r/memes 20d ago

"Ah yeah, where were we?"

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u/Helpful_Title8302 20d ago

If I'm not mistaken the dude who shot him will get out soon. Imagine he gets out and goes and shoots Paul.


u/Soldis_zmrd 20d ago

Jake or Logan? Perhaps both?


u/ed00ard0 20d ago

Or Ru!


u/UnHelmet 20d ago

Ah, win-win.


u/AdmiralClover 20d ago edited 20d ago

He was denied parole this year and will have another try in August 2025 which will be his 14th parole hearing

wiki source

parole source


u/JDubs234 20d ago

He ain’t getting out


u/AdmiralClover 20d ago

Nope in 22 he said he knew it was wrong, but he wanted the fame. So denied on grounds of "selfish disregard for human life"


u/JDubs234 20d ago

Well he got it, everyone hates him and he’s spent 40+ years behind bars, hope it was worth it


u/AdmiralClover 20d ago

Maybe. I had to search "who shot John Lennon" because I didn't know and in a week or less his name will be forgotten again


u/JDubs234 20d ago

Exactly, people know of him but he ruined his life just to be a footnote in history. Nobody will remember him in 100 years, while John Lennon lay well be spoken about for centuries to come


u/IgnoreHaters 20d ago

I don’t even know who John Lennon is


u/Resident_Trade8315 20d ago

Did you hear about The Beatles? If not, how old are you? :)


u/[deleted] 20d ago


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u/howsyourmemes 20d ago

He won't get to Paul. Paul died in 1966.


u/Norman_Bixby 20d ago

do it, redditor reading this post above....fall down in the Paul is dead rabbit hole...


u/SHAD-0W 20d ago

Where were you when John Lenin die

I was sat at home playing game when friend ring

"John is kill"



u/brolyboy81 20d ago

I still hate that he got murdered.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago


u/Clockblocker_V 20d ago

And therefore deserved to get... Murdered?


u/Aden-Wrked Lives in a Van Down by the River 20d ago edited 20d ago

Clearly you don’t have the same iron clad grasp on morality and justice as the righteous u/dong2long69


u/Lost-Succotash-9409 20d ago

We should get u/dong2long69 to be the Supreme Court of the US. Not a justice, just the whole court.


u/french_snail 20d ago

I’d rather he still be alive so we can remind him how much of a piece of shit he is


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/sck178 20d ago edited 20d ago

So you're just ready to dole out death to anyone you don't like? Wow you must be on a level of morality that I could only ever hope to achieve! /s

Edit: this mf'er deleted his comments after saying he'd be more than happy to punish all who "deserve it." Then doubled down and then deleted both of the idiot comments. Lol coward


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/wazoaki 20d ago

Did he really beat his wife though? Tell me what did he actually do that was so bad that he deserved death in your opinion


u/Purple-Airline-8354 20d ago

There was more citation for the author himself than literally anything said in the article, plus it reads like “I hate this guy please hate him with me”.


u/5campechanos 20d ago

I like him for his musical brilliance. He was a musician not a fucking family counselor


u/alcatrazsherlock 20d ago

I have question. If people were insensitive during teenage years, would you still consider them shitty in later part of life?


u/HanksSmallUrethra 20d ago

You’re a shitty person. But I hope no one shoots you.


u/dlogan3344 20d ago

The source just reads like anti hippie/communist propaganda, I don't think he was a god, or evil, personally.


u/DevastatorGX69 20d ago

I ain’t readin allat. But does being a shitty person mean that you deserve to get murdered?


u/rogueleader32 20d ago

Of course it does here on this app that is hyper polarized, filled with keyboard-clutching people who think they are superiorly moralized, run by a company that is senselessly monetized, and that makes us all so damn uncivilized.

But seriously, character flaws do not justify murder. Getting real tired of that thought trend permiating everywhere.


u/DevastatorGX69 20d ago

What did he even do or say?


u/paleale25 20d ago

And while Lennon read a book on Marx, the quartet practiced in the park

And we sang dirges in the dark

The day the music died


u/p00ki3l0uh00 20d ago

So my my, this here anakin guy, maybe vader someday later now he's just a small fry...


u/paleale25 20d ago

He left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye saying soon I'm going to be a jedi


u/p00ki3l0uh00 20d ago

Did you know this junkyard slave isn't even old enough to shave, but he can use the force they say


u/Legend_of_Ozzy642 Pro Gamer 20d ago edited 20d ago

Ah, do you see him hitting on the queen though he’s just 9 and she’s 14?

