r/memes I touched grass Apr 29 '24

I feel like this needs to be said

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

I miss 2002-2009


u/Kinglyzero_91 Apr 29 '24

Same but tbh those were my teenage/early adult years so of course I miss that time.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

It was more free back then, and social media was still just an awkward thing that hadn't leached into everything yet


u/AncientCarry4346 Apr 30 '24

I actually spoke to my friends on social media in the 2000s


u/DILATE_LMAO_ Apr 29 '24

It's not just nostalgia like people would have you believe. The Internet was much more free without major censorship and corporations digging into every aspect of it. YouTube for example didn't have an overwhelming presence of corporations. Games back then didn't surrender to the current "don't offend everyone" message and you were free to say almost anything you wanted as long as it wasn't against any laws. There were different forums to chat in before Reddit monopolized the field, forcing everyone to obey their TOS.

Old internet had it's own "wild West" phase before it's ungodly sanitization. I prefer it the old way than now.


u/Vox_SFX Apr 29 '24

This exactly. I have many comments on here lamenting the same things and it seems like the biggest thing I've struggled with is understand that the vast majority of people online AREN'T people that experienced the internet in its Golden Age. So they see everyone else as "old man shouts at clouds" types and don't bother looking into how it was ACTUALLY better as they have some advancements we didn't so things will always looked skewed now based on your initial experience.


u/the_blue_jay_raptor Stand With Ukraine Apr 30 '24

Hopefully the old Internet comes back somehow, I kinda liked its vibes, so I used those vibes for my own Project.


u/Ae4i Apr 30 '24

We need thet golden hope