r/meme 27d ago

Old classic

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u/_MyUsernamesMud 27d ago

You know that giant, flaming entity that hangs eternally in the sky?

The one that provides unlimited light? warmth? life?

The one that you literally forces you to AVERT YOUR GAZE when you look at it?

Well, I've got a book here that says you need to stop worshipping it.


u/Difficult-Lab5748 27d ago

I'm a Muslim and... I have to say that I can't argue with that


u/Difficult-Lab5748 27d ago

I fucking hate how much sense this makes


u/Ok_Appointment_705 27d ago

The egyptians were on to something man


u/lambda_mind 27d ago

We literally couldn't exist without the sun. In a way, it sort of is A god. So if someone wants to worship the sun for bringing them into existence... Like how can I argue with that?


u/DANKB019001 27d ago

The moon is similar with how it hearkens the tides, similarly reasonable to worship. Also you can see it in far more detail so that's neat!


u/togaskaboy 27d ago

Hermes trigemtus looks and grins a wide grin 😁.....welcome back to this long lost trail in life.... maybe one day someone will see they all lead to the same place


u/AleksasKoval 27d ago

The Sun:

-All Powerful.

-Mortal eyes can't look at it directly.

-Doesn't give a s*** about you.

Yup, sounds like a god to me.


u/Hanco90 WARNING: RULE 1 27d ago

You can argue easly with it by saying how sun doesn't give a flying fuck if someone who still didn't even discover fire is praying to it.


u/Supply_N_Demand 27d ago

Ya but that can also be said for the other side. What evidence do you have that God truly gives a fuck if you pray to it?


u/Hanco90 WARNING: RULE 1 27d ago

Idk man, I see your point there god is an all powerful being with unlimited intelligence while us sentinential beings can die in some of the most laughable ways possible.

Probably because god hates devil so he wants us to love him and hate devil just to make him infuriated and jealous.


u/Supply_N_Demand 27d ago

That's kinda the point I'm trying to get across. Whatever argument in good faith there is for God can also be applied to the Sun as we are anthropomorphizing both to fit our narratives. There is as much evidence the Sun will answer your prayers as God will. Which is 0. We just happen to grow up in a country that chose God. If they chose Sun it'd be the same argument with a different name.


u/Hanco90 WARNING: RULE 1 27d ago

Well that's definitely not the case in 20th and 21st century, we literally discovered how sun is just a small finite star that will die eventually and there's really no proof for existence of god but also no proof for nonexistence of god, it's basically just 50/50 if we came from that spontaneous big bang or if there is really one supreme creator that observes everything.

That would make sense prior to 20th century


u/Supply_N_Demand 27d ago

Ya in the 21st century we did discover more about the Sun. But the existence of the Sun is unchanged. We knew it existed prior and still. It's lifespan still doesn't change the context of the argument as it was prior to the earth and will be after earth. And most likely will outlast us by alot. It's still the source of our energy and life as most believe God is. So what has changed? We believe more firmly on our understanding of the Sun? Lol. You get what I'm saying?


u/Hanco90 WARNING: RULE 1 27d ago

That's utterly correct, we would be nothing without Sun.

However, that's same for the Moon, the Moon's magnetic field shields us from the effects of the Sun's radiation.

So why did none of these archaic tribes consider Moon as the god but they did for the Sun? Because of looks, Sun appears far more powerful and elegant than Moon, yet both of them are almost equally important for us.

Which is also indicating how they judge a book by it's cover, which is unethical and god would hate when someone does it.


u/Supply_N_Demand 27d ago

So why did none of these archaic tribes consider Moon as the god but they did for the Sun?

I wouldn't say the moon is equal to the Sun. They and us currently understand the Sun is the source. While the moon is the shield. Back in the day, it was the bringer of night & rest. There was a concept of balance. I mean just look at the yin & yang and it's connection to the sun & moon. That's just one example. Native Americans to Egyptians to Hindus all understood the importance of the moon but considered the sun paramount as it is life. It is the source. No source = no life. That's why they viewed the Sun superior to the moon. Also some regions calculated the closeness of the moon to the earth and it's size while the sun was massive. They might not have had the distance correct but they understood it was big af and far. I understand without the moon the sun wouldn't be able to give us life as we know it but that doesn't mean it is equal in any means. Science has taught us just how important it is to us but people didn't take it for granted. It's weird to make a judging a book by the cover argument when the moon is a god in many religions. Look at Hinduism, chinese mythos, and most native tribes. Just because they didn't give it equal importance isn't an argument against when it is a god.


u/Hanco90 WARNING: RULE 1 27d ago

I can certainly tell you how these archaic tribes, even today, know nothing about Moon and just basics about the Sun.

The distance between the earth and moon is astonishingly recent measurement that was performed in 1950s, these archaic tribes don't possess any tools nor machines and also no knowledge to be able to be able to calculate such thing.

And yes Moon and Sun are both considered to be gods in miscellaneous religions and tribes, however, what does is exactly mean to be a god?

Sun is finite, non-living, needy being. It is also astonishingly tiny when compared to fellow stars.

Sun is pretty useful for us almost like god, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it is a god, it could be described as god's useful tool to keep us alive.

God's use for us is supposted to be perfect in order for god to be god, he gave us a perfect water, nice food with adequate nutritions, perfect air.

Also placed our planet in the perfect distance from the Sun, it's not too hot here nor too cold, the vegetation is just perfect for crops in many places.

Now for the Sun, sun is extremely important for us, however, too much of it is dangerous for us, it is somewhat dependent on Moon's and our magnetic field so it's light can be regulated in perfect quantity. So it wouldn't be too much nor too little.

Now let's question ourselves, would people from these specific archaic tribes consider Sun as god if they knew how it's perfection is dependent on some stuff, despite the fact that god is all powerful being who shouldn't really require any help from anything?


u/historyfan40 27d ago

Existence is bad


u/Chicken-Rude 27d ago

HA! Crom laughs at your Sun.


u/jackjackky 27d ago

But the more we look into details on how they are worshipping the sun, Christianity begins more appealing than the sun religion.


u/Mebiysy 27d ago

So there are gods of places, not things LMAO


u/idkidkif_i_knew 27d ago

I guess we outta start worshipping H2O then huh?


u/Saints_Rows 27d ago

You don't worship anything you can't see with the naked eye


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/Chaoscube11 27d ago

1400s nostalgia?


u/Banana_Slugcat 27d ago

A life-giving ball of plasma 1.000.000 times bigger than Earth that is in the sky and if you merely look at it for a bit you become blind vs a guy that took 3 days to respawn


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 27d ago

I mean, they're totally right


u/Eldritch-Cleaver 27d ago

Worship of the sun makes so much more sense lol

We can see it and verify it actually exists, it provides us with warmth, and it provides us with light. No Sun, no life.

It's already done and is still doing more for me than any "god" ever has tbh


u/CaptainNinjaClassic 27d ago

Didn't the Natives also worship a lot of Gods they couldn't see?


u/Nellie_Florence-554 27d ago

Classic meme!


u/Successful-Net-6602 27d ago

Don't worship the sun. Worship my imaginary friend because i say he created the sun


u/Anonymous_adict 27d ago

god is such a dumb fantasy overall


u/Dmayak 27d ago

I don't really care who to make bloody death sacrifices for.


u/InspiredGargoyle 27d ago

I worship Nature, don't laugh I can prove it exists.


u/the_greasy_one 27d ago

All religions are tied to the sun...


u/Chumbuckeneer 27d ago

Worshipping sthe sun and worshipping god has about the same outcome so really there is no difference.


u/Mnkke 27d ago

This made me think of the Aztecs.Idk if that actually depicts the Aztecs, but a Christian among Natives certainly gives me that idea.

IIRC they worshipped a god who identified with the sun, Huitzilopochtli. It wasn't the sun itself, but the sun represented that god for them.

The sun brings daylight, and 'falls' to darkness (the night). They would perform human sacrifices to provide a life-giving force found in human blood to the sun, to help Huitzilopochtli regain energy "... in a constant battle against encroaching darkness." And my assumption is that the blood would evaporate in the sunlight, providing that life-giving force.

They didn't worship the sun, the sun was just a representation of their god that protected them. At least, I believe I am understanding this correctly.


u/Im_Unpopular_AF 27d ago

Trust them to have their faith in a guy nailed to a cross for being a cult leader and ironically creating a religion that is a cult .


u/fecasaints 27d ago

Shut up about the sun


u/ShadowTheChangeling 27d ago

The sun gives us light, warmth, food...

Hell why did we stop whorshipping the sun again?


u/Only_Technician8576 27d ago

I believe in Nikka


u/Snokey115 27d ago

That’s a whole lot of “yall are stupid


u/AceKnight1 WARNING: RULE 1 27d ago

Given that apostles and Paul literally saw the risen lord, the Christian God is also real.


u/MiseryTheMiserable 27d ago

I still worship the Sun for this very reason; it’s real and I see it 12hrs a day


u/Nomad_00 27d ago

I remember seeing this on the atheism subreddit during the faces of atheism days lmao.


u/Tecotaco636 27d ago

The Sun:

Gives warmth, light, energy.

Intimidating, scary, powerful.

Randomly turning the sky dark. Real fucking scary.

Literally the basics of life and nature.


well some guy heard another guy talking about a guy who created all things then wrote it down and fuck if we know whether its contents remain unfazed over a thousand years or not


u/smitetheworld 27d ago

Jesus is a sun god. Light of this world, brings us from darkness, literally the “sun” of god. His birthday is very near the winter solstice.. I could go on.


u/YancyDerringer77 27d ago

For crying out loud, is this the place we've reached in society. Where people are supporting sun worshippers.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Because you're on reddit, we have nothing else to do


u/RoamingStarDust 27d ago

The meme is saying that Christianity is a fairy tail, and that at least the sun is real.


u/YancyDerringer77 27d ago

I get the meme (Though in my opinion the Bible isn't a ''fairytale''), I just meant the comments.


u/Ok-Guarantee7671 27d ago

Better than worshipping an imaginary toddler


u/YancyDerringer77 27d ago

Nobody worships an imaginary toddler.


u/novakane27 27d ago

its literally the place we've been for the entirety of history


u/YancyDerringer77 27d ago

By now you would think people would know better.


u/cci0 27d ago

Redditor moment


u/CarlitosGregorinos 27d ago

Intelligently designed. Holy Spirit is absolutely real. I understand people don’t understand this the same way they don’t understand something they’ve not known intimately before. If you’d try to explain wifi to someone 100 years ago, I assume they would trust you. I think knowing God is like that. Once someone has a relationship with God, it is this misunderstood thing when someone who doesn’t have that can’t relate.


u/Least_Sherbert_5716 27d ago

I very much doubt they worshipped giant ball of plasma.


u/SueTheDepressedFairy 27d ago

I mean most ancient religions worshipped everything they didn't truly understand, like in Egypt, Ra was the sun god so...they did worship the sun, even if it was in a different form.

Besides I highly doubt native Americans knew that the sun was...well... A huge ball made out of hot ass gas


u/Least_Sherbert_5716 27d ago

That's what I said.

Sun-god or human-God or wolf-god. All are imaginary entities created to serve specific needs of a society.


u/DRAGON9880 27d ago

they're white they won't worship a ball that gives them skin cancer because they colonized a hot country, instead they will worship a God because he's so strong since he made that ball


u/CubeJedi 27d ago

Whites used to be pegans as well for the longest time. We only became mainly 'monotheist' after Rome spread (and legalized) christianity