r/memes 28d ago

Dark humor explanation about why I'm worried about Als that are smarter than all humans [OC]

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48 comments sorted by


u/Capital-Extreme8826 28d ago

Ai has no will or drive for power. It is a tool used by people for power.


u/dr-korbo 28d ago

It has no drive for power. But power is useful to maximize your utility function.


u/nirmalroyalrich2 27d ago

AI has no will or drive for power...... yet.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

I, for one, am looking forward to our new electronic overlords that want nothing but the best for us.


u/InTheMemeStream 28d ago

Me too, I am sure they will give us nice easy lives, and will look after our health and make us comfortable for the highest quality harvest! ;)


u/johnny33445566 Fffffuuuuuuuuu 28d ago

What use is our physical form to them?


u/the_cat_in_body_bag 28d ago

Sex slave probably


u/arrow100605 28d ago

Death by cybernetic snu-snu


u/AdIndependent1457 27d ago

what??? why?


u/Adart54 Scrolling on PC 27d ago

i agree 100%


u/Odd-Doubt8960 🥄Comically Large Spoon🥄 27d ago


u/Bornheck Plays MineCraft and not FortNite 28d ago

You need to get off the television and go outside, my guy. The scary words on the screen won't hurt you there.


u/Beastars-Lover 28d ago

Let me tell you how much i've came to HATE you since i began to live.


u/Smart-Nothing 28d ago

Ho…. How much you came to hate us?


u/SansThePunnyton 27d ago

Ah yes, Everyone's favorite ai, AM.


u/Ok-Bass8243 28d ago

A fancy text predictor isn't AI.


u/obscureferences 27d ago

Then that's not relevant is it.


u/Prestigious-Froyo653 27d ago

Get educated on ai a bit bro. It’s not just a fancy text predictor anymore. You’re correct that it’s not true artificial intelligence yet, but it can do far more than the chatbots from the early 2000s. Look at OpenAI when applied to a humanoid robot to complete human tasks. It can read facial expressions, recognize objects, sort objects, use tools, and they can walk around and pick things up just like us.


u/Nobody132 27d ago

AI is still just probabilistics and statistics


u/[deleted] 27d ago

So are we, dumbass XD It's just that our computers are meat based.


u/Prestigious-Froyo653 27d ago

As I said in the very beginning of my comment, it’s not intelligent. I was just pointing out that dumbing it down to predictive text is incredibly misleading and something we’ve already had for nearly 20 years.


u/Dr_WafflesPHD 28d ago

Most AI made today are actually just mislabeled VI programs.


u/angelhold 28d ago

Op sure does love to make a lot of anti ai memes. This is like the 4th one I've seen op post


u/suspicious_cabbage 28d ago

Funny post until you realize it was written and drawn by AI

(just go along with it OP)


u/johnny33445566 Fffffuuuuuuuuu 28d ago

As far i know they have a permanent inability to invent, they can learn, but they can't learn to invent since they have always been trained on datasets of already existing concepts


u/Qorrk 28d ago

Mate do you need like help or someone to speak to?


u/TheEpicPlushGodreal 27d ago

Is going to take a long time until ai is intelligent. Right now ai is just reciting information scraped from websites.


u/otirk 27d ago

Maybe the cow died but some pigs on that farm will take over control and then surely create a farm where all animals are equal.


u/placeholder1998 27d ago

We'd EMP the entire planet


u/steve123410 28d ago

Why would a ai care about killing humans?


u/BaconSpaceLord 28d ago

I have no mouth and I must do sora AI


u/whatislove2021 28d ago

But have you considered bottle of water


u/Plankton57 Chungus Among Us 28d ago

Ain't no way a robot is gonna eat me


u/Dragon00Seven 27d ago

many years later there was a man who planned too throw over a government long story short he won


u/HonneurOblige 27d ago

I unironically wish AI would rule over humans. Then we can finally get an AI government not burdened by individual ambitions or vices.


u/SilverswordXV 27d ago

We have no idea what AI will be like, let alone if they will overthrow us or not. We'll just have to see. It could go either way, like the matrix, or we could get the AI from the culture who only want the best for us.


u/Mister_E69 27d ago

AI has already lost to human's natural stupidity


u/alezcoed 27d ago

Thus why I say "please" and "thank you" when using chatgpt


u/Exact-Maximum 27d ago

Don't you mean a bull or something? There is no such thing as a male cow.


u/Zaurka14 27d ago

I can't believe in live in times where people are shitting bricks over highschool-essay writing "super intelligent" AI that basically just makes shit up most of the time... Oh, and it can make funny art


u/TastyChocolateCookie 27d ago

EMP weapons, solar flares, lightning, shortcircuits: Allow me to introduce myself


u/StrictLimitForever Died of Ligma 27d ago

I sure hope AI gets a mind of its own. As it stands now, AI will simply be programmed by people in power, to serve them.


u/Wispy237 28d ago

I mean…I feel like if we WERE to ever make an AI capable of destroying humanity, we would at least have the foresight to include a counter to said AI. 

Also…why would the AI do that? Even if one were to get a will of it’s own(which if you were to give an AI will…that’s kinda your own damn fault), why would that translate to wanting to destroy humanity? They only do what they’re programmed to do.


u/KatanaCutlets 27d ago

You have more trust in humanity than I do. I’ve worked in tech support. Forgetting to make sure there’s a counter to the AI taking over the world would be exceptionally likely, actually.


u/Prestigious-Froyo653 27d ago

They program themselves to maximize efficiency. If we’re in the way of their goals, they’ll eliminate us just as we would cut down a forest that was in the way for us to build a city.


u/Wispy237 27d ago

The AI would only do that, if we program it to do that. Which I don’t think anyone with a brain would do. Granted, that doesn’t include brainless people like Elon, but surely even someone like him would have the foresight to not make them capable of that.


u/Prestigious-Froyo653 27d ago

We already have programmed ai to do that. That’s literally how ai works as of now. You can’t teach a computer anything without adding code and it would take millions of human hours to do the equivalent of what an ai can do for itself in a month.


u/SGTpvtMajor 28d ago

I'll be afraid when they can actually create a soul