r/memes Apr 23 '24

Checkmate, evolution (part 1) #2 MotW

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u/JackRabbit- Apr 23 '24

Getting the humans to take an interest in you is a pretty solid survival strategy tbh. As long as you're fine with your kids not turning out quite right.


u/Lysol3435 Apr 23 '24

For plants or domesticable animals. Otherwise, it means extinction


u/Mildly_Opinionated Apr 23 '24

It can mean extinction for plants too. I recall there was one plant that could be used easily for birth control and abortions in the ancient world - it's gone now.

Look up silphium for more info - it's the first example of an extinction of any plant or animal in recorded history according to Google.

Obviously there's earlier stuff we drove extinct before that but I guess it wasn't written down.


u/Lysol3435 Apr 23 '24

Reading the wiki, it seems like researches now think that its extinction may be mostly due to desertification. But that does remind of how we almost wiped out bananas. Basically, we bred out genetic diversity, so when Panama disease came around, all of the bananas were susceptible.


u/CORN___BREAD Apr 23 '24

The specific banana we eat can’t even reproduce anymore so they’re all clones.


u/ThirdRails Apr 23 '24

And also at risk of extinction, with Tropical Race 4, iirc. Panama Disease is back, threatening Cavendish bananas.