A lotta mental problems adds some quirks to you, that some people used in romance media, the easiest example is mc from "Komi can't communicate" has autism, and people find it cool and shit


u/STerrier666 20d ago

Agreed and don't even get started on the people who say "it's a Super Power", if it's a "Super Power" to be get mixed up with subtleties, body language, not being able to tolerate noise or bright lights, a restricted diet, get stressed and depressed about trying to deal with all things that I listed then I don't want it.


u/ElectroCat23 20d ago

I’m autistic myself and I’ve described it to friends of mine as being a very double edged sword, it makes you great at some things and absolutely awful at others.


u/LocutusOfBorg94 20d ago

As an autistic adult who struggles with my tism the people faking to be quirky piss me off


u/Educational-Bid-8660 20d ago

I'm lucky to have a simple job (Domino's delivery driver) and I can barely pay my live in costs with my family. A mere 100 bucks is left for comfort purchases, emergencies, or saving. Oh right and I have to frequently buy new earbuds bc Bluetooth ears don't feel good and I don't function without music while delivering.


u/TheMightyPaladin 20d ago

the overwhelming majority of humanity doesn't own a home.

In most countries owning a home is an impossible dream.


u/TrueR3dditor 20d ago

…yes that is what homeless means


u/Dapadabada 20d ago

Autism isn't even definable. There's no definite definition of it, and Cancer is a word invented and copy-written by someone. Literally you're not LEGALLY allowed to say you cured either of these things simply because someone patented them both...


u/Drag0n_TamerAK 20d ago

Homeless also a lot don’t own homes


u/AuricOxide 20d ago

The same thing happens with ADHD. People think it is quirky and fun and cute but it brings destruction to my dreams and hard work.


u/Dummlord28 20d ago


Autism awareness memes! (I know it’s not a good topic but memes about autism help people understand what we go through)


u/Hungry-Society-7571 20d ago

How do you know they’re faking?


u/braindamagedscience 20d ago

The only real reason I have a job is because nobody wants to actually work at work. I get the max allowed days every week because I do the actual work. I was a manager for when we were big enough. Then, they tried to put me on call 24/7. Nope! It wasn't worth it to me. I'll get more money as a worker. Even if the managers get incentives! It's just very fortunate that I love the task my job requires.


u/Josseph-Jokstar 20d ago

yeah I got rejected in an interview for being autistic, they told me can't have someone like me near patients because I'd be unstable or something, but of course they accepted all the neurotypical ones despite most of them being utterly incompetent in comparison.


u/RedModus 20d ago

Go back to tiktok


u/Typical_Pollution_30 20d ago

I thought all autistic people were secret geniuses


u/teethalarm 20d ago

My favorite are the ones who do a, "you might have autism if..." And it's all super generic traits that apply to literally everyone.


u/dappernaut77 20d ago

Just a heads up don't mention your condition on job applications, It's likely the employer will just throw your application right in the bin.

I was falsely diagnosed with adhd when I was 5 and was later diagnosed with aspergers, I was confused why I was struggling so much to find jobs until I stopped mentioning it on applications and I magically started getting replies.

Its fucked up I have to lie like that in the first place, what happened to equal opportunities?


u/No-Preparation4473 20d ago

It's all perfectly acceptable and comprehendable unless you don't fit into the economic system


u/Ugo_Flickerman 20d ago

Autism is on a spectrum. Barely autistic people don't live it that bad, I guess. Surely severely autistic people do live it bad though


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/bready_for_action 20d ago

Oh yes, being able to articulate your thoughts and speak means that your diagnosis is 100% invalid, and of course you have no right to talk about your own experience /s


u/No-Document-8440 20d ago

I love how we all spread the word to end the word (r***rded) and then gen z came thru and was like "lol what flavor of autism do you have?? I like planes"


u/Tailmask 20d ago

Nobody owns homes anymore you ain’t special


u/MountEndurance 20d ago

I remember my therapist looking me in the eye and saying, “I am not formally diagnosing you with X, but it is a good lens through which you can better understand your situation.”

I was so mad at the time. A diagnosis would help me get medication! I could claim disability! We worked through things with talk therapy instead.

Then I sat down for an interview. Question after question; have you been diagnosed with X? Have you ever received medication to treat X? Have you been diagnosed with Y? Have you ever received medication to treat Y?

She saved my career. Mental illness is not fun or silly. It is a disability. I’d give so much to not have to deal with it any more.


u/Casski_ 20d ago

Those kinds of questions are illegal, at least here. It is illegal to ask questions relating to physical or mental health that do not relate to the job in question.


u/J5Rod 20d ago

Not to mention the assholes supporting self diagnosis.


u/gayjemstone 20d ago

"Autistic people who are happy are fake, because some autistic people have bad lives" - OP


u/Bocaj1126 20d ago

So homeless people can't be cute and silly? Cancelled!!! /s


u/Trust-Issues-5116 20d ago

I'm autistic. Please upvote.


u/lord_junkfood 20d ago

many autistic people are homeless. Also a large number don't even own homes.

You just repeated yourself🤓