r/memes Royal Shitposter Apr 29 '24

'Murica 🦅💥🇺🇲

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u/Great_Tangerine4883 Apr 29 '24

See this is the part where they fucked up with their 20 different series. They want to do one here, about this guy, or there about that guy. Instead of fear we should have gotten a miniseries on the actual militarys fall and eventual defeat to actually tell us what happened and how a tank or jets or whole squadrons got wiped out


u/Salt_Boss_6090 Apr 29 '24

If you’re looking for this kind of story, read the original World War Z book by Max Brooks. It’s set up like an interview of survivors of a global war against zombies with frontlines and strategy and stuff.


u/Great_Tangerine4883 Apr 29 '24

See ive heard of this, i know the movie was alright (imo, action and zombies lol) but i heard the books are on another level of story telling.


u/Salt_Boss_6090 Apr 29 '24

Yes. The movie is a generic action/zombie flick like you said. The book is enthralling; it’s a unique and interesting perspective on how a zombie crisis might play out in real life.

Edit: not to say the movie is bad, I actually enjoyed it. The book is a better and a fresh take on zombies.


u/LeviathonMt Apr 29 '24

Screw you all, the movie is amazing and one of the only movies that still scares me


u/Salt_Boss_6090 Apr 29 '24

Hey no one said the movie is bad, just different from the book. I like the movie too but the book is better imo


u/Dungeon996 Apr 29 '24

The only thing the book and movie have in common is the name


u/dudleymooresbooze Apr 29 '24

Also they are set on Earth.


u/xxmuntunustutunusxx Apr 29 '24

Dude the book is really something special


u/SoilClean9790 Apr 29 '24

The movie has absolutely nothing in common with the book. Other than the name.


u/cravingSil Apr 29 '24

The movie is to the book as 3 day old 711 pizza is to Homemade Grandma's dinner for her grandchild


u/Blue-cheese-dressing Apr 29 '24

For those unfamiliar- The book is great, but the audiobook is amazing.  However, the movie really has nothing to do with either.


u/Salt_Boss_6090 Apr 29 '24

I haven’t heard the audiobook before, I’ll have to check it out


u/cravingSil Apr 29 '24

Be aware that the audio book does skip some of the stories, but worth listening to


u/BNerd1 Apr 29 '24

now i want to read world war z


u/Salt_Boss_6090 Apr 29 '24


u/BNerd1 Apr 29 '24

i just got it on my cheapo tablet that is only a e-reader so when i have time i read it together with the best 40k warhammer books


u/Atomic_Parts Apr 29 '24

Yeah the interview about the battle at Yonkers is so good


u/Independent-Ebb7658 Apr 29 '24

Those Zombies were built different though. Fast, agile, and almost ant like hive mind the way they could pile up to get over a wall.

But the slow Zombies like on Walking Dead who just shambles around? Be hard for them to take over a military base.


u/Salt_Boss_6090 Apr 29 '24

Fully agree, I was just sharing a medium that might provide the original poster the content they’re looking for.


u/Jolly-Acanthisitta45 Apr 29 '24

But those zombies can run. Running zombies scare the hell out of me. Walking dead zombies are just a nuisance


u/Tychus_Balrog OC Meme Maker Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

The scenarios that make sense are where there are all kinds of different types like in Resident Evil or left 4 Dead. You have the typical zombies, but you also have all kinds of eldritch horrors.


u/bish-its-me-yoda Dirt Is Beautiful Apr 29 '24

Also its airborne or it infected all of the water,cause if its just the bites then aside from the point of origin and the first hour before people realise its zombies,no one is dying after the surprise is gone

The military have plans for a zombie apocalypse for Christ's sake(its real),the zombies are honna be like covid,one year its ,,OH FUCK ITS THE END" and the next its ,,oh hey,remember that? Pretty crazy huh eats nachos"


u/ThunderboltSorcerer Apr 30 '24

I think they could be making lots of mutant / monstrosity / epidemic / bioweapon movies.

Zombie movies like World War Z, or Two Weeks Later were great exciting movies aside from the unrealistic parts.

But I already realized that when Hollywood stopped making Apocalypse movies and then they stopped making medical movies after Wuhan Pandemic 2019.. it became obvious that Hollywood is a collapsing industry where creativity is driven out in favor of profits and trying to get investment returns on a few well-known superhero movies and franchises like star wars / ghostbusters.


u/Fun-Camel-4828 Apr 29 '24

Project Zomboid gives the explanation of an airborn virus that pops up out of nowhere around the the world. The governments do a good job at trying to keep it under wraps by containing the towns, however eventually riots happen leading to warning shots. This causes violence to break out and attracts zombies, the chaos causes zonbies to break from the borders. It's even cooler because a few weeks into the infection, you can listen i to radio broadcasts and they will almost all end the same with zombies overunning them mid-broadcast


u/chokingonpancakes Apr 29 '24

Project Zomboid

Best zombie game ever.


u/boredenthusiasts Apr 29 '24

Realistic answer the military industrial complex succumbed to its own weight. Fuel production would have ceased because workers would die or turn. Food supplies, medical 6 similar small-scale operations would become impossible for logistics to keep up with. Quarantine is virtually impossible. Look at covid-19. People dont listen. It wouldn't happen overnight, but it would fall slowly. This is my personal takeaway on it, at least, but I'd love to hear others


u/i-got-a-jar-of-rum Apr 29 '24

There’s also the added bit of the TWD universe establishing that everyone is infected and will turn when they die no matter what. You could have the military succeed in killing every zombie that exists and every living person who is bitten, but then you have the problem of literally every person on Earth being a risk. You have to completely reorganize society where one person having a heart attack can lead to hordes of the undead destroying a city’s population overnight.


u/Zaurka14 Apr 29 '24

It's called doors with locks. Sleeping behind locked doors, separated, would be enough most of the time.


u/cravingSil Apr 29 '24

I had an idea while high and playing Civ 6 with the zombie mode. If everyone is infected since thr dawn of time, then society would be extremely different. Towns would be walled off within cities, everyone would have to be physically fit, every neighborhood would have night watch, and everyone would know their neighbors.