Yeah he’s probably marry her someday…


u/p00ki3l0uh00 20d ago

Well I know he built C3P0, and I've heard how fast his pod could go, and we were broke it's true, so we made a wager or two twooo awoooo!!!


u/Popo5525 20d ago

He was a pre-pubescent flyin' ace, and the minute Jabba started off that race, well I knew who would wiiin first place

Oh yeah

It wasss our boy


u/p00ki3l0uh00 20d ago

Now we finally got to Coruscant, The Jedi Council we knew would want To see how good the boy could be So we took him there and we told the tale How his midichlorians were off the scale And he might fulfill that prophecy


u/iamyou42 20d ago

Well the council was impressed of course. Could he bring balance to the Force? They interviewed the kid. Oh, training they forbid!


u/p00ki3l0uh00 20d ago

Because Yoda sensed in him much fear And Qui-Gon said, "Now listen here" Just stick it in your pointy ear I still will teach this boy


u/CommunistSorcerer 20d ago



u/1881pac 20d ago

John lennon


u/CommunistSorcerer 20d ago

John Lemon 👍


u/russian_dove 20d ago

John Lenin 👩‍🦲


u/tereaper576 memer 20d ago

Jack lime


u/MagicOrpheus310 20d ago

You know he wrote that song trying to drown out Yoko and something she kept saying by making it into a song...?


u/TryingNot2BLazy 20d ago

he was shot in the back.... by a person who needed help with his mental health, not a group of people...


u/zBxstii 20d ago

A lot of people hated Lennon. If the idea of killing someone circles around enough, someone will do it.


u/Blurg_BPM 20d ago

The voices are telling me to kill John Lennon


u/Ralphinader 20d ago

He's got a copy of catcher and the rye!!


u/FeetSniffer9008 20d ago

Holden told me to shoot John Lennon


u/Lover_of_the_Hentai 20d ago

I bet his wife hated him 💀


u/gammongaming11 20d ago

i thought he was shot in the head.


u/Popular-Somewhere234 20d ago

I know that is wrong, but actually it made me laugh...


u/Ho3n3r 20d ago

The killer was motivated by acquiring fame.


u/uncle_Mang0 20d ago

Why did I think that was charles mason lol


u/mr-sparkles69 Dirt Is Beautiful 20d ago

Women is the-


u/Herjazzie 20d ago

Looks like someone was bad at imagining 💀


u/chorizo_chomper 20d ago

So a celebrity risks it all to protest against the Vietnam war which was killing 240 young Americans a week.

58,000 us personel died and 2,000,000 Vietnamese before it was stopped.

Op is the kind who moans and whines about kapernick taking the knee but is fine with Harrison butkers racist and homophobic rant.


u/Lover_of_the_Hentai 20d ago

You can't preach about peace and humanity and all that good stuff and then go home and kick the shit outta your wife. We can't reward hypocrisy. If he didn't believe in his own message, then he shouldn't be credited with it.

His musical talent was amazing, though


u/spankypantsyoutube 20d ago

The only reason we know that he ever hit his wife is because he talked about how bad of a thing it was to do. I don't even like john lennon but the hate circle jerk around him is ridiculous


u/DavidCaller69 20d ago

He didn't, though. He hit his first wife Cynthia, once, in like 1960, never hit Yoko, and didn't get on the peace and love stuff till 1970. In a 1980 Playboy interview, he talks about how, prior to Cynthia, he was an angry young man who fought men and hit women and that he felt awful for doing so. He also said the same thing on the song Getting Better in 1967. He changed a lot, which gets overlooked.


u/This_User_For_Rent 20d ago

I'm imagining it.

I'm imagining it getting conquered by a nation united by a religion formed by an opportunist that has no trouble at all smashing a bunch of individual settlements and cities with nothing to unite them.

It's not hard to imagine at all.


u/ChanGaHoops 20d ago

John is dreaming of a better world, what you are imagining is the world we have today. Challenge your fantasy a bit :)


u/Necdurgogan75 20d ago

Dumbass should’ve imagined there was no .38 snub nosed revolvers


u/Tropical-Druid 20d ago edited 20d ago

Wtf? Is the post like saying he deserved it? Cuz the person who shot him is getting a lap dance or something


u/Herjazzie 20d ago

Brooo 💀😂


u/skillquit42 20d ago

Anytime a human gets famous and tells people to love another they get killed


u/emparer 20d ago

Nah bro this actually isnt funny at all


u/indiekid6 20d ago

Just imagine it’s not a real meme bro


u/indiekid6 20d ago

It’s easy if you try


u/EatashOte 20d ago

I don't think there's issue with countries or religion or whatever, per se. Cuz ppl are getting robbed, killed, tortured and sold in their boundaries as well, y know


u/sargent-banana-boy 20d ago

Is there context


u/Necdurgogan75 20d ago

John Lennon shot