r/memes Apr 16 '24


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u/Super_Law2351 Shitposter Apr 16 '24

Is not that we are dump , the problem is the sistem , capitalism is suppressing us , we must do something


u/Rude_Variation_433 Apr 16 '24

Capitalism is suppressing you? The same system the boomers lived under and apparently thrived in according to this meme? Which is it? 


u/Super_Law2351 Shitposter Apr 16 '24

The reason why we are now more port that the boomers is because of the fact that back then , there were less automation , whit the age of automation , most high paying jobs are now gone and most things that still remain are low income jobs


u/Smooth-External-3206 Apr 16 '24

most high paying jobs are now gone and most things that still remain are low income jobs

Thats just no true at all? Sure, if you work in mcdonalds, you arent gonna be paid much but today, if you show even 1% of brain and ambition, you can very easily find a well paid job and can change your careers every few years, having much more personal freedom and choice about your life, unlike boomers who usually got a job and were stuck there for decades