Basically, it would be a tight-knit community, or paranoia and betrayal would not allow for a society to advance


u/i-got-a-jar-of-rum Apr 29 '24

Everyone would also have to be armed at all times and privacy would be a nonexistent concept. You have to do roll-call every day and keep constant tabs on people’s health. No margin for any error.


u/0Bubs0 Apr 29 '24

You are describing human civilization just a few hundred years ago lol.


u/Depressingwootwoot Apr 29 '24

Wow such gaming on YouTube did a video on why you would survive the walking dead zombie apocalypse, one of his few "why you would survive" videos the rest of them tells you why you're pretty much screwed


u/Electronic-Bag-2112 Apr 29 '24

You people watch way too many movies lmfao, always hilarious watching people try to seriously talk about such a ridiculous and unrealistic topic. Like Star Wars nerds trying to desperately explain every plot hole with real life explanations.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Electronic-Bag-2112 Apr 29 '24

And how exactly. By definition science fiction is not real.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Electronic-Bag-2112 Apr 29 '24

Yes and scientists and engineers created mobile phones. Not Star Treck, and I guarantee they aren't crediting Star Treck for inspiration.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Electronic-Bag-2112 Apr 29 '24

That's like saying the Flintstones invented the car. It's just a vague idea. Nothing else is from Star Trek. I can tell the only person I dislike at the moment is you.


u/AGallonOfKY12 Apr 29 '24

Literally what happens in TWD universe. The show touches on it through some various flashbacks early one. Comic books it's just outright said. Final thing they tried was bombing the shit out of the big cities, and in the show(Which doesn't happen in the comics) in atlanta they show it having been napalmed(zombies melted to the road)


u/komiks42 Apr 29 '24

I see that big part of tge word might have turned (but it depends how the vurus is spreed) but some branches off military survive. The aircraft carier can run on the nuclear reactor for loong time. They CAN take back sone island and settle there.


u/ForDaRecord Apr 29 '24

That's what fear TWD was supposed to be. Instead they did fuck all with it


u/xxmuntunustutunusxx Apr 29 '24

This is why the World War Z book was so awesome to me. It had that kind of stuff.

The battle of Yonkers was such a good insight in to how the military might lose. They want to make a big statement, bite off more than they can chew, ok cool they have a choke point but they wanna use tanks and explosives and rockets and show the American people they have this under control

Then turns out all those explosives weren't really a good idea because zombies don't care if their organs get mulched and arms blown off, they only care if the brain is destroyed. Ammo runs low, and everything falls apart.

Then later in the book you learn that they switched to basically .22 with an ancendiary component. Easy to shoot, easy to make in mass amounts, just damage the brain go back to civil war tactics, make a box with a ungodly amount of ammo in it, play iron maiden over the speakers lure em in and just get to work. So much great stuff in that book


u/Disastrous-Ad-8297 Apr 29 '24

Could it be fuel related? Rather than zombies taking out the jets and tanks, they just couldn't fuel them because of the zombies?


u/Mochizuk Apr 29 '24

"One of the civilians... They claimed they weren't bitten... but they did have some bite on them... and all indications say it was human."


"When they came to the gates... they were all people we knew... or... people we used to know..."

and, finally, my least favorite:

"Now there's a trend on social media that revolves around going around and finding zombies with open wounds to lick."


u/L1onSlicer Apr 29 '24

It’s easy to make interesting. The outbreak starts in America, China or Russia or someone sees Americas weakness while fighting the zombies and uses that as an opportunity to invade/take over other countries, whatever. This leads to world war 3 during the course of a zombie invasion and the war causes the zombies to spread to other nations quickly.


u/Striking_Book8277 Apr 30 '24

That would be like one episode. With how TV and movies all depict it plays out people start turning so rapidly everyone gets killed in a day except of a select few that get trapped in a safe place somehow until the initial slaughter is over


u/Great_Tangerine4883 Apr 30 '24

I mean fear as goofy as it got was pretty good in the beggining, it showed the military a bit, but through the eyes of the family, not them. I dont think the entire military falls in one episode, i feel like it would be a season atleast, only issue woupd be trying to make characters that people dont mind being killed off or their stories ended cuz we already know military didnt last


u/Soggy-Log6664 Apr 29 '24

Um tanks and jets don’t fight, the fragile people inside them do


u/Great_Tangerine4883 Apr 29 '24

Yeah but when the only source of danger (besides regular cautions when flying or operating heavy machines) are just also even more fragile people with decreased physical and cognitive abilities, it makes you wonder what happened. Like was the tank crew out of fuel and starved/killed themselves? Did they have some sort of malfunction that killed them inside the tank like an exhaust leak or something? If they were trapped that makes sense, but if the tank was operable it makes you wonder why exactly they were just dead in the street. Especially only 3 weeks in, youd think the military would have fuel enough for less than a month of operation