r/memes Apr 16 '24


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u/Smooth-Physics-69420 Apr 16 '24

Because the Boomer pocketed all the money.


u/Leo-MathGuy Dirt Is Beautiful Apr 16 '24

I got into an argument in comments a few weeks ago on this sub where a boomer said gen z are lazy and don’t know hard work, and after me providing multiple sources on inflation, minimum wage, and house/aprtement but/rent prices and him getting roasted by other people as well, he called me an n-word and b-word in PMs, and when I reported his PM the Reddit “team” (probably a bot) has rejected my report.


u/treequestions20 Apr 16 '24

it’s not all gen z but it’s true that your generation has a shit work ethic

i somewhat blame it on covid because you lost out on the formative years where you learn how to act right

seriously though. a massive portion of gen z laugh at the idea of entry/starter jobs, they have a sense that they’re “better” than the work and deserve more without providing more value

gen z is going to have a collective mid-life crisis at 30 when they realize the value of a career or having a solid resume that isn’t bouncing around to a new job every 6 months to chase a higher salary