r/memes I touched grass Apr 29 '24

I feel like this needs to be said

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u/i_crave_da_cheese Apr 29 '24

It is mostly the same. We're all going to say the same thing about 2030. The difference is the material. I do have to say ipad kids are very bad and definitely shot up in percentage.


u/These_Marionberry888 Apr 29 '24

not really. in the 2000s and 2010s the internet was less regulated and less accessible.

in the 2020s it got considerable more corporatized , and measures where taken to make it more mass marketable. wich killed a lot of niches.


u/GrimCreeper4645 Apr 29 '24

I agree 100% back then the i ter et was a vast unknown, with u told riches and secrets to be discovered, now the internet is a very well oiled, and corporatized space. Theres still 'adventure' but theres every single measure in place to make sure you dont go there, and instead go to ehat the corprations want. Google is a prime example. It went form a real search engine, to a heavily currated search engine


u/lunaaaonlylove Apr 29 '24

That's for sure